Breathing heavily, Shirou stood up, carrying a giant shield to avoid detection.

That blue spearman doesn't like to be called Wang Sauce, but Shirou doesn't know what to call him, and the chances of meeting him will probably not be less in the future. Since it makes people feel blue, then call him - Blue Wang Sauce Bar!

Of course, Cú Chulainn couldn't just give up his plan to solve Shirou directly. He just knew very well that as long as Shirou took up the shield, he would definitely not be able to find Shirou.

If I remember correctly, it is the crown assassin, Hassan's shield in Hassan, which seems to have the effect of aura shielding.

But even if that person were to stab him for hundreds of years, he would not be able to kill him.

So, the witty dog ​​brother has gone to steal the house.

Brother Gou, Sauce Wang, and Cu Chulainn, his tactics are [-] years ahead of the industry.

"Emiya Shirou, although I can't find you, I know where your home is."

Cu Chulainn laughed, almost laughing out loud, as if he was the same as his current Master, Kotomine Kirei.

Covering his mouth, Cú Chulainn found that he had been contaminated.

How could he be infected by the Master?Hold back, hold back!

"Hmph, Emiya Shirou, when I catch that little girl, you won't be at my mercy. If you eat a few hundred bowls of Mapo tofu, just eat a few hundred bowls of Mapo tofu and ask you to give me a projector game console. Just give me a video game console?" Cú Chulainn stood at the gate of Wei Gong's house and walked in with a swagger, he didn't believe it, that little girl could hurt him.

As soon as Cú Chulainn stepped into the Emiya residence, the alarm suddenly sounded.

"This magic workshop is much better than the previous one. But..."

"Lancer?" Anjelica looked at the blue spearmen in front of her and suddenly felt bad.

"It's you." Cú Chulainn pointed the gun, his face turned hideous, "Why are you in this guy's house?"

"It's none of your business, lancer." Anjelica thought about the problem quickly, and the lancer in front of her had roughly guessed the reason for being summoned.

In the Holy Grail War, only this kind of ritual can allow Heroic Spirits to be summoned when the world is not in danger.

"He obviously still remembers some things from the past. I can conclude that he has a lot of connections with the previous Emiya Shirou, or even a person. So, is it you who caused him to become like this? With Your own body to tempt him?"

Having said that, Cu Chulainn immediately rushed towards Anjelica, Anjelica couldn't dodge in time, so she had to use magic to stop Cu Chulainn.

In this place that has been made into a magic workshop, Anjelica's replacement magic suddenly became much stronger.Although he was not able to achieve the miracle of displacement magic at the Einsworth station.

But blocking Cú Chulainn for a while is no problem!

The tip of the spear passed through the space replaced by the replacement magic, and instead scratched Cuchulain himself.

Taking this opportunity, Anjelica quickly distanced herself.

"Very well, Anjelica, you made me angry before, and now I'm even more angry."

Afterwards, the pointed spear perfectly avoided the small trap set by Anjelica, and he had completely seen through these little tricks of Anjelica.

Although he was summoned with the lancer class, that didn't mean he wasn't good at magic.

"Tips for carving insects!"

After scratching Anjelica, Cuchulain kicked her.

Anjelica was kicked and flew to the warehouse, her body was a little disobedient, and she couldn't move.

It is almost impossible for a human being to fight against a Servant.

"Tell me, why did Shirou Emiya become like this?"

Cú Chulainn casually grabbed Anjelica's collar and asked.

"I don't know why Shirou-sama became like this. Lancer, when I came to this world, Shirou-sama became like this." Anjelica struggled hard, but it was useless.

"Shut up! He clearly remembers it! Since you don't want to say it, then I can only..."

"Your opponent is me! Blue Lancer!"

The capable general Mo Xie was instantly projected in his hands, and Shirou, who had recovered some magic power, threw the double knives at Cú Chulainn full of anger.

Cu Chulainn quickly backed away, even outside the warehouse.

In front of Anjelica, Shirou raised his sword and pointed at Cú Chulainn, full of anger.

"Angelica, are you okay?"

"It's okay, Shirou-sama, I've made you worry."

"Culture well there with peace of mind, and leave the next battle to me!"

"But he..."

Cu Chulainn looked at Shirou helplessly: "Hey, I'm a Servant anyway, not a defective product summoned by a card."

Shirou projected his double swords again and said disdainfully, "Isn't he a Servant?"

Author's message:

Shirou: It's been a long time since I've been tearing it apart. Let's go together, I'm in a hurry

Chapter 14 Caliburn!

Servants are the products of the Holy Grail War to solidify Heroic Spirits, and for this reason, seven classes are divided.

Cu Chulainn was one of them, summoned with the lancer class.

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