"Although you like to expose your hobbies, please don't say it, okay?"

"So Archer, you didn't ask about this kind of thing. I thought Archer would be very interested in it. Could it be that you are not interested in Miss Killing Academy?"

If there were no previous incidents, Shirou might have appreciated the beauty of Sasei-in if he hadn't maintained a high level of vigilance.This kind of beauty is like poppies, as long as you get stuck in it, you can't get rid of it, no matter whether it's a man or a woman.

This is where the horror of the killing courtyard lies.Those who don't know her will quickly fall into the trap of taking all men and women she has constructed.

"Of course I'm not interested in her. I only like those who are younger than me. The one who can be called my brother or senior is the best, and the big breasts are barely acceptable. Closer to home, although we want to invite you to join, master, please be sure to join me. Be careful with her, she is a very dangerous woman."

Slightly nodded, Bai Ye asked curiously: "Archer, do you know her well?"

Shirou couldn't help but cast a haze on his face.

The sudden attack almost overwhelmed Shirou.If there is no help from the blackened archer, Shirou will really be taken away by the pot.

"That's it."

As a master, Bai Ye is a very qualified master, and she didn't think too much about whether Shirou's statement was concealed.Since Shirou has said so, there is nothing wrong with taking more precautions against Kiara Sesseiin.

The school building is not big, and it is never a good choice to go out and hang out.Not long after Bai Ye went downstairs, he saw the nun and asked her to join the student union.

"Really?" Kiara Shaseiin shook his head regretfully, "I'm sorry. I admitted that it was impossible, and gave up from the bottom of my heart. That's the thing. Even so, I tried to look out I escaped. But with my power, it is only enough to open a hole. The moment I go out, my power will be wiped out without even guaranteeing my own form. The same is true for my servant. I It is not powerful enough. However, if it is Leo-san or Hakuno-san's servant, maybe it can. At that time, if Hakuno-san can escape, will you leave me without pain?"

Bai Ye quickly shook his head.

She couldn't abandon other people's actions.

Even if she is not a partner of justice, she cannot abandon others with peace of mind.This is normal behavior.This is why Shirou was able to accept his own master.

In fact, if you really want to say it, a Master who is not as good as Shirou is likely to be hacked to death by him as soon as he is summoned.For example, in the Red and Black Holy Grail War, a certain assassin master dragon brother who died before he appeared on the stage.

"But don't worry, I will support you. Even if I have to protect myself first, I still want to help you a little bit. Andersen, do you hear me? Even if it is vulgar, your criticism will be of some use. ?”

Andersen, the world-famous fairy tale writer?

Bai Ye looked in surprise at the blue-haired boy who came out from behind the killing courtyard.In the Holy Grail War, the servant's real name must be hidden first.The real name can be said to be a life-saving talisman. As long as the real name is not exposed, it is possible to rely on the cards to turn the tables.

Could this be giving up the Holy Grail War?

"Hmph, you guessed right, we are going to give up the Holy Grail War. A third-rate servant, Andersen, is a vulgar heroic spirit suitable for the worst master."

Shirou couldn't help holding Andersen's hand emotionally.

"As a third-rate follower, what you said is really good. You really deserve to be a fairy tale writer who wrote such classics as Little Matches That Sell Girls, and you have made it clear."

Andersen originally wanted to criticize Shaseiin.

But this top-level follower who suddenly appeared in front of him—perhaps an exceptional-level follower who claimed to be third-rate, he really beeped the dog.

"Vulgar, vulgar, vulgar! Vulgar! How ridiculous. The stupid guy wants to continue pretending to be a third-rate follower in front of me. Are you mocking me for being a nine-rate follower?"

This man is really unfriendly.

Shirou couldn't help but glanced at him, secretly remembering this great fairy tale writer.The thorns in this man's words can be compared with Lu Xun's.

"I'm really third rate."

Andersen also had no choice but to ignore Shirou's thick-skinned, and looked at Bai Ye: "Your servant, really...forget it, since this woman wants me to give you some advice, then you should listen to it."

"Don't trust others. Don't trust women. Especially this woman, you must avoid it. Body, speech, thought, ending, everything is poison to ordinary people."

Kiara pretended to be a little sad, but his face was flushed, as if he was excited.

"Really, it's too much to say. Come back, Andersen."

Andersen returned to Seshoin Kiara like a Pokémon, and he didn't know where he went.

"In short, I will help you. Please don't take what Andersen said to heart. Although he has a very poisonous tongue, he is actually a good person by nature."

"Really?" Bai Ye quietly wiped his forehead.

If it weren't for Shirou, this kind of poisonous tongue might really be incurable.

If it were any other servant, they might have rushed forward and slashed at each other long ago.

"If that's the case, then I won't bother you." Bai Ye felt that it seemed impossible for Saseiin to join the student union with him, so he had no choice but to say goodbye to her.

"and many more!"

Shirou stood up.

If he ran away now, he would still be a little unwilling, at least he would have to talk more.

"Mr. Killing Academy, I think..."

"Huh?" Seshoin was a little surprised, but when he saw Shirou's performance, he blushed a little, "Why, what's the matter?"

"Can you teach us some poses, ah no, knowledge?"

Shirou's eyes were burning with enthusiasm.

Chapter 11 I want to get off!

"Pose?" Kiara Seshoin opened his eyes wide, a little shy, "Although your servant has a very honest face, it seems that he is very keen on it?"

Seshoin's cheeks were flushed, and his hands were intertwined, as if he was very experienced.

"Archer..." Hakuno looked at Shirou resentfully, you want to green me?

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