That one virus, Matou Shinji, actually dropped his level to the initial level 0.In this way, not only the squirrel master was not killed, but even the archer was not able to snatch it.

It can only be re-leveled.

Absorb the hostile program, create, absorb again, and create again, until the level returns to 999, she will kill that hateful human being and snatch Archer away.

There are not many hostile programs around, and this is not a good place for leveling.

Back to the second floor, or what?

"How pitiful."

A mysterious female voice came quietly.

The pink smoke shrouded the maze again. It was the life-saving smoke that allowed Archer and Bai Ye to escape!


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Kiara Kiara smiled and walked out of the smoke, "I didn't expect Miss Lilith to be so fragile."

"What are you going to do, Saseiin? No matter how weak I am, you have no right to laugh at me. Besides, have you forgotten? You still have a contract with BB, and you are not allowed to shoot at BB. shot."

"The contract with BB? Of course I remember it."

Saseiin kept smiling, the charm in his voice was indeed extremely alluring.

Lilith let down her vigilance and looked at the killing courtyard.

The writer next to her, Andersen, even at level 99, she has no pressure.

This kind of garbage without combat power is not scary at all.

"The one who assisted Archer to leave before, I think it was you, Killing Academy. Hmph, you are really brave."

Lilith sneered, "Tricking things up behind your back, do you think I dare not do anything to you?"

"Of course it's impossible. Miss Lilith, you are completely powerless right now. I'm watching, hehe."

Only then did Lilith feel a little wary.

"What are you talking about? Killing Academy, are you going to break the contract?"

"No. Because, this is not an act of breaking the contract. As long as I don't attack you, it will be fine, but this does not mean that absorption and integration are not allowed."

Shashengyuan, who was wearing a nun's attire, twisted her orchid fingers and smiled charmingly.

The golden halo beside her enveloped her, and in this charm, she revealed a bit of holiness.Sacred but makes it even more charming.

"All colors are sluggish."

Lilith's body was instantly twisted, attracted by a powerful force.

"No, what are you doing!"

"Let you experience happiness, happy alterego." Killing the courtyard wiped the corner of his mouth and closed his spell.

Lilith fell into the pink cave, which was more terrifying than a black hole.

A black hole shreds an object the moment it enters it.But her sluggishness will make the inhaled soul immersed in joy and happiness forever.


"thanks for treatment."

Andersen snorted coldly: "A woman who only knows about greed and taking, got a fat sadist. So, Shaseiyuan, are you happy doing this?"

"Of course. I did this because of happiness, and I helped Archer because of happiness." Killing Academy narrowed his eyes.


Shirou ran forward with Hakuno.

Lilith's agility is very high and her speed is very fast.Even if he fell to the first level, after running for so long, he must have run a long way.

But there was a killing courtyard ahead.

"Miss Killing Academy, why are you here? Have you seen Lilith?" Bai Ye asked quickly, "Are you alright?"

"Of course it's okay, Bai Ye. But something happened almost." Killing Yuan patted his chest, as if he was a little worried about the situation just now.

"what happened?"

"Lilith just ran over from a distance and almost attacked me. Although Andersen's level is higher than Lilith just now, there is nothing he can do about Lilith who is specialized in combat. At this moment, BB seems to be very Annoyed, he took her away."

Saseiin put on a frightened look.

Bai Ye hurriedly comforted the killing courtyard.

Andersen snorted coldly: "Tch, stupid woman, she actually believed that piece of meat's words. Fortunately, your archer didn't believe this bunch of nonsense. Although it is said to be a stupid partner of justice who exists for others, but in terms of sensitivity It’s not bad. Killing Academy, you can tell fairy tales better than me, so let’s think about the plot for the next chapter.”

"What do you mean?" Shirou frowned.

Sure enough, what he said just now was a lie?

"Is Andersen going to expose me like this? But I'm still a little happy to say that I have a talent for making up fairy tales." Killing Yuan's cheeks were slightly rosy.

"Bah, woman, I'm not complimenting you. Those vulgar things, whoever you like, look at them."

Seshoin smiled, completely free from the embarrassment of being exposed by Andersen's lie,

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