Besieged on all sides!The time is not good and the time will never die.There is no way to die!

"Weimiya, you should tell me what is going on, why you captured me for no reason, and you were hunted down by so many people. Are you trying to kidnap me to avoid getting involved? As a hostage?"

Shirou was a little dumbfounded.It's not just Shirou Emiya who was hunted down by him, but also you, the tsundere young lady.

"Rin, we have a baby."


"Her name is Gudazi, with my surname. She saved Renli, leveled the Crown Temple of Time, punched the Magic Association and kicked the Demon God King. Her hair is the same color as mine. She is simply the female version of me."

Rin's brain was a little out of control.

"How do we have children?"

"How do I know? I know that I still need to avoid their pursuit with you now? In short, you are already the mother of an 18-year-old child."

Rin carefully calculated how old she was.

Seems like, 16 or 17?

Why are the kids 18?

"There's something called a timeline..."

Shirou was about to explain, but felt the anger surge behind him.

"Senior (brother), it turns out that your children are both 18 years old. They are all adults. They are still great heroes who saved humanity. I really didn't expect..."

Aerial vision was also blocked.

Rider was already standing on the wall, and even the King of Conquerors came to join in the fun, grabbing Waver and riding an ox cart, looking at Shirou with great interest.

Shirou patted Rin on the shoulder.

"So you get it? We're now accomplices."

Rin was a little silent, looking at Sakura, Luvia, and a group of people who had already surrounded them.

Shirou is suddenly a little thankful that Hakuno and Zig are not here.Otherwise, they wouldn't also fall in love with him and follow him!

"Sakura, can I explain?"

Shirou sighed faintly, knowing that the answer was impossible.

"Originally, as long as you stop, senior, I will listen carefully to what you have to say. But now it's gone. The child is eighteen years old..."

Shirou's cold laughter made Shirou even more desperate.

The escape route was completely blocked.Which one of those who besieged him was not a powerful follower?If he dared to force his way, the result would be a dead end.

"Sakura, I'm innocent. Why don't you give Emiya to..."

"My sister's joke is very funny. I just heard that senior and sister have a child."

Shirou couldn't help laughing at Rin who failed to sell his teammates.

At least someone will die with him, which is not a loss.Pulled at least one pad back.

But is there really no way out?

Shirou calmly analyzed what else he might be able to escape from here.What he has now is only his own projection, and there is a burden beside him.If there is any advantage, it is Illya who is connected to the magic perpetual motion machine...

and many more.

Illya seems to have the ability of the Little Holy Grail. As long as the magic power is sufficient, she can skip the process and get the result directly.That is to say, as long as he knows how to use transfer magic, he can get out of this predicament.

"Rin, use teleport!"

"Teleport? Where are you going?"

"Anywhere is fine, quick, quick! I'll give you magic power!"


Chapter 4 Human Evil, Appear!


Teleportation magic is a kind of space teleportation magic. Although Shirou doesn't know it, Rin is very good at it.

Shirou then moved out of the alley, taking a Rin who might be useful.

Looking around, it seems that the flowers, plants and trees are very familiar.

The transfer is transferred, but is the distance a little closer?

Sure enough, Illya, who saw Shirou disappeared, left the alley and pointed at Shirou: "There Shirou is!"

Then cut off the magical connection between her and Shirou...

At this moment, Shirou seemed to feel that the sacred F2 was deducted, and he lost the connection with Kara!

Shirou: ..., ...

Elijah, you are human!

Gritting his teeth in pain, Shirou said, "Traceon!"

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