Lancer turned around without hesitation.

Now there is no chance of winning.Especially under Rin's hands.

"Goodbye, Rin. I had a lot of fun with you, but that's all. Third-rate servants and squirrel masters over there, don't think you've won!"

Lancer ran away in a flash.The running speed is very fast.

But Shirou didn't bother to chase after him.If the opponent is not going to fight with him, he will chase after him desperately, and fighting Lancer will be thankless.

Besides, lancer seems to have the ability to be resurrected.This is very tricky.

"Rin, now your servant has also escaped. Now you have surrendered, and you still have the position of vice student council president. Isn't it wonderful that the country is peaceful and the people are safe?" Shirou extended an invitation to Rin.

The words of the vice president of the student union are not empty words.Leo had admired Rin before—although there was a hostile relationship between them, it was not a personal grudge, but a conflict of ideas.The position of vice president is also vacant in the student union, because no one is suitable to be the vice president.

Julius is a qualified dark man who is good at gathering intelligence and even assassination. He is also Leo's older brother. In theory, it is no problem to be the vice president of the student council.But Leo secretly revealed that Julius's management ability is rotten.

As for the rest...

It seems that only Bai Ye can barely use it, and it is only suitable for fighting.

Although Shen Er knows how to use computers, his EQ is low, and the rest is dead house and crazy.

Rin raised his head, looking at Shirou and Hakuno with blank eyes.

"It seems that I need to punish it. Otherwise, Rin doesn't know how difficult it is to be magnanimous." Bai Ye thrust his waist, and took out the sgs he had captured in succession before, "First of all, the disagreement with Archer legitimate relationship."

"?" Shirou blinked.

"Ahem, I was wrong. First of all, it is money worship."

"Huh? What, what? Worship of money, what's wrong!" Rin, who had given up on treatment, suddenly became excited.

"What's wrong can be discussed later, but the next thing has to continue. Secondly, Tsundere!"

"Tsundere? What, what? I'm just doing what I like. It's my duty as a human being to be my own ruler, right?"

"You're just being lazy, right?"


Rin was silent for a while, then decided to shut up.

Bai Ye took out the last sg.

"The last is the desire to belong."

"Ahhhhh! Shut up! No road race! You can't do this or that. No part of your body belongs to you. Isn't it good to live without dignity?"

Hakuno held out his hand to Shirou.

Shirou froze for a moment, only to see Hakuno's hand pointing at his glasses.

Shirou handed it over, and Hakuno raised his level of knowledge and began to educate Rin: "Restore my sanity! You capitalist bitch!"

"Mother, bitch?"

Bai Ye pushed his glasses: "Money worship, arrogance, not frank, not straightforward, plus wanting to be enslaved, subordinate to others, and lose one's true freedom. This is completely in line with capitalist values ​​and is wrong. , It needs to be criticized! Because money has become the omnipotent dominator, so you worship money, because of worshiping money, in fact, your body and mind are enslaved by money, your thoughts are materialized, and you are giving up your freedom!"

"I, give up my freedom?" Rin looked at Bai Ye, dumbfounded.

"That's right, you gave up your freedom. You gave up your dignity, you gave up your liberation, you gave up your freedom. You lowered your head and became a slave to money; duplicity is actually acting like a baby! Come back quickly and change back to the original look! Take responsibility for me!"

Shirou was moved and wiped away tears.

Another great fighter stood up against the tyranny of capitalism.

He completely forgot that this was the result of his own teaching.

"Ah ah ah - well, I'll be responsible! That's it! I'll beat you up when I go out!" Rin finished speaking angrily, and suddenly laughed again, "But, no matter what, Thank you, Hakuno. I finally woke up."

Seeing that Rin was finally willing to admit his mistake, Hakuno finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, a girl suddenly walked out from the side.

"Ah, it's really boring, did it end like this?"

A purple-haired girl with the same face as Sakura.

"Such a scene. It's not good at all. Although it was carefully prepared by senior, I'm sorry. I still have to kill Rin."

"You, are you the voice on the roof swallowed by the shadows?"

"Huh? Looks like senior still remembers. Yes, I am the real Queen of the Moon who framed you to the inner side of the moon."

The girl with the same face as Sakura smiled.

Chapter 41 Magical Girl Sakura (BB)?

A true Queen of the Moon.

That's what the girl in front of her called herself.

Purple hair, black clothes, no matter how you look at that face, it looks like Sakura. Could it be that Sakura is the one who framed them to come to the inner side of this month?

"Sakura?" Shirou asked subconsciously, "Could it be that under Sakura's gentle appearance, there really is some unknown dark secret hidden?"

"Archer?" The girl looked at Shirou with some trouble, then at Hakuno, "Even though I am a servant, I still have the power of a senior. In this case, I will have two seniors."

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