Pokémon: Stinger Jellyfish

Height: 38 meters

Weight: 999kg

Sex: male

Feature: Huge

Potential: Elite

Level: 86

System Review: By chance, a Pokémon that has overdrawn its life and gained power, it has only one day of life at most, and hates humans, so the host should run away!

"The condition of this stinger jellyfish seems a little weird!" Xiao Huang frowned. She couldn't describe this feeling, and she couldn't explain it clearly. She had never seen such a Pokémon's state before.

"It has overdrawn its life and has to take revenge on mankind!" Kaguya sighed silently, and he would definitely do to stop the battle, but the agate jellyfish and the others just wanted to return to their homeland.

Chapter 1 Hell on Earth!Hirona's strength! -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

"It has overdrawn its life and has to take revenge on mankind!" Kaguya sighed silently, and he would definitely do to stop the battle, but the agate jellyfish and the others just wanted to return to their homeland.

All these disasters are caused by those people!

It's just that Pokémon Direct doesn't seem to have this feature! ?Do you think you are Ultraman? !Can be huge!And overdrawing your life can increase your strength! ? Level 86 is already a quasi-god, right? !Kaguya is a little indecisive!This should be just a coincidence. If this is really possible, then the world would have been in chaos long ago. An organization like Team Rocket would not care about the lives and deaths of a few Pokémon!

"Is that so?!" Xiao Huang was stunned for a moment, no wonder the stinger jellyfish seemed to be very vigorous but strange.

"Are you overdrawing your vitality?! Let's go to Dr. Damu and the others now and tell them what happened here!" Yew has also contacted Dr. Damu at this moment.

I have to say that these agate jellyfish are still full of tragedies. They want to come out and do something, but they didn't expect that there is not only a champion from the Shenno area, but also a Dr. Damu...

"Okay~" Kaguya looked at the agate jellyfish that were constantly attacking them below, but there were countless agate jellyfish rushing towards here, releasing endlessly.

Kaguya frowned slightly, took back Lucario who was still fighting, let him go in to recover his strength, and then motioned Xiaobu to follow him.

When several people were looking for Dr. Damu, the huge stinger jellyfish over there also encountered an enemy, and a woman in black stood in front of it with her Pokémon.

Shirona was in a terrible mood, and she finally went out to travel, but she encountered such a thing.However, since she has encountered it, even if she is not the champion of the Shenno region, she will help! ?

The champion looked resolutely at the behemoth in front of her. Now there are countless people behind her who need her protection: "Bite the land shark and lead it away!"

At the same time, Shirona summoned a Minas and sat on it. She also had a Minas, and it was a champion-level Minas!

Bite Lu Shark without saying a word, spit out a dragon's breath at the giant 443 jellyfish, and the huge and fiery red energy ball hit the giant stinger jellyfish, even if the stinger jellyfish already possessed the strength of a demigod, at this moment Being hit by the dragon's breath that bit the shark fiercely, he also stumbled and rolled up countless water waves.

However, the giant stinger jellyfish didn't care about the Pokémon that attacked itself. Its only eyes were the luxury hotel newly built on the Lampurchi. It was their homeland, and humans destroyed their homeland. , also banished them, sin deserves death!

Thinking of this, the giant sting jellyfish used a surf attack on the luxury hotel. In an instant, a huge wave about [-] to [-] meters high rushed towards the hotel. This is no longer a huge wave but a tsunami. Countless people feel hopeless about this, so powerful!

"Bite the land shark fiercely, stop it!" Even if Shirona didn't think the hope was very high, she had to do it at this moment.

Bite Lu Shark heard Xirona's command, and began to charge in his mouth. After a while, a huge energy ball was ejected from its mouth, and it hit the sky-shattering waves like a meteorite.

"Boom!" The huge energy exploded, and the dragon star group was indeed the ultimate trick of the dragon-type Pokémon, and it even suppressed the huge waves for a while! .

Text Chapter [-] The Contradictory Kaguya

Seeing that his surfing was blocked by the pokemon that he had never met, the giant stinger jellyfish was furious, but even so, the giant stinger jellyfish was not led away by the stinger shark. All eyes are on the resort hotel that occupies its own home!That's its home!

The giant stinger jellyfish charged towards the hotel again.

Such a scene made Shirona frown. What is this for? !What makes the stinger jellyfish so obsessed with this hotel! ?

"Bite the land shark fiercely, stop it!" However, although Shirona was puzzled at the moment, she still wanted to stop the action of the giant stinger jellyfish!

At this moment, a pale yellow Pokémon that looks honest and honest flew in the sky - Kuailong!

Quickly and quickly came to Liebite Lu Shark and stared at the giant venomous jellyfish with a serious face, as if to fight side by side with Liebite Lu Shark!

"Quick Dragon?! Whose?!" Shirona thought of Du immediately, but she quickly rejected this guess, she has seen Du's Quick Dragon!The training of this fast dragon is even higher than that of the fast dragon that crosses. Thinking of this, Hirona looked in the direction of Lanpurqi in horror, and the big shot took action! ?

"Since this is the case, bite the land shark, we have to perform well in front of the seniors!" Xirona's heart ignited the excitement of the battle!As a leader of the younger generation, Shirona is also eager to prove herself in front of the older generation and surpass them!


"Dr. Damu!" The three of Kaguya quickly found the place where Dr. Damu was. Xiao Mao, Xiaozhi and Hanako were all here, and they were helping people evacuate.

"Well, you guys are finally here!" Dr. Damu was a little helpless, this time it seemed that the trouble was really big.He looked at Hui Ye with a little resentment in his eyes. It seemed that before Hui Ye came to Kanto, it was still very peaceful here.

When Kaguya came to Kanto for a trip, Team Rocket became active, and when Kaguya came to Kanto, all kinds of strange things happened.

Well, it's all Dr. Damu's powerless complaints, and he also knows that Kaguya can't be blamed for this.

If Kaguya knew what Dr. Damu was thinking, he would definitely shout out his wishes. It is definitely not himself who really has a halo, but Xiao Zhicai. No two.

"Well, Dr. Ogi, the reason for this time is this...¨'..." Kaguya explained the motives of the agate jellyfish in simple language.

"What?" Listening to Kaguya's remarks, Xiao Zhi and his party were filled with righteous indignation. It seemed that it was all the fault of those profiteers!As a result, so many people have to pay for them!

After Dr. Damu heard Kaguya's words, his face became very ugly. He is not as simple as these children think. There must be many people's interests involved, otherwise this kind of thing destroying the Pokémon home. The above will not turn a blind eye, what is going on with the current alliance? !

"What we should do now is to appease the anger of the agate jellyfish and the others, and leave the rest to me to negotiate!" This time, Dr. Damu is really angry!These tragically killed people and Pokémon are all theirs!

Only the common people will suffer, and those guys don't know where they are now!It seems that even the mayor of Lampurch has run away before!

Chapter 1: The Contradictory Kaguya-->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

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