Shirou didn't quite believe it, and angrily said: "Ruby, don't frame a good person!"

The core of the ruby ​​is about to melt into a red liquid.Shirou seriously suspected that the liquid was actually a light and shadow effect.But it was really difficult for her to be so realistic.

"Onisan, do you know? How did this pervert wearing a doctor's uniform ask me how to transform into a magical girl? He kept asking me how to make the magical girl's uniform into a perfect sticker." The one that fit onto the girl's body——oooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Romani covered Ruby's mouth.

This appearance of trying to cover up made Shirou, who had completely believed and trusted the doctor, a little crack suddenly appeared in his heart.

Romani, you can't really do such a thing, can you?

Ruby finally tried her best to break free from the shackles of Romani.

"So, big brother, let me go!"

"Shirou, return the ruby ​​to me!" Illya bared her teeth and claws, as if she was about to punch Shirou in the chest if Shirou didn't return it.

But the point is not this.

The key is the look that Ai Li gave, it's all about saying, you and Kiritsugu are at the same table tonight.As for what that table is, it is unknown.

I have no choice but to return it to Illya.

"Let's go back."

"Ah?" Rin's eyes widened, "Weimiya, you bastard, aren't you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy. I'm calm and awake." Shirou looked in the rearview mirror, "Doctor, let go of Ruby."

Ruby smiled proudly.

"Oh ho ho ho ho, big brother, your decision is very correct, you won't regret it."


Rin firmly grabbed the ruby ​​that was about to fly away: "What are you thinking?"

"Let go of it." Shirou looked at Rin firmly.

Rin gritted his teeth and had to let go.

Illya, who has turned back into a magical girl, has no intention of letting Shirou go, but instead wants to have a series of treasures.

"So, Emiya, what are you thinking? Seizing it is our only chance!" Rin said angrily.

"Rin, you have to trust Shirou." Gilgamesh was not in a hurry, and even took out the oldest black tea in the world, but it smelled a little drowsy.

"I agree too. Rin-sama, do you need to listen to Shirou-sama's explanation?"

Shirou nodded, and the warp engine quickly dodged all of Illya's attacks.

He wasn't that stupid yet, he already had an idea when he just decided to let Ruby go.He is not mentally handicapped, his nose is being led away.

He is intelligent, right?

Next, he will demonstrate what is called the twentieth-generation Hassan, Hassan who has fused the power of poisonous milk.

"That's right. Rin, you can trust me on this point."

The roar sounded from behind the car.

The corner of Rin's mouth twitched: "It's not that I can't trust you, but how can I trust you?"

"Big brother, I advise you to disarm and surrender. Maybe I can let the gem man get a topaz to transform you into a magical boy. How? How? How!"

Ruby's arrogant appearance made Shirou laugh.

"Don't think you've won, Ruby, it's not okay to jump like that."

"Oh? Don't you have any means?"

Yes, of course there are.However, this move was too ruthless, and he really couldn't bear to use it.But since Ruby asked sincerely, he could only show mercy to tell Ruby what real power is.

"Illya fights well, Shirou is a chicken!"

Shirou shouted, and the situation suddenly changed. Molecules and atoms seemed to change their trajectories slightly, and the combination of quantum also began to change.

As soon as the words came out, the quantum state collapsed, and even the world line deviated by 0.1%!

For a while, the roar of the engine suddenly became louder, and at this moment, Ai Li's car suddenly emitted smoke.

"Ah, is it because the car has not been maintained for so long, so the car broke down?" Allie was a little anxious, "It was the same just now, and it broke down again after a good time?"

Ruby shuddered and looked at Shirou: "Could this be your method?"

"No." Shirou smiled slightly, "I just mentioned it casually."

However, this time, he should win, right?

The sound of shaking the cart suddenly passed through the ears, and the fast-moving bullock cart was also driving side by side with Shirou?

It’s over.

It's okay, why milk yourself!

Could it be that you really want to play GG?

Chapter 49 Artoria is serving dinner!

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