Rin seemed to be stopped by the question for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he answered in a low voice, as if embarrassed, said: "Although you can't become stronger, at least the enemy can become weaker. Isn't this just becoming stronger in disguise?"

Leo also knew through the video that this enemy program is too strong for Shirou to deal with now, and persuaded: "Archer, that's it, come back first. This enemy has some strength."

"Also, this hostile program is different from the lancer just now, it needs to rely on hard power," Gao Wen analyzed, "It's very difficult for you who have fallen to the bottom level."

Shirou couldn't help but nodded: "It seems to make sense."

It is true that the hostile program is different from ordinary servants, probably at the level of a C-level servant, but under the premise of level suppression, it is completely a monster. It is spherical in shape, strong in defense, and not bad in attack. .

If Gao Wen was downgraded to Shirou's level, he would have to surrender and give money.

Rin breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that he could get money, and finally his dry wallet could be nourished, and patted his chest confidently: "So, you should be obedient——"

"However, I refuse."

Shirou shook his finger.

I saw Shirou raised his double swords and rushed towards the hostile program.

Hard power, right?

Eat my crane wings three times!

The hostile program didn't respond. According to its calculation, the possibility of the enemy rushing over is only [-]%.In other words, if it was an alpha dog on earth many years ago, it would be to the extent that it could directly throw a ball and admit defeat.This is entirely due to the large gap between the enemy and us, which caused it to only count the coin toss, but did not expect Shirou to be a reckless man, so he rushed up directly.

The twin swords that were the forerunner arrived around the hostile program, but the hostile program reacted at the speed of light, smashing the flying twin swords in no time.

"Tch, your Noble Phantasm was also easily wiped out by the hostile program, and you're still so embarrassed." Although Shirou didn't expect Shirou to charge so forcefully, but seeing the hostile program blocked the attack, he breathed a sigh of relief and sneered.

Even the weapon is broken, what else can I say, I can't get another one...

Shirou smiled.

This is just the beginning.

Swords appeared in both hands again.


"Mental skill is Taishan!"

The double knives were thrown out again, surrounding the hostile program.

"What? Again, double swords?" Rin was surprised, she had never heard of so many treasures.

Shirou didn't answer, the sword in his hand appeared again, this is already the third pair of double swords.The standard starting move of the Crane Wing Triple Company has been completed.

The hostile program has been outflanked by the second pair of swords from the rear, and Shirou is now attacking from the front.This formed a corner-to-corner trend.In other words, it is a circle!

However, Rin saw Shirou's weakness at this time.

Shirou's operation showed up like a flower, sweeping the audience, but if the hostile program stabbed head-on at this time and exchanged injuries for injuries, it would be impossible for Shirou to stop it.His frontal attack ability is absolutely not enough to destroy the enemy's program just by relying on the C+ rank go-getter Mo Xie.

"Enemy program, frontal attack!"

The hostile program immediately received the order and rushed forward like a bison.As long as Shirou doesn't give up the offensive, then he will suffer severely!


Shirou pulled out a gaebolg.

"The spear that pierces the dead thorn."

The hostile program was breached head-on, and then GG was played.

Although the hostile program is very powerful, generally speaking it is impossible to break through, but this game has no health bar after all, as long as it hits the vital point, victory can still be expected. Shirou's ultimate move is Wang Jiang's Death Thorn Spear.

The good brother helped him in the end.

Moreover, the flexibility of the hostile program is completely insufficient, without the powerful ability of the servant, so Shirou's leapfrog killing is completely normal.

This is the basic operation of the protagonist!

Rin opened her mouth wide.

Is there such a strategy?

But, what is even more amazing is, what kind of arms is this?It doesn't matter if you take out the sword, why did you take out the gun?Is this archer!

"Your next sentence is, are you really an archer?" Shirou shook his finger and sneered.

He has seen this kind of routine a lot.

Being ridiculed by Shirou like this, Rin calmed down a little.

"It seems that I underestimated you?"

"It's good to have this self-awareness." Shirou felt that he had a great advantage and danced very well.

With a blank face, Rin summoned another hostile program.

Seeing Rin doing this, Shirou sighed.

"It's useless, let me tell you, all hostile programs are weak..."

Shirou's words paused, and he carefully examined the current strength of the enemy.

Wait, the level of the enemy is, level 70?

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