"In this case, let's proceed according to the original policy. Of the two people who were rescued, Rin will be the vice president, and Rani will be the accountant—even though Rani is still awake. Bai Ye will continue to take the lead, and the rest will be as usual." Leo arranged, "Of course, there will also be obstacles from the BB who dragged us here. This requires all members to repel it together. Generally speaking, these are the problems. Objection?"

Sakura stood up and raised her head to look at everyone: "I...want to be everyone's strength. Although I and BB are the same type of machine, everyone may not trust me..."

"Don't worry. We will trust you. As an AI, you have such a high degree of completion. Your help for such a long time, as the student council president, I must thank you."

Everyone agreed with Leo's words.And after suffering together for such a long time, if she wants to strike, Sakura has a lot of opportunities.She will not betray.

The corners of Sakura's eyes were a little wet, she nodded and returned to her original position.She just needs to keep doing her job to be the biggest reward.

"I also have something to say here, about Lilith." Rin raised his hand, "That alterego is almost invincible and extremely powerful."

"I've heard about it here too. It's a very tricky enemy." Leo's expression turned ugly, "Even Gawain can't cause any damage. Invincibility can't be cracked, it seems to be authority."

"Then please use radio interference. At least Lilith can't find Bai Ye and Archer."

Leo nodded: "I wrote down this proposal, it's a very good suggestion. You are very skilled, Rin."

"Yes. I hide my position in order to make it difficult for BB or ego to attack Hakuno. After all, I have also worked in the guerrillas for a long time. Is this common sense?" Rin is not proud of the praise, which is why it makes people Very reassuring.

"Guerrillas?" Shirou asked curiously, "You're still a member of the guerrillas?"

"Well, I led some of the guerrillas who fought against the Western European chaebol. But let's not talk about that, after all, Leo and I are now allies."

Shirou nodded and asked:

"Who is our enemy and who is our friend."

"This question is the first question of the revolution!"

Rin subconsciously answered.

She froze for a moment, and suddenly tears welled up in her eyes.It turns out that there are friends everywhere.

"Are you gay too?" Rin asked excitedly, taking out a small red book.

Shirou took Rin's hand: "Of course, Comrade Rin. But, I would like to ask you to explain why you, a socialist revolutionist, also have money worship sg?"

Chapter 55 Shen Er also wants to be 25!

"This, this... Everyone has their own preferences. They like things like money. The reason why I am sg is because I am too embarrassed to say it directly!" Rin immediately put her arms around her chest and made a guard "It's you, don't you also have the special attribute of female distress? That alterego called Melting Lilith is chasing you."

Shirou couldn't help shivering a little when he thought about it.

How does it feel to be chased by a slut? --I have the heart to want to die.

"Don't talk anymore. That woman who sticks like brown sugar and can't be beaten to death, what should I do?"

"Oh? Then can you kill that person named Lilith, if you have the chance?" Rin asked.

Even if Lilith has Sakura's face, Shirou, it's really hard to do.

Who asked her to bear this face? Shirou tried his best not to do such things as killing hands.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work, right?" Rin grabbed Shirou's sore foot, and concentrated the fire on Shirou's body without showing any trace.

With no difficulty, she moved Shirou's topic here.

Hakuno also looked at Shirou.

She pulled La Shilang and asked for an explanation.

"Haha, this, who knows. Depending on the situation, I will try my best to kill." Shirou replied against his will.

"That alterego's kindness to Archer is really curious." Leo said with a smile, and there seemed to be some other meaning hidden in his words.

"It's better to say that archer is that good? From my point of view, it's just a pretentious, annoying, and talkative servant. Ah. By the way, I have a similar acquaintance. On the ground as an instructor for military training A guy who has been here for a month. His vibe is exactly the same as yours, Archer. Ah, he seems to be younger. I don’t know how that guy is doing. It seems that he joined the rescue team of some large-scale fire accident. "Rin scratched his head, recalling with some distress, "I always feel that you have something to do with each other. You are both partners of justice, but your skin is darker than yours."

Shirou naturally shook his head.

On this earth, he left no trace.If there is, it can only be left by myself in this parallel world.

In this way, whether it's this world, Gudazi's world, or the mooncell's world, I will walk the path of being a righteous partner.Even though she once gave up her dream for her sister, she still couldn't help stretching out her hands.

"So, what's his name?" Leo took out a small notebook.

"Che, Leo, do you think I'll tell you? Although that guy didn't join the guerrillas or anything, it's not my style to expose my friends."

Leo smiled and said nothing.

After a while, Rin took Leo to process the data, trying to find Lilith's weakness.

Bai Ye and Shirou moved Rani to the health room and asked Sakura to give her a good treatment.

Lani has been under BB's control for a longer period of time, so it will take longer for her to recover.

"Sakura, do you know anything about BB and those two alteregos?" Shirou asked, "If it's your avatar, maybe you have a little impression?"

Sakura shook her head, and replied with some embarrassment: "Although it is said to be the same machine, it is not a clone. If you really want to compare it, BB and I belong to the same prototype and have different AIs, but alterego is inherited by BB. The structure that came out. In this case, I have no way to associate with it. At most, I can only use the authority to prevent BB from invading the school building, that's all."

After sitting for a while, Shirou projected a mirror and took a good look at himself.

It's just that he's pretty good-looking, so why did he kill three times with one shot and attract Lilith again?And BB also seems to be interested in him, calling himself senior for no reason.

Or simply, do one thing and keep doing it, take advantage of the difficult appearance of a woman, come to be a 25-year-old boy, and then have a perfect backstab, and kill BB and Lilith in one go.

As for the Killing House...

The woman's posture of staying still, although her intelligence may not be outrageously high, but her strategy is very frightening.Steady, planned, hidden behind the scenes.Even if you are careful, you will be hard to guard against.

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