Rin's heart was almost in his throat.She closed her eyes, not daring to look anymore.But the violent vibration of the car opened her eyelids.

In front, it turned out to be a U-shaped hairpin bend again. In other words, Shirou's crazy plan succeeded?

But for Shirou, it's not over yet.Because the car body is not stable yet, and the U-shaped bend in front of you is almost here!

Are there gutters?What about the ditch, what about a ditch as big as mine?How to use the legendary running method without a sewer?Shirou's eyes lit up, but suddenly went dark again.

There is a sewer, but this sewer is completely a deep pit.If you can't get out of a deep pit, you will overturn your car once you enter it.

However, there are guardrails.

With the assistance of the suspension system, the body quickly adjusted. Shirou calculated the speed, stepped on the brakes, and turned the steering wheel to the left.

At this speed, the centrifugal force is extremely high. If there is not enough centripetal force, it will definitely fly out.The centripetal force is provided by the wheels, but if the wheels cannot provide it, let the guardrails provide it.

The right side of the car hit the guardrail and bounced back quickly.Shirou adjusted slightly, and the skew stopped.

In just a few seconds, Shirou completed the triple encirclement and outflanking from Ilya, Arturia and the bullock cart, and took the lead of nearly half a curve!

Chapter 41 Be Careful—Part Two——

A full third of the distance has been passed, and Gudazi leads by nearly a corner, Shirou follows closely behind, followed by Iskandar and Arturia.

As for Illya's Bersercar, although its firepower is extremely fierce, tanks cannot run past sports cars.Just like a tank on the battlefield, no matter how advanced it is, its speed is only 60-70 per hour, and it takes a group of maintenance personnel to revive the tank after it suddenly lay down.

Just as Shirou was thinking this way, focusing on the curve in front of him, and even preparing to overtake Gudazi in one fell swoop in the continuous multiple curves, Rin's shout forced him to slow down a little.

"Emiya, be careful, watch out for the shells in front—"

The sound of piercing the sky hadn't fully reached Shirou's ears when explosions rang out one after another.Ears were ringing and the heat had even entered the car.

Fortunately, he slowed down a little just now, otherwise, he would be fried into meat sauce again.

But, no, the speed of the bersercar is very slow, why did it come here?

Left mirror, no, right, no, back, no, that is, above?

In the green forest on the top of the mountain, Ilya directed the Bersercar to continuously reload the shells.Shirou opened his mouth wide, feeling that 86 limited his imagination.

He always thought that the fierce operation was a real man... Well, Ilya is not a man.It is really imaginative to be able to walk a straight line on the map like this.

But such a compliment couldn't stop Ilya from torturing his elder brother.

"Fuck—" Iskandar yelled, "Saber over there, I see that you are in such a mess, why don't you turn your back on your armor and surrender with courtesy, and you still have the position of Marquis, and you can still accept my offer?" Isn't it beautiful to protect?"

Shirou glanced at Iskandar who was already on par with him.

However, he ignored it and continued driving.Are you kidding me buddy, you're fucking shitted and you're asking me to join you?

The shell immediately landed on the wheel of the bullock cart, and the bullock cart suddenly lost control, performed a 360-degree overturn, and finally landed on the ground successfully, without even deducting blood.

This surprised Shirou a little.As expected of a rider, he still has some strength. This riding must have an A+.But this is still worse than the big brother.

El-Melloi II patted his chest, almost frightened out of his wits.Even ten years later, Iskandar is still acting like this.

"Rider, you'd better be careful. Bersercar is not our ally." El-Melloi II activated his skill, Advice from the Military Advisor, and used his discerning eye. "And it seems impossible to form an alliance with us."

Rider flicked his whip and quickened his pace: "Is that so, I understand. Bersercar over there, and his Miss Master, do you want to join my king's command?"

He was answered by heavy artillery fire.

Of course it's impossible.

"Rider, you didn't listen to my advice at all." El-Melloi II covered his face, he didn't want to speak anymore, to be precise, he was almost speechless.

He spun in the air again and again with the bullock cart tossing and turning.

Seeing that Iskandar successfully attracted the firepower, Shirou was very happy. He must seize this opportunity, find opportunities in the multiple corners ahead, and launch a decisive battle with Gudazi. In this father-daughter game, he wants to tell Who is the father.

Downhill, downhill, downhill!

For Shirou, this is simply great news.

As long as it is downhill, then, it is the world of 86!

Compared with the high-end sports car whose speed is sealed, and the 86 that can exert all its speed on the downhill and enter the corner at the fastest speed, it is obvious that Shirou's 86 is better.

Shirou clung to the inside again and entered the turn.Gudazi and Da Vinci's high-end sports cars are already less than half a curve away from him.

Here, of course, is the venue for the decisive battle!

As Shirou's car continued to draw closer, Da Vinci decided to go inside and block Shirou's route, so that Shirou could not overtake.

There is no miracle here that can be reproduced on the bend just now.The guardrail exists, and if it is extended, the curve cannot reach the next curve.

To re-stage the leap just now is to court death.

As for this path, Da Vinci has already calculated it, and the track is definitely not wide.Under the premise of poor skills, if you occupy the inside line, you will definitely be able to occupy the first place all the time.

Especially in the next step, after exiting the corner, there is a super long straight line.Straight-line acceleration is impossible in this well-tuned sports car.

But is it really so?

Shirou gripped the steering wheel tightly, the sweat in his palms had already broken out slightly, sticking to the steering wheel, making him feel a little sticky.The decisive battle is at this corner, so why doesn't he know?

A nearly two-kilometer-long ultra-long linear acceleration zone has already determined life and death.It would be fine if he could be in front of Da Vinci, as long as he was locked in the middle, Da Vinci would never be able to take advantage of his straight-line speed to overtake.On the other hand, he is likely to be thrown half a kilometer.

But there is no solution.

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