How stupid to teach her such a unique skill, so that she was attacked so powerfully.

"Student Bai Ye, are you so rough? I am a little worried that I will be treated like this by Bai Ye." Although the killing institute said so, he still walked up to Bai Ye, "Please be sure to treat me so roughly."

Bai Ye couldn't help complaining crazily to the two of them.

These two people are really, a little bit of that.

"Okay, it was just a joke just now. I want to ask, Ms. Saseiin, is there any spells that can be taught?"

Although Hakuno was a little dissatisfied with Shirou's operation, he still cherished this opportunity.

"A spell?"

Killing Academy seemed to be in a bit of a bind.

Speaking of which, spells are magic on earth, and it is very complicated to learn.In fact, Shirou also consulted El-Melloi II and wanted to learn some magic.

Then El-Melloi II's discerning eye told him that he was only suitable for projection magic...

But here, Shirou has a little possibility.

Because the technique is like a computer program, it can be directly installed on a person!

"But the only technique I know is the one just now."

"Then, let's forget it." Bai Ye shook his head.

The installation of the spell is not as difficult as magic, but there is a prerequisite - that is, the original owner will lose the spell.Art is not something like knowledge that can be passed on and cannot be lost.

She can't be so selfish in taking the only thing from the other party.

"Just kidding. Student Bai Ye is really kind. I still have other spells. Then, let me think about it. The branch of the Five Stopping Mind Contemplation spell will be passed on to you forever. It's nothing special The technique is only able to pick out the deposits in the gap between the hearts that I can't even detect."

Even if Saseiin said so, Bai Ye still had some doubts.

"It sounds like this thing is very powerful. It's really not a particularly important technique, nor is it your only technique?"

"Really, but, Bai Ye, you also have to pay some price."

"So, Miss Shaseiyuan, what is the price?"

"The price is—"

Shirou managed to slow down.

Bai Ye was taught this poking eye technique, but in the end he suffered from it himself. It's really, really terrible.

Then he opened his eyes.

Killing Yuan kissed Bai Ye, and was still in the middle of a deep kiss.

Shirou couldn't help shaking his body.

Then he pulled out the camera.

Chapter 12 I Like You?

"thanks for treatment."

Seshoin wiped his lips, looking at Bai Ye who was blushing and in a daze.

The delicacy just now seemed to be still lingering between the lips, and the aftertaste made Shasei even lick his lips.So pleasing, so pleasing.When helping others, it can even make human beings (myself) happy.This is the meaning of her redemption of others.

Shirou also recited a sentence silently in his heart, and quickly projected the photo on the printer and printed it out.

In that photo, the hands of Sashoin are like the wings of a swan, lovingly wrapping Bai Ye, and like a serpent winding around the holy wood, hugging Bai Ye tightly.A girl, and a young man, so wrapped in love, combined with lily-like innocence.


The beautiful Baiye and the killing courtyard are surrounded together, that is to say, two parts of happiness are entangled together!These two pieces of happiness would have brought more happiness, but how could it be like this?

Shirou was not happy at all, and even felt a little heavier on his head.

Why is this?

No matter what, he is not going to let Killing Academy and Bai Ye get in touch again.

The perfect photo was held by Shirou in his hands, and Shirou couldn't help but attract his eyes again.Really, really good.

If the photo is replaced by Illya and Miyu or Xiao Hei.

Shirou held his nose.

no more.He wants to lose all his blood and die, becoming the most shameful Archer.

Forget it, shame on him, who made him a third-rate servant.

"Mr. Archer, if possible, can you give me a photo too?" Saseiin couldn't help looking at the photo in Shirou's hand with some excitement.

That photo also made Killing Academy very interested.Her soft wave was transmitted from the end of the eyes to Shirou.However, Shirou turned his head cruelly.

Go to guna every year.

Unless you call me Senior or Oni Sauce, and then make it tender, there may be a chance, no, there is a good chance, please do it!

"Well." Shirou was thinking about how to prevaricate Seshouin, when Hakuno rushed over and tore the photo in half.

The angry Hakuno seemed to be covered with a layer of flames, trying to grab the camera in Shirou's other hand.

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