The spire kept gliding across Shirou's body, and these attacks were barely blocked by Shirou.But that attack has a special ability, and even exudes something like a sword.

Completely different from any martial art kicks, Lilith's current attack can even be said to violate the principles of martial arts.Without a solid lower plate, the legs completely violate the limits of the human body.

alterego itself has been transformed.

This is probably the reason why such exaggerated movements can burst out of her body.

But this kind of action is unscientific, and it cannot defend Shirou's attack.There is a huge gap between the legs, this is the opportunity!Shirou will never give up!

"Please don't be so perverted, Miss Alterego." Shirou stabbed at a certain part of her without warning.

It doesn't matter if you are called a pervert.

It would be even better if he could beat her to give up her sexual interest by the way.

But Lilith didn't dodge at all, even though the knife was pointing at a very delicate place, she still swung her legs and slashed down.

Did he fight too little, so he didn't realize this flaw?

Guessing subconsciously, he turned sideways to the limit, and Shirou inserted the sword into Lilith's body.

"Is it cool down there?"

However, Lilith's expression did not show fear or pain at all, but joy?

"No, it's not cool. I can already imagine the feeling of the holy sword piercing into the body. It's very hot."

"You, are you not injured?" Shirou hurriedly backed away.

Not right, so wrong.

Is this really, regular stuff?

"Of course. Do you understand? I am invincible and indestructible. In the mooncell, nothing can hurt me. Smart as you, you must know this. Victory is impossible, and escape is impossible."

Lilith pulled out the blade and threw it aside.

"As long as I'm invincible, you can't protect the people behind you. Archer, give up that master."

But behind this is Bai Ye, the girl who always smiles in the face of fear.

Just where is the chance of victory?

"Archer, are you connected, hello, hello!"

The voice of a friend in his ear finally made Shirou heave a sigh of relief.As long as Shen Er can intervene, it means that they really have the possibility of escape.

"I heard it. Shinji, can you bring us back?"

The sound of the keyboard came and went, and Shen Er quickly operated, even unable to answer.

Lilith rushed over again at this moment.Shirou took another step forward slightly, blocking in front of Hakuno and the others like a shield.

As long as he is here, Lilith will definitely not want to hurt Bai Ye at all!

"Your goal will not be achieved. As long as I am here, it is impossible for you to hurt Bai Ye. And answer you clearly. I will definitely not respond to your expectations. If you want delusions, go elsewhere , such as bed, I think it is very suitable for you. It is best to choose at noon."

Lilith smiled, and flung her legs and feet towards Shirou again.

"That's right, that's great. There's no problem at all. Because, this is already decided. Pierce you with my feet and inject the honey of the melt. Then you will be mine.

very simple, right?It is no longer necessary to listen to human beings.It exists freely in the mooncell forever.

And—hehe.Your answer is also great.Exactly as I expected, Archer.I was born with a sadistic physique.The heart is frozen.So - if you don't kill it, you can't burn it.I want to completely kick the unwilling you to the ground! "

Shirou frowned.

He should have thought earlier that this person is a pervert.Against Sakura's face, he did something that Sakura would never do.

But the problem is that you can't beat it!

"Hey, Emiya, did you hear that? I have received interference from the alterego field here, so it will take some time. How long can you last there?"

"How long do you need?" Shirou asked quickly.

"5 points, oh no, 3 minutes. Just give me three minutes." Shen Er replied.

The speed of typing on the keyboard became even faster.

But the sound of this keyboard is very reassuring.

"too slow!"

Lilith rushed forward, and Shirou tried his best to support her.

But such support will definitely not last long.

This is already using the limit of skills to support the attack.

Skills can make up for lack of strength, but absolutely cannot change the situation.

This is the principle of breaking all laws with one force.

"Lilith, do you know that a great archer once did a great thing." Shirou said leisurely, "he is a Persian, very wise. Although he may be slightly weaker in melee combat among archers , but as an archer is definitely excellent."

"Archer, what are you going to say?"

"I learned nothing from him but the last great deed of his life. Would you like to see it?"

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