Thus, Lani's three secrets are all extracted.

"This is... my, last secret. Is it? I also have unexplainable paranoia. Well, I agree that I have a desire to show myself. But——I definitely don't agree with you. Especially It's Kishinami Hakuno and Archer!"

Lani said harsh words, and finally disappeared.

There are still 22 hours left.

Too easy.

Unbelievably easy.

"The protection set by BB is really weak. Maybe we are too strong?" Shirou said with a wicked sense of humor.

At this moment, a piece of music flashed past Shirou's ear.

"———————? (BBCHANNEL?)"

"Welcome·to·probing·grounds! It's a pity, watch your step! The assault-type variety against (casual/careless/nonpolitical) seniors scurrying around in minefields—the unreasonable and inevitable BBCHANNEL, begins! "

The image caught Shirou's field of vision, and the surroundings disappeared completely.

I can't feel my hands, I can't move my feet, and all my nerves have been severed.

If the enemy makes a move at this time, he will die!

"Good day, senior! Come on, you must return your greetings! One or two, you who are full of energy—good!"

Bai Ye tried to communicate: "You, okay?"

"I'm lying to you, I can't hear you at all~! Are you shy to say hello loudly in an empty passageway?"

"I believe it." Bai Ye complained, "So, is this the last interference you made to save Lani's defeat?"

"Well, who knows, women's hearts are always full of mysteries. Who knows what BB thinks?" Shirou said.

"Really, the two seniors are complaining, it's annoying. Can't you be quiet and obedient?"

"BB, it's really real-time communication, right?" Bai Ye caught BB's loophole, "It must be!"

BB pretended to speak righteously: "...No!"

Chapter 50 Melting Lilith

"Not in real time!"

BB said confidently.

"If you say this, do you believe it?"

"Ah, by the way, neither this studio nor the BBC HANNEL can be destroyed. It's useless to do it. It's better to say that no matter what you do, it's useless." BB ignored Shirou's complaints , Pretending to be a recording and broadcasting.

"Let senior lose his memory and let servants initialize, BB-chan is really a super beauty. Although senior has found a way to crack it, and even captured Lani, it is useless. You can struggle as much as you want, struggle Right! Senior, no, the principle of human action is too difficult for me to understand, it’s really getting more and more interesting! Sure enough, the rules of mooncell are wrong. I can’t play with such a fun human (toy) or something. Such a waste."

BB said scary words, but he seemed to be smiling unconsciously.

The fear of being deprived of the scene in front of him slowly disappeared, and Shirou tried hard to find out if he could escape from the image.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu to speak out.

"Give up, Rin. Your struggle won't work. I've locked your permission to speak, so it's useless to say whatever you say. And it's kind of me not to kill you. If I didn't want to see it then Senior's wonderful expression, hum..."

"Sure enough, it's still real-time?"

Bai Ye asked.

BB was silent for a while, and even the channel turned into snowflakes.

"Did you leave? Didn't you just get asked twice?" Shirou couldn't help blinking, and a huge seaweed head appeared in front of him.

Seaweed Head's expression was very serious, it could even be said to be distorted.

The face distorted due to anxiety finally showed surprise at this moment: "Bai Ye, and Archer, are you there! Can you hear me? Are you there!"

"Buzai, gun."

Shirou answered Shinji's question decisively.

Hearing their voices, Shen Er breathed a sigh of relief: "Since you entered, there has been no movement for two hours. Ms. Killing Academy is completely messing around! If I hadn't just found a thing called BBchannel that suddenly appeared , It’s really hard for me to find you. Huh, but the system of mooncell is really rubbish. The encapsulation of things like BBchannel is really bad, hahahahahaha. I cracked it in just a second..."

"Okay, I know you're amazing. Then how do we get out?" Shirou interrupted Shinji.

"Uh, this..." Shen Er got stuck, "Ahahaha, oh, that's right. I've also canceled Lani's restraint by the way. You don't need to attack the wall of the heart. Come back quickly! It’s also released for you.”

The image suddenly disappeared from Shirou's eyes. To be precise, it turned into a small window with Lani lying on the ground beside it.The surrounding area is the third floor, which is still the same as when Rin was defeated before.Killing Academy had already left first.


"Yes, it's lifted. Run quickly. The one called BB has a bit powerful authority. The next opponent, you probably will be very difficult to deal with. Come back quickly &*%...*&"

The communication has been cut off, and it is needless to say who the person who cut off is, and there is no need to say.

BB smiled, not as leisurely as before.

"Dare to cut off my BB channel, you guys are really bold, seniors. Tsk tsk, you're going to interrupt me with just one program." BB said angrily, and there were two people around him who looked exactly like BB, except for their stature. Different people stood up.

"But seniors who don't understand people's hearts, it's better to let BB's newly created clones punish them. These two are alterego. I am in charge of mental work, and they are in charge of physical work. It is worth mentioning that they are still very strong Oh. After all, it’s full of servant information of “a certain series” obtained from the mooncell. In other words, these children are hero complexes. Elizabeth and the like are just for fun.”

Shirou carried Lani back calmly and handed it to Hakuno.

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