The sisters' birthday party is about to begin!

Chapter 28 So, when will you enter the card pool?

"Happy birthday!"

The fireworks bloomed in the night sky, and the dazzling brilliance made Illya and the others' cheeks a little red.The continuous sound of fireworks made everyone in the small venue silent.

Silence is the beach tonight.

When the fireworks were over, Illya and Kuro looked forward to the big cake that Shirou brought out, while Miyu looked puzzled: "Birthday, why celebrate it? I haven't celebrated it before. "

Only then did Shirou realize that Miyu had never celebrated her birthday, not even once.Originally when she was 7 years old, Shirou wanted to help her celebrate, but Kiritsugu from that world interrupted him.

If you haven't had a birthday, it's natural to wonder why life should be celebrated when it's so close to the end.But now that the world has recovered, Miyu can live happily without becoming the Holy Grail again, becoming an ordinary girl, living a happy life, enjoying every birthday of her own.

"This, it's not a complicated reason. Maybe it's just that in ancient times, someone had a whim and wanted to celebrate his birthday, so it was passed down as a fixed day for everyone to wish for themselves. There is no reason, just Everyone needs to record for themselves.

The most precious thing for a person is life. There is only one life, but there can be many birthdays. Every time a birthday passes, it is like passing through a node. Maybe you will find some disappointment when you look back, but at least you can confirm that you are alive. "

Shirou found a few small boxes from his bag and handed them to Illya and the three of them: "Although I've said it before, I can repeat the important thing—Happy Birthday! Accept the gift I prepared for you!"

After receiving it, Illya opened it excitedly and found a purple bracelet, the little black one was orange, and Miyu's was blue.

The bracelet is not too expensive, but it can be considered that Shirou has prepared it well, so it is naturally very suitable for them.

"The rest is to eat. The cake was carefully selected by me."

"Thank you brother!"

Soon they were arguing again over the distribution of cakes.

Shirou watched them eat the cake with a smile.

Time to sneak away.

Touching his wallet, Shirou fell into deep thought.

Facing the sea, spring is not warm, but summer is very hot.After buying cakes and presents, he was so poor that even 100 yen had to be broken in half.

You can take the fish for dinner, but tomorrow you can prepare to sleep on the street.

The worst thing is that even his projected magic power is not enough to make the projected currency permanent.It only exists for a few minutes and then disappears.The plan to project money is also unrealistic.

The days without magic power are really incomparably painful.

Can only choose to work?

Shirou gritted his teeth.

You can't steal a car, right?

"Hey, isn't this a saber? Why did you sneak out?" Gudazi has also changed into a swimsuit and sat next to Shirou, squinting her eyes and blowing the sea breeze, "I said why can't I see it inside?" And you."

"I'm worrying about not having any money. Buying a gift and buying a cake has used up all my savings."

"Is the bank card gone?"

"The account has been frozen." Shirou held back for a long time before sadly telling the truth. If he hadn't gone to the bank, he would never have believed it.

That's right, as a former migrant worker, he still has a lot of money in his account.But when he was forced to leave his home, the account was locked by Kiritsugu.

Desperate, very desperate.

"That's it." Gu Dazi seemed to be very familiar with this routine, and touched his chin, "Speaking of which, my mother used to be angry but my father worked for free in the Middle East, and when he was exhausted, he He froze his account and threw him a plane ticket."

"and then?"

"He still hasn't come home." Gudazi lowered his head in disappointment.

"He's really an irresponsible man." Shirou criticized unconsciously.

"Actually, it's okay." Gu Dazi propped his head, "During the two years in Chaldea, I also know why he didn't go home. Once the work is done, once the war occurs, then no matter what Maybe he escaped? If he escaped, it would not be him."

Shirou sighed silently.

"Aren't you dissatisfied because your father is away every day?"

"There are still. Otherwise, I would not have come to Chaldea. At that time, Chaldea had already been publicized all over the world. What became the master who saved mankind? The future of mankind depends on your words. The United Nations Speaking. So I signed up, took the test, and barely passed."

Gu Dazi laughed when he remembered that, "In the end, I met an unreliable person, a cute school girl, and a profiteer. Although she didn't admit it, she was a profiteer... Well, Saber, You are short of money now, this shiny thing should still be able to exchange for some money."

Shirou looked at the Saint Quartz in a daze.

This thing is not for some money - if it is thrown at the Magic Association, it can still be sold for tens of millions.It can only be said that she really deserves to be her own daughter, even though it is in a parallel world.

"Hey, Saber, if you know an unreliable person, can you tell me where he is? I clearly feel that he is here, but he seems to be trying to avoid me and everything, no I was willing to come out and shrink back to be a turtle. I didn’t work up the courage to stand up until the end.”

Gu Dazi opened his right hand and held it in front of his eyes, the stars were shining, as if responding to her call.

Shirou opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but felt behind him, it seemed that someone was stopping him.

Don't you want to come out even now?

"Is it unreliable? Maybe. But the unreliable people are reluctant to come out, maybe they are preparing a very reliable plan. If they don't come out, they are just waiting to give you a surprise." Shirou said softly .

But Gu Dazi said a little unhappy: "I don't want surprises. I just want him back. I know, that person, right here..."

Gu Dazi, who realized that he had lost his word, was silent for a while: "Sorry, just pretend that I didn't say anything. If he is here, please tell me."

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