It seems to be asking, is such a method considered a partner of justice?

As long as good results can be achieved, the process can also be abandoned, at least people are not dead, and Shen Er can live.

Shirou looked at Hakuno speechlessly, as if answering like this.

"Make a wish."

"Stop the Holy Grail War, never let such a bloody ceremony be held on the moon again," Bai Ye said.

Mooncell accepted the request.The Lunar Holy Grail War will no longer take place.

"Then, Archer, what is your wish?" Bai Ye asked.

"Is it my wish?" Shirou closed his eyes, "Let that world come back to life, and Dagen come back to life."

Mooncell understood Shirou's request, and the world began to recover.

The Holy Grail of the Moon is not just a magic block, but a supercomputer that can deduce the route to the future.As long as the calculation is made, the world can be restored.

"Let Shinji's data be restored. Let everyone's data be restored and let them return to Earth!"

All the data swallowed by the shadows are restored.

All those who were destroyed are resurrected.

"Archer, will we meet again?" Bai Ye found that the data blocks on his body had begun to disappear.

This is the prelude to forced logout from mooncell.

"Yes. Maybe." Shirou nodded.

But more likely than never.

Shirou turned around, and the data was slowly erased, returning to Earth.

⑧ Fantasy Carnival

Chapter 1 That man is back?

For today's Gudazi, there is nothing unusual, and it can even be said to be quite normal.

The last subspecies of singularity was finally resolved under many difficulties. Abigail and the Queen of Sheba came to Chaldea, and two more servants were added.

It's calm, nothing happened today.

If Da Vinci hadn't come running to find her.

"Gudazi, I found some anomalies in Fuyuki in 2004. If possible, I hope you can take a look." Da Vinci said, but his expression was not very serious, maybe this time the danger was not so serious. difficulty.

"Fuyuki in 2004?"

Gudazi still remembers that it was the first time he dealt with the singularity.The entire Chaldea was blown up by the bomb installed by Leif, and almost all the masters died, except for her, the most ordinary and mediocre magician among these magicians.Magic is hardly ever learned.Even if it is Chinese martial arts, you only know a little bit.With no power to restrain the chicken, she was forced to fight the servants.

But it's different now, she has hundreds of servants under her command, if her iron cavalry continues to move forward, can this singularity of mantis arm as a chariot be stopped?

"Is there another anomaly? It indicates a new cycle?"

The burning of humanity began in 2004 when Fuyuki City burned. Since then, she has been busy on the journey of eliminating the singularity again and again.

"No, it's not that serious yet. It's just that the subspecies singularity of Salem before made you very nervous. Now there is another Holy Grail in Fuyuki City. Although it doesn't distort the space into a singularity, it does I have reason to think this is likely to warp into a singularity."

Gudazi looked at Da Vinci with some doubts.

Does this mean that places that were not originally singularities may also be distorted?

"In Fuyuki City at this point in time, I observed the existence of servants. There are five of them, and the average strength of each servant seems to be much stronger than normal. Moreover, there is the Holy Grail."

"If that's the case, let's snatch the Holy Grail before being distorted into a singularity." Gu Dazi carefully analyzed the strength gap between the enemy and us, and decided to tie A.

There is nothing that three red cards can't solve. If there is anything, add 2030 and heroes to make it.

"Well, that's right. I don't think the problem in this place is too serious, so you can relax a little bit." Da Vinci said, "You have been busy for a long time with the Clock-Apple Tower. It's time to rest."

Gudazi nodded.Now Chaldea can be said to have cut off water and electricity, and it has been severely restricted, but no matter how severely restricted it is, it will not be impossible to use followers to deal with the situation that has not yet been distorted into a singularity.

The scheduled departure time is two hours away.

That being the case, there is still some time, you can take a nap and rest for a while.She went back to her room and was about to lie down on the bed.

Suddenly, she felt her head was clamped by something soft.

It's as warm as returning to the arms of a mother...


Gudazi immediately jumped up, turned around and looked - the one lying on his bed was the Queen of Sheba?

"Ahem, master, I'm sorry, I didn't notice you coming in." Sheba said with some embarrassment, and the duck sat on Gudazi's bed.

"Why did you come to my bed suddenly?" Gudazi looked at Sheba suspiciously.

If she remembered correctly, Sheba still had a partner before, but who was that partner?Anyway, she doesn't like to attack her at night like Hei Zhen.

"I just, um, smelled some familiar smells in the master's room." Sheba said sadly, "I came to Chaldea, maybe because of a relationship here."

The man sitting by the bed seems to be eating strawberry cake, but what does it look like?

I do not know.

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