"So, you've already made a decision, caster?" El-Melloi II looked at Caster with piercing eyes.His meaning is already very clear.

Last night's agreement, today is the time to give an answer.

"That's right, I've already made up my mind." Caster rubbed her stomach. For her bright future, she must get the Holy Grail and save enough milk powder money for Medea Lily!

El-Melloi II held Caster's hand, and the two reached a consensus.

"Pleasant to work with."

Since then, the Anti-Shiro Alliance has been formally established!

Chapter 30 The audience must die too!

Except for Shirou, El-Melloi II advanced to the final.The first and second places at the other table are Arturia and Da Vinci respectively.

Relying on her amazing luck and her strategizing ability as a king, Artoria learned the combination of vertical and vertical in mahjong in a short period of time and successfully advanced.

And Da Vinci pushed his glasses and made a profiteer's voice. This kind of game that needs to be counted is really suitable for her: "Mahjong is still really interesting. Master, after we go back, let's play this game too? "

Gu Dazi looked at her vigilantly: "Don't think that I don't know that you are cheating on me again."

Da Vinci was not at all shy after being exposed: "The master discovered all of this, it's really not easy."

The final is about to start, Shirou sat on the newly prepared mahjong table, looking at his three opponents.

Da Vinci, El-Melloi II, and Artoria.

Everyone's luck, except that she has a B or above, Arturia even reached the final with her A+ luck.It seems that Luvia's participation in this Holy Grail War will also help El-Melloi II.Obviously, what he is facing will be an alliance of at least two people, and it is very likely that Da Vinci will join them.

In this case, there are really many enemies.

Do you want to form an alliance with Gudazi?

Shirou thought about it, but gave up.Even if he wanted to form an alliance with Gudazi, it would be difficult for Gudazi to agree.Especially Da Vinci, a profiteer, must be thinking about weakening his points. I don't know whether this is an ally or a deep-sea trident.

Otherwise, it's just Gudazi, playing the emotional card, chatting about life, and maybe you will be recruited.

But only Gudazi, maybe her group won't be able to enter the finals... Forget it, anyway, the world's number one mahjong master must be alone, and if he doesn't join forces, he won't join forces.

Then Shirou shuffled out his first deck of cards, and fell into deep thought, why did all three of them get together?Is there something wrong?Or did you just suckle your own pot?

Not only that, each card in the [-]D card is separated by four or five cards, and the situation is similar for the bars and cylinders, and there are no cards that can be combined.Even so, with some more characters, you can still play with [-] barrels.

But, neither.

What went wrong?

El-Melloi II felt his first self-touch in this period of time, and couldn't help crying with joy.Sure enough, joining forces with Caster, he ushered in his first self-touch!Although it is not big, it is also normal.Not every self and touch is thirteen.

But these six rounds of mahjong have just begun.Whether you can kill Shirou depends on the caster!

Seeing that his voodoo doll was effective, Caster continued to work hard to tie up the villain.

Two rounds of mahjong passed, and Shirou realized that he had never played Mahjong once.El-Melloi II has won six, Arturia has one, and Da Vinci has three.Only he didn't mess around.

If there is something tricky, there must be something tricky.After dealing with the relationship with Illya, the favor of the Holy Grail has returned to an inherent skill.And now, he's triple the Holy Grail.The Holy Grail rides on the face, how can you lose!

But it seems that the White Gate Tower is not far away now.

We can only unite vertically, kill the biggest one first, and then consider the long-term victory and come up with a way to transfer luck.

Now Shirou is the next home of El-Melloi II, and Da Vinci is the last home of El-Melloi II, and Da Vinci seems to be very distressed about how to get rid of El-Melloi II and get points First.

He tacitly threw out a card: "Thirty thousand."

"Touch." Da Vinci raised his eyebrows, narrowed his eyes, and seemed to have discovered that Shirou, who was always carded by everyone, seemed to be giving himself a card now?

"Six barrels."

El-Melloi II frowned in embarrassment. If the six tubes were seven tubes, he would be fooled. How could it be six?

After a while, he felt that something was really wrong.The cards that Da Vinci played were all very enchanting, each time it was the one on the left or the one on the right that he could play, as if to tease him.

The command of the military division, open!

El-Melloi II suddenly discovered that Shirou had formed a temporary alliance with Da Vinci.

The problem is that these two alliances are really difficult to deal with.One is Da Vinci who has never played mahjong, but is a genius, and the other is a veteran of mahjong, who can make himself want to die with just a single hand of cards.

I can only watch Artoria's.

And Artoria did not disappoint him.Although she hasn't played mahjong much, her strength is amazing.Is this also the talent of the king?

After four rounds of mahjong, Artoria won five sets, and Da Vinci reached an astonishing seven sets.El Mello II won just two laps out of ten.

Shirou is still undefeated.

The game is already halfway through, so this is not going to work.

The game entered the rest period, Shirou stretched his waist and went to the bathroom to get some luck, when he felt someone pulling him behind him.

Shirou looked around, but there was no one there, and asked reassuringly, "Doctor, it seems that you know why I am so unlucky?"

The doctor hiding in the air did not speak, and silently handed Shirou an amulet.

Although Shirou is not very good at magic, Rin is good at it.

"It's an amulet to ward off evil spirits."

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