"Oh?" Cú Chulainn said meaningfully, "That's not necessarily true. Hmph, he's here now."

"lancer, hurry up."

"Got it, bad-tempered king."

Picking up the gun and carrying it on his shoulder, Lancer said.

"Miss, this is my last word for you. If you are unlucky. Shirou Emiya is your only support, you must believe him."


"Ke, have you been found?" Rin noticed the abnormal magic fluctuation.

"That's natural. Gilgamesh wants to set a trap like this, and he will do what he needs to do." Archer said in a flat tone, "It's just that I didn't expect Gilgamesh to disregard face for this. level."

"Yeah, she's an aloof king, I really don't understand why she did this to Shirou." Saber took out his sword and warned.

"It seems that the plan to change homes in the morning was a failure." Shirou scratched his hair, "Gilgamesh is not on time and not keeping his promises at all, his quality is too poor."

The sound of footsteps came slowly, and the figure slowly appeared.

The blue tights and the red magic gun all showed his identity.

"lancer?" Rin's eyes straightened, what's the situation?

"My employer is very obedient to Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh already knew that the two of you would form an alliance and came here earlier, but she only wants to fight Emiya Shirou alone, understand? That is to say, I am a level before the hero wants to save the princess." Lancer laughed at himself.

"Then, let's go, saber, archer, attack with all our strength!" Shirou said mercilessly.

"Wait." Lancer waved his hand, "Emiya Shirou, that guy Gilgamesh only allows you and Saber to enter, if you choose to fight in a group now, it means that she decides to take down the eldest lady directly. life."

Before the battle, Shirou asked Anjelica about Gilgamesh's situation.

Aloofness, arrogance, tyranny, cruelty, are all synonymous with her.

Cynical, will not take anything seriously, and is extremely disgusted with fakes (Faker), so in order to defeat the fakes, he will only come up with the corresponding original scriptures.

This is the reason why Shirou dares to come here this time and still has some confidence.

If it is not a serious confrontation, then he still has a chance.

Shirou looked at Rin, who nodded.

"Don't worry, Emiya Shirou, it's just a lancer. We will support you as soon as possible. It's easy to defeat him." Archer said confidently.

"Well, in that case, saber, let's hold on for a while, and try to wait until the archer comes and attack together."

Saber nodded, she couldn't defeat Gilgamesh, but two Servants might have a certain chance, and there was one Shirou who could barely be a Servant, so there was still some confidence.

When Saber and Shirou had entered, Lancer said disdainfully with the gun: "I didn't use all my strength last time, you can fight me [-] to [-], are you so confident?"

"It's as if I used all my strength." Archer smiled. "Except for Gilgamesh, I can play this Holy Grail War alone."

"You don't think that you still use the card as a catalyst to help him penetrate the rest of the stupid card owners, so you can be like that time?" Lancer laughed, "Are you a fool? I won't... "

A gun and a sword appeared in Archer's hands.

"Are you still so confident?"

The spiral sword, whoever used it (Calabolg) by Cú Chulainn who had a relationship with Ulster would have to lose once.

The other gun was exactly the same as the gun in Cu Chulainn's hand.


Pierce the Gun of Death Swing.

The magic gun itself was the gun that killed Cú Chulainn.

"Archer?" Rin stared dumbfoundedly as he pulled out a Noble Phantasm that should not belong to him at all, but it was not the Noble Phantasm he took out from the treasure of the king as Shirou said.


"Tohsaka, I'll explain this to you later. What I have to do now is to defeat him."

Archer laughed, very rare.

His previous smile almost always appeared when he was making some jokes, but now it is an incomparable joy from the heart.because--

"Cu Chulainn, you've killed this Gaebolg twice before. But I'm lucky, I didn't die at that time."

"I just don't know, can you pierce my heart again?"


Footsteps echoed throughout the castle.

Hearing the footsteps, Gilgamesh stood up, the cup in his hand and the chair under the seat turned into golden particles and slowly dispersed.

She had waited too long for this moment.

Joy suddenly filled her heart, even overflowing to the corners of her mouth.

From the King's Treasure, a rather modern mechanical creation, Gilgamesh threw her at Illya's side.

Autonomous machinery.

As long as Illya does something special, this thing will take Illya's life in an instant.

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