For no other reason, it is precisely because he is Artoria's official breeder, Shirou Emiya!

Come on, it's his last Great British trick!

"Artoria is serving dinner!"

Luvia's Lion suddenly braked suddenly, and Artoria's eyes shone like stars: "Shirou, where is the rice, where is the rice?"

Chapter 50 Inner Sea of ​​Stars?

"Artoria is serving dinner!"

"Shirou, where is Fan?"

Artoria didn't drive the car, she just waited for Shirou to bring out the rice bowl and the prepared dishes.

"What shall we eat today?" Arturia asked quickly.

"Today, you can eat whatever you want. After all, what do you want to eat?" Shirou relented, he didn't want this wallet anymore.

"Hairy crab, steamed grouper, tofu, river prawn, magic dragon, sphinx, handsome eagle..."

Shirou thought that Artoria's food was not too much after listening to it, and he could just buy more at that time, but what the hell are these behind?

He can't go on a tour in the Inner Sea of ​​the Stars, and then catch all these magical beasts and stew them at home, right?He always felt that even Barbatos was easier than these ingredients.

"Also, Gudazi said that the dried squid called Barbatos is also delicious, Shirou, can I have some?" Artoria's eyes flickered again.

"If I can get the ingredients, I'll get them to you, okay? But what kind of beasts and beasts, I can't enter the sea of ​​stars." Scratching his head, Shirou suddenly thought of Zieg.

Speaking of which, she seems to be in the sea of ​​stars.If Arturia saw it, she might think that Favna was delicious, and then she would grab it and eat it as a roast chicken.

"Can't you?" Arturia was very disappointed, "I actually want to eat some of Valrhona's. I haven't eaten it yet. Hey, Kim Pika over there, can you go? Why don't you try it?" Order the bull of the sky?"

Gilgamesh was a little moved.

What she wanted to eat the most was the Heavenly Bull. In fact, she wanted to eat it very much before, but due to some special reasons, she didn't eat it.But now Ishtar, all other gods are corpses.It's not too much for her to eat a bull of heaven.

"Wait for me to download, I'll get a portal, and then we'll go to the Star Inner Sea to catch the beast, shall we?"

"Hey! Erwuzi guna, I won't follow you to catch the bull. I still have to compete and get the Holy Grail. You are going to catch the bull, go catch it yourself." Shirou rolled her eyes, but found Al Toria and Gilgamesh seemed to confirm their eyes.

The look in the eyes probably means, I will pit Shirou in later, and then the meat of the beast, I seven you three - deal!

Hey, you two haven't met the right guy!Don't cheat!

"Artoria, when I go back, I'll cook delicious food for you, and I can do whatever you want, but the premise is that you don't cheat me now—ah!!"

A white gate appeared in front of him, and Shirou couldn't help closing his eyes, but found that the car seemed to be still on the ground, without the feeling of floating.He felt suddenly plunged into darkness.At the same time, several lights and shadows flashed.A mysterious little girl even appeared.

With white hair and a modern cotton skirt, no matter how you look at it, you look like a modern person.But why do modern people appear in the sea of ​​stars?

He couldn't help stopping the car: "Gilgamesh, why are you so stupid? And who is this little girl?"

"I don't know, I just want you to find the bull and kill the previous battle, but this person—oh, so it is!" Gilgamesh seemed to see through everything with his clairvoyance EX, smiling It's getting a little subtler.

This person has seen through everything and refuses to spoil it.

There are spoilers and non-spoilers in the world.Shirou is the kind who likes to read spoilers and read strategies.Why not take a shortcut?But Gilgamesh just doesn't spoil the party.Concealing the real news and deliberately defrauding people.

"Well, little girl, how can I get out of the Sea of ​​Stars?"

Shirou scratched the back of his head.

"Come on, did you actually ask this? I finally saw this deity, and I didn't even ask my name."

"Well, your name? But you seem to know me?"

"Sha Tiao Love Song." The girl giggled and laughed softly, "I heard Zig mention your name. Speaking of which, she kept talking about you, so I went to observe it curiously. But you are covered in mist."

It's all fog.

Wait - Chigurh?

"Why did she mention me? Well, well, let's put this question on hold for now. How can we leave the Sea of ​​Stars?"

"Catch the bull of the sky!" Gilgamesh said excitedly.

"Guna!" Shirou rubbed her head fiercely, "Anjelica, can I use displacement magic?"

"Sorry, my magic reserve is not enough to reach that point. If there is Lady Illya, maybe it will be possible."

"Well, since you want to leave no matter what, then I have to tell you some ways. But Zig will be very sad." Ai Ge's face was covered with a layer of shadow, as if for Zig Unfortunately so-so.

"Don't worry, I'll come back when the big deal happens. But I didn't expect, Shining, that you even have this kind of treasure."

Gilgamesh whistled and pretended he didn't hear anything.

"Well then, I will tell you a way. Go, go to the center, Alaya will definitely have a way to send you back to the ground, but you must remember to come back."

Shirou nodded quickly and got into his car.

Stepping on the accelerator vigorously, Shirou drove towards the center of the Hoshinei Sea.

The sea within the stars is not big, ideally it takes about a minute to get there.Because the physical rules of the inner sea are already different from those on the surface, he can even reach the speed of light, allowing himself to make deals with himself.

"Ah - didn't we come to participate in the Holy Grail Grand Prix, why did we suddenly come to the Sea of ​​Stars?" Rin couldn't help complaining.

"It's all a good thing." Shirou comforted, and suddenly found that the car trembled, as if it had hit something.

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