"Sister Teng, it's not dinner yet."

"Don't be so restrained." Dahe laughed embarrassingly when he found that his movements had been stopped.

"I still have to do it. Then I'll have dinner."

After eating and washing the dishes, it was time for Sakura to go home, but now Fuyuki is not safe at all.

"Sakura, why don't I take you home?" Shirou asked.

"But, if my brother sees it..." Sakura said hesitantly.

"Since that's the case, shall I send it?" Dahe suggested, "And Shirou is so skilled that he can't protect Sakura."

When Anjelica heard it, her expression was a little subtle: "You can give it a try."

Dahe picked up the poster without hesitation, rolled it up, and slashed towards Shirou, but the poster snapped in half in an instant.

A rare sincere smile appeared on Anjelica's face—replacement magic.

"Look, Lord Shirou has already defeated you if he doesn't make a move."

"Ah! Impossible!" Dahe said angrily.

After fighting for a while, Shirou finally decided to take Sakura home in person.

As for the Shinji guy—

How can a friend have a girl important?

Damn you, Shinji!

Author's message:

First more. . .There are three shifts today, and the 3k collection is still to be celebrated.

Illya will appear in the next chapter!

Chapter 9 Illya's First Appearance

"Good night, senior, thank you!"

"Well, no. I should send you home, otherwise my senior will be too disqualified?" Shirou smiled, "Then let's see you tomorrow."

It's a bit late now, so if I go home and practice magic, it should be too late.

And the money that suddenly appeared in my hand at that time, I recalled that it felt a certain connection with magic, and there was some magic aura attached to it.

What kind of magic would that be?

Walking on the road, Shirou, who was thinking, did not notice that a white-haired girl in purple winter clothes had quietly appeared in front of him.

"If you don't call out quickly, you will die."

Shirou turned around and saw her.

That kind of feeling is very kind, like her own sister, or if she has a sister, she must be very suitable to be friends with her sister, right?

His hand lightly patted the white-haired girl's hat, and Shirou said, "If you don't hurry back so late, it is very likely that something will happen to Fuyuki in such a dangerous place now."


After buying two bottles of hot milk, Shirou walked out of the convenience store and handed one of the bottles to the white-haired girl.

She sat happily on the bench, put her face on the hot milk, and rubbed it back and forth.

"Thank you, big brother."

"No thanks." Shirou waved his hand and sat down on the bench.

"By the way, what's your name? I forgot to ask your name when I was visiting the new capital." Shirou said helplessly. understand.

Hearing Shirou's words, the white-haired girl put the milk on the bench, stood up and bowed slightly to Shirou, pinching the corners of her skirt with both hands, and said, "It's the first time we met, my name is Illya. Illyas Phil Feng Einzbern."

Shirou applauded. Although he didn't understand it, he felt very powerful. If Feng had a name in her name, she should be a German nobleman.I don't know if it has anything to do with Anjelica.

After all, nobles are inextricably linked, and it should be normal for Anjelica to know Illya.

"Oh, my name is Emiya Shirou."

"Well, then I'll call you, Shirou, Shirou, um!"

After speaking, Illya nodded, squinted her eyes and smiled, and her body was close to Shirou.

Ilya called Shirou's name so intimately, but Shirou didn't feel any sense of disobedience, maybe it was because she really thought she was like his little sister and she was cute.

"It's so late, why is Illya still outside?" Shirou stroked his chin, "Did you run away because of trouble with the family? Did you come for a trip?"

Illya shook her head, looking very lonely.

"No. But don't worry, it's fine if I have Shirou to accompany me now." Illya laughed again and hugged Shirou's right arm.

"It's like this." Shirou was a little confused about the situation. Anyway, it was quite pleasant to be with Illya now, and he didn't bother to care so much.

"By the way, Illya, do you want to go to the arcade to play?" Shirou suddenly remembered that he still has a badge with 'URK' written on it, and he can play for free, and the most important thing is that the style of the game machine is very complete. Play whatever you want.

"Game hall, what is that?" Illya frowned in confusion, "Tell me quickly, Shirou!"

"Well..." Shirou didn't know how to explain it. Illya was a nobleman, so she was probably under strict control.

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