Shirou comforted: "Don't worry, Tohsaka, even though Artoria won't come to help us, it doesn't mean that other sabers can't appear as servants!"

"Where is there a saber?" Rin looked disbelieving.

Then I saw Shirou take off his shirt.

"Hey, Wei Gong, what are you doing? Are you playing hooligans?"

Shirou rolled his eyes, and projected a white and transparent shawl around his body, and took out a samurai sword.

"I'm a serious servant now! Roman, use magic to transform my aura into a servant. Ok——now, servant, saber, and Qianzi Village are participating!"

Chapter 11 Gudazi: Grandpa?

Rin took a good look at Shirou, looked at Shirou again, hesitated to speak, and then hesitated to speak.

In the end, I still couldn't help the surging desire to complain in my heart.

"Didn't you just take off your clothes? How did you become a servant? Who are you lying to? I won't even believe it, okay?"

Indeed, Shirou is now exposing his lean upper body, covered with a white transparent cloth, and holding a knife in his hand.Compared to before, he just took off his clothes.

"When Alaya asked me to do things before, I called the spirit base of Qianzi Village Masa like this, and I got it like this." Shirou explained, "As long as Roman's magic trick is good, let I look like a servant on the surface, that's enough. You don't need to provide magic power to keep me in shape. It's perfect! Although Tohsaka, you don't believe it, but I believe it! Believe it or not, I believe it anyway! "

"Perfect?" The corners of Rin's eyes twitched, "Forget it, anyway, this Holy Grail War doesn't need the performance of a Servant, so it's okay. As long as you don't get hacked to death by Sakura, you can do anything. Doctor Roman, please You, that guy Emiya can't just die like this. His death of you can't be done."

Roman quickly stated: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you with Mr. Emiya's affairs. It's just the breath of a follower."

"Well, since you have said so, Dr. Roman, I have no choice but to believe what you say."

Rin subconsciously wanted to pull her hair back, but found that she was now disguised as a man, and her hair was much shorter.It is because of this perfect cross-dressing technique that convinced Rin that Roman really has the strength to "make" Shirou into a servant by confusing the real one with the real one.

"Doctor Roman, I leave everything to you. We can be said to be tied to the same boat now." Shirou patted Roman on the shoulder, "Come on, let's go to the Broken Cup War, and you will follow behind us, holding the Wang Hassan covered my shield and secretly gave us information.

There is my front, your intelligence analysis and magic.We will win this Holy Grail War!This is the perfect combination of a top-level servant and a magic king! "

"That's natural, but is this shield actually belonged to King Hassan?" Roman raised the shield, "Don't tell me, I haven't discovered it yet. So, although I actually lost the power of grandcaster now, but Got the protection of grandassassin? How ironic."

"It's all a good thing. Come on, Roman, when we win this Holy Grail War, we'll backstab Merlin who cheated on your feelings."

Speaking of Merlin, the anger in Roman's eyes was burning.

At this moment, Roman and Shirou shook hands and reached a strategic cooperation alliance.


"The first group of servants and masters, El-Melloi II, and rider Iskandar, right?" Kotomine Kirei began to record the data.

El-Melloi II snapped his fingers: "That's right, I'm right here. But Kotomine Kirei, I heard Miss Ilya say that Emiya Kiritsugu is back. If you are met by him, you are not afraid of being shot." Headshot?"

"Did I get shot in the head by Emiya Kiritsugu? Did I in this world have such a bad relationship with him? Well, I also thought about this. If I didn't become friends, I would become a life-and-death enemy. But I was killed by him. My daughter invited me to be the referee, I don't think he would do anything to hurt my daughter's feelings, right?"

Illya gave a guarantee: "Anyway, if you don't make trouble, I won't let Kiritsugu point the gun at you, you can rest assured."

Kirei nodded: "Then it's all up to you, Ms. Illya. The next group of masters and servants, Illya and Berserker, Hercules. Uh, what does this mean? Reduced sane version?"

"Oh, the berserker is too strong, everyone protested, so I can only limit my mana supply, and temporarily berserker mad."

"Oh, I understand." Kotomine Kirei nodded.

"A guy like you can actually have a good relationship with Mr. Emiya Kiritsugu?" El-Melloi II muttered in disbelief, and lit a cigarette.

"Is there anything wrong with this? I met him more than ten years ago. At that time, Fuyuki was very cold and there was a blizzard, so Emiya Kiritsugu walked into the church and asked me what to eat .I gave him a bowl of Mapo Tofu. He ate it in surprise. I also got the first evaluation of my Mapo Tofu from others.”

"and then?"

"Then, I realized that there is a limit to a person's ability. I'm probably not suitable to be a priest, but a chef who specializes in making mapo tofu... the next one is caster and Soichiro Gemu, right? Tomorrow Come back for the official match, right? Then the next group will be Gudako... Well, Shirou Emiya didn't come?"

Gu Dazi raised his hand and asked excitedly:

"Shirou Emiya? Is he in Fuyuki!?"

Sakura petted Gudazi's head: "Senior? Of course he is here. We were looking for him just now. But senior is really too cunning, and played a game of peek-a-boo with us .But why do you know this man?"

Gudazi secretly yelled that it was not good.

When she heard about Emiya just now, she was already a little curious, but she had never heard of the name Kiritsugu, so she held back.But when it comes to her father, she can't help it.The father who was not at home every day, she was still a little curious about what he looked like when he was young.

However, with just such a simple action, has Aunt Sakura already discovered something?A woman's intuition is so terrifying.

This made her wonder if she was a fake woman.

"I've just heard of it, I've heard of it." Gudazi said in a sly voice.

"Have you heard of it?" Sakura frowned in distress, and stroked down Gudazi's hair. Gudazi looked exactly like her senior, "But don't worry, he will show up soon. of."

"Are you so sure?"

"Yeah, because Senpai will come here whenever he hears about the Holy Grail War. He must have been eavesdropping when we met."

Gudazi secretly admired Sakura.

Auntie actually counted all of this, she knew him better than his mother.

Speaking of her mother, Gudazi thought of those blue eyes—just like the big brother in front of her.


Gudazi blinked.

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