"But, what's the use of this?" Shirou looked at the screen, speechless.

"At least we can use the screen to communicate, it's better than dying, right?" Shen Er blushed and argued.

Shirou thought about it carefully.

He suddenly remembered the words of a certain poet.

Nostalgia is a small screen, with me on one end and Bai Ye on the other.

Guna!He doesn't want a two-dimensional paper man!He wants to live!The kind that can move!What is the difference between living in a computer with a screen like this and playing a game?

Shirou couldn't take it anymore, and angrily pulled out the USB flash drive.

"Weimiya, what are you doing! You don't want to kill Hakuno?" Shinji roared angrily.

Shirou rushed home with the USB flash drive without looking back.

"Shinji, a cardboard man, won't bring you happiness unless you become a living person."

Shirou's thoughts were already very clear. What is the substance of the U disk?It is the file after the human soul has been digitized. These files, in essence, can be restored to the soul.

As for the soul, to become a living person, it couldn't be easier for Shirou.

In this world, almost no one can turn the soul into a living person, but the only one who can do it is his sister!

"Weimiya, what do you want to say?"

"Shen Er, do you know about the third method?"

Author's message:

this. . .Not much to say.

rng! rng! rng!


uzi! uzi! uzi!

Champion, happy!

Chapter 63 What is self-fertilization position?

Bai Ye and Zig were separated into Shishilang's left and right sides, each holding an arm, refusing to let go.

Shirou felt that he really used a stupid trick. Why did he lose his mind, take Sakura, Zig, and let Illya materialize Bai Ye's soul in front of his sisters?

Did his IQ drop dramatically?

Fortunately, Illya and the others had already been called away by Kiritsugu, and Ari gave him a thumbs up as if encouraging him to find more girls and have more children.

"Senior, do you have anything to explain?" Sakura didn't intend to hide anything anymore, her hair turned white.

"Sakura, calm down!" Shirou trembled, but felt that the left and right balls were tighter again.


Who can help me!

Anyone with a little common sense can see that if Sakura's black shadow continues to move forward, can Shirou, who is holding a car with a mantis arm, still be able to resist it?On the contrary, Sakura has maintained the utmost restraint.

"Actually, I also heard from Archer about senior's misfortune, and asked me to take care of senior, but I didn't expect that when senior saved the world before, it only took ten days at a time. I found a new love." Sakura brushed her hair.

Shirou grunted.

To be fair, he didn't want to either.He always felt that when he was summoned, he opened up a new world line, such as the original world line, Zig, or Bai Ye, they were actually boys, but when he came, the world line changed inexplicably , they become them.what can he doHe is also very desperate.

"Sakura, this, let me tell you something, it's actually because of my difficult appearance that they all turned into girls, do you believe it?"

"Ha ha."

Shirou also knew that his ghost reason was untenable, but how could it be such a coincidence?My Master has been a woman twice in a row, no, counting Alaya, my Master should have been a woman three times.Using the law of multiplication, the probability is one eighth, [-] percent.He still felt that the possibility of him shaking it was relatively small.

When Gilgamesh, who was sitting and eating the happy things of the fat house and drinking the happy water of the abandoned house, was covering his mouth and giggling, Shirou suddenly remembered a serious problem.

If you count Uruk where I don’t know when I went, wouldn’t I be the master four times, but they are all women?In the epic, Gilgamesh should be a big man who picks his feet, right?

No matter how multiplied by one-half, the historical figures will not change gender, right?

So, in fact, it was his appearance as a woman who affected the world line!This is the stone hammer, the stone hammer!

"Sakura, I'm not lying to you. Listen to me, in the historical facts of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is actually a macho man, right? And he's a big man with his feet, and so is Enkidu, and Enkidu and Gilgamesh Meish is messing around, these can be found in the historical facts of Gilgamesh. But why is the Gilgamesh we see now a cute girl?" Shirou couldn't help applauding his wit .

"Yes, is it?" Sakura was fooled by Shirou so that her hair almost turned back to purple, and the white hair was only at the end of her hair, and she could go back with a little more effort.

"Really, really!" Shirou wanted to swear with his hands upright, but he was held so tightly by Zig and Hakuno that he couldn't move at all.

"Nonsense!" Gilgamesh, who was eating and drinking the happy water of the fat house, straightened his uncut hair angrily, "I'm not a macho at all, don't talk nonsense!"

"Where is it wrong? Sakura, let me tell you, there are some amazing stories in the historical facts of Gilgamesh. Before Enkidu came, the whole city of Uruk was turned into a mess, and there were many complaints. Because they couldn't satisfy Gilgamesh until Xiao En came—hey, Winky, don't be like this, this is not your story, I mean the hunk version, the hunk version!" Shirou tried his best to avoid it, but Gilgamesh didn't give a chance, and continued to hit Shirou's head with the oldest small TV beside him.

"So? My counterpart is not Gilgamesh?" Gilgamesh hugged the accumulated fat with his atrophied arm that had not been exercising for a long time.

"Of course not. Assuming that in another world line, I became a servant of the feminine Shiroko because of my relationship with Avalon, I would ask you, is this a contract with myself?"

Sakura and Gilgamesh immediately became interested.

"Is not it?"

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