The scene was a bit embarrassing for a while, Shirou pulled up Illya, and patted the gravel on the long white hair.

"Let me come."

Ilya sobbed slightly, her face was a little red, and she nodded: "Okay."

Shirou pulled the net full of fish effortlessly.A huge drag mark appeared on the beach. Under the sun, the siblings walked quietly like this.

Illya stayed beside Shirou, lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking, and said nothing.

Shirou felt a little frustrated. Could it be that it was difficult to start a new topic because he didn't talk much these days?Even chatting is embarrassing. In the end, siblings can only be strangers?

No, we must find something to talk about, otherwise the relationship between brother and sister will not be able to continue to be cultivated, and Illya's cultivation plan will fail.

This is unacceptable to him.

"Illya, your swimsuit is so beautiful." Shirou said softly, almost slapping himself.It's too ambiguous to say it yourself.What does it mean to say that my sister looks good in swimsuits?

Ilya blushed, and lowered her face even more.It's a pity that being an ostrich is useless, she has no place to bury her face, and there is no place to bury Shirou's face.

In this sense, he is really a complete primary school student.

"Shi, why did Shirou suddenly say this, I, I..." Ilya blushed even more, her legs couldn't move anymore, she just wanted to stand quietly with Shirou on the beach.

"Well, uh, I just think you're beautiful."

"Okay." Illya's voice suddenly became a little low again, and she followed behind Shirou.Said that he chose the swimsuit on purpose.

Shirou wiped off the sweat from the hot weather. Fortunately, Illya only answered like this, otherwise he would have really gone to the unknown.

"Well, Illya, I couldn't catch fish before, because the Berserker is under the sea, right?"

Illya frowned unhappily: "Well, yes. So?"

"Well, in fact, you don't know how to fish and tell me directly. If you want me to go home and live, you can just tell me directly. You have worked so hard to get Kiritsugu to catch me back, and even let me eat the mapo tofu made by my mother , that’s the purpose, right?” Shirou scratched his head.

Illya was a little dazed: "Really? Uh, so Shirou, have you forgiven me?"

"Of course not. Because I never blamed you, why should I forgive you?" Shirou patted Illya's head.

Illya blinked: "Is that so?"

Shirou breathed a sigh of relief, and finally comforted Illya. Now that he has comforted Illya, his next move is almost ready.

"Illya, do you know what day it is today?"

Illya shook her head in doubt: "I don't know. ——But Shirou, you are flattering me like this, is it because today is special?"

Shirou scratched his face: "It seems right to say this, but it shouldn't be said. Because if I don't please you today, I can't give my gift. Today is July 7th, and it happens to be you It’s your birthday. Although the presents are not given until evening, you seem to have forgotten, so let me remind you first.”

Illya immediately jumped up and threw herself on Shirou.

"Brother, I like you the most!"

Shirou felt the kiss on the cheek, which was still a little sweet.

That is, why did Kiritsugu over there raise his gun?

Chapter 24 True Tiger Shark

"Son, Dad is very disappointed in you." Kiritsugu was smoking a cigarette, and the smoke slowly drifted away, Shirou only saw the muzzle of the gun, which was a little scary.

"Tch, Kiritsugu? Why are you here?" Shirou hugged Illya in fright, ah no, let go of Illya.

At this time, if I hug Ilya again, I am afraid that it is really hopeless.Shirou felt that he could still rescue him, at least he couldn't give up the treatment now.

"If I wasn't here, wouldn't you be going to heaven, kid?" Kiritsugu exhaled smoke rings, "Finally, Shirou, you have two choices, one is to eat the mapo tofu that Eri prepared to make today for me .”

This is definitely impossible, and I can't do it a second time in this life.It was not death, but it was more terrifying than death.Vomiting and diarrhea, plus an abrupt and foul smell——

The black mapo tofu is as disgusting as black mud. Shirou even suspects that the black cup has not been blown up, and Eri has the black cup and the mud scooped out of the cup.If it wasn't for that stuff, how could it be so disgusting?

Thinking of that thing, Shirou still feels a dull pain in his stomach, and even twitches.Speaking of which, even now, he still feels that the place below is completely hot.

"What about the other one?"

Shirou asked tentatively.

"Watch my muzzle talk."

Immediately, Illya jumped off Shirou's body and opened her hands, "Kiritsugu, stop. Shirou and I really love each other!"

Shirou is going to be petrified in no time, so don't make trouble, Illya!You are trying to kill your brother!

Kiritsugu pampered Illya in front of him, and then said to Shirou: "Okay, now you only have one choice. I'll help you choose, choose the first one."

So, in your mind, is eating mapo tofu a life-or-death choice?Shirou couldn't help complaining, his cheeks twitching slightly.

So, Shirou ran away, fuck your mapo tofu, guna, I won't eat it!Whoever loves it will eat it!

Seeing that Shirou was running faster than the Western reporters, Kiritsugu quickly used the inherent time control and gave himself a four-fold sou.

"Shirou, stop! Today, either you die or I live!"

Shirou was startled, Kiritsugu is not giving him a way out!The two choices seem to be different, but after careful analysis, it can be found that - both of them are dead.

"So is there any difference between the two?"

Kiritsugu didn't know how to answer for a while, but soon, he still gave the answer: "Of course there are, the difference is that if I live, you still have a chance to survive."

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