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Chapter 4 Mapo Tofu

It was already noon when she came out of the hospital, and it took too long to take Anjelica to the hospital and then to come out.

It’s impossible to go home to cook at noon, and it’s too late to go home and cook after wasting so much time in the morning, so let’s just eat out, and the nearby restaurants are not too expensive.

Shirou took Anjelica to a Chinese restaurant and looked at the prices on the menu.

But at this sight, Shirou's eyes were almost blind.

Mapo tofu is only [-] yen?

Only five hundred?

Hearing this, Anjelica asked solemnly, "Lord Shirou, is this a black shop?"

Shirou quickly covered Anjelica's mouth so that the shop owner would not hear him.However, the boss is still ordering food for other customers and has no time to listen to Anjelica's complaints.

At this time, Shirou felt that he had to teach Anjelica a good lesson.

"Listen, Anjelica, this store is the conscience of the industry. Have you ever seen a store where you can buy a mapo tofu for [-] yen? If there is one, can it be so delicious? You know Well, last time I ate mapo tofu, the store charged me [-] yen for one serving."

Anjelica looked puzzled, which store is so dark, [-] yen?It's ten times as good as this store, so can it be ten times as delicious as this store?

"This little brother can talk. Oh? It's Shirou! It's been a long time. I haven't had time to thank you for the things you repaired for me last time, but I also know the price of my tofu. Expensive. Shirou, would you like a mapo tofu?"

The boss walked over to Shirou with a hearty smile, and then looked at Anjelica with some doubts, with a mysterious smile on his face - this kid finally got a girl to look at him.

"It seems that Shirou is very popular with girls. What should I order? Don't worry, I will treat you this time. Even if it is to offset the last time you helped me fix things."

I asked Shirou whether he supported it or not, and of course Shirou did.The free lunch is of course supported!

Of course, it's better to order things that are not too expensive. It's not a righteous partner's behavior to invite a guest to kill someone.

"In this case……"

"Mapo tofu."

"Mapo tofu."

Shirou was stunned for a moment, but there are people who want to order Mapo tofu besides himself?

Immediately afterwards, a photocopy came into view, wearing a staff uniform, with very long hair. If it was another man with such long hair, Shirou would definitely feel gay, but this person looked like he was gay. Kind of like a guy.

Especially with the faintly visible eight-pack abs.

"Oh—it's Kotomine, it seems that today's Mapo Tofu can be sold a few more copies." The boss greeted the priest and patted Shirou on the shoulder, "It seems that you two are good friends. There are not many people who like Mapo Tofu in our store.”

"Huh? Why?" Shirou asked suspiciously. Mapo tofu was quite good in his mind.

"Maybe the mapo tofu I made is too spicy? Japanese people don't like spicy things very much."

After speaking, the boss turned his head slightly and whispered: "I can't even eat spicy food, and I can't understand half of the essence of Chinese cuisine. It's really pitiful."

"In that case, just give me two copies of Mapo tofu and two copies of rice. I'm too embarrassed to let you spend too much money on Boss Chen's treat."

"Where, I want to thank you for helping me fix things."

The priest looked at Shirou and Anjelica expressionlessly and walked to the seat next to Shirou and sat down.

Seeing the priest, Anjelica frowned.

"Kotomine Kirei?"

"Huh?" The priest looked at Anjelica, who he probably didn't know, and asked suspiciously, "You know me? Was it sent by the Church of the Holy Church?"

"No." Anjelica shook her head, "I just heard that there is a priest here named Kotomine Kirei, who holds some important positions. I just said hello when I saw you."

"It's ridiculous."

Kotomine Kirei frowned, as if thinking about something.

After waiting for a while, Mapo Tofu was served.

The round bowl is filled with red Mapo, just like the sun is put into the bowl, and even looking at the red color, it has already scorched Shirou's taste buds.

Looking at the red Mapo tofu, Anjelica didn't know how to eat it. Is this stuff edible?

"Sir Shirou, can you eat this thing?"

"Of course, yes. Can't you eat it? By the way, I forgot to ask your opinion." As soon as Shirou said that, Anjelica picked up a spoon and stuffed Mapo tofu into her mouth.

Two lines of tears burst out of Anjelica's eyes, like a waterfall.

"Don't force yourself, just stop..."

"No, Lord Shirou, I'm just too moved." Anjelica wiped her tears, "I haven't felt the stimulation from my taste buds for a long time, and today I actually felt the long-lost stimulation from here, It's really, really touching."

After speaking, Anjelica slammed the table and became excited, completely different from her expressionless appearance before.

Blinking his eyes, Shirou felt that it seemed that Anjelica liked to eat Mapo Tofu, so if you go back, let's not cook it for her, anyway, he will.

When he was cooking for Kiritsugu before, Kiritsugu really liked to eat Mapo tofu, and he ate Mapo tofu one day a week.

And Kotomine Kirei, who heard these words, looked at Anjelica in astonishment, and there was a rare wave in his eyes.

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