"This?!" The hunter was stunned when he saw this scene. This Lucario was much stronger than he thought, but this time he was no longer excited.

The moment the hunter was shocked, Lucario's wave missile had already hit him.

"Wonderful Frog Seed, tie him up with a vine whip!" Hui Ye released the Wonderful Frog Seed. Because of this or that relationship, the Wonderful Frog Seed has not participated in the battle since becoming Kaguya's Pokémon, but during this time The body of the wonderful frog seeds has improved a lot. Although it has not been able to restore the source of the deficit, it is much better than when he was in the city of dry leaves.

"Ghana!" Frog Seed tied up the Pokémon hunter who didn't know whether to live or die with its recently improved vine whip.

Wonderful Frog Seed will naturally not be polite to this bad person. During this time, it has seen a lot, there are good people among human beings, and there are many bad people.

Chapter 1 Endless pursuit? !Come on then! -->>(page 2/[-]), please click next page to continue reading.

Wonderful Frog Seed will naturally not be polite to this bad person. During this time, it has seen a lot, there are good people among human beings, and there are many bad people.

And Lucario quickly solved the three Pokémon, and then came over with a complicated look. It wanted to kill the Pokémon hunter, but before that, it had to get Kaguya's consent.

"Wait, let's find a way to get some information from him, such as who asked him to grab Nana, and whether they have an organization!" Kaguya explained patiently to Lucario.

Then he found a very tangled thing. He didn't have a Pokémon that could hypnotize, and although he had a Shaker, he also couldn't do illusions.

what should I do now? !

After thinking about it, Hui Ye was a little helpless. It seemed that when would he want to get a superpower-type Pokémon, otherwise it would be really difficult to encounter such a problem in the future.

"Lucario, can you knock out all the teeth on both sides of him? I'm afraid he has fangs!" Although Kaguya doesn't understand this very well, it seems that this is how it is played in the movie, in order not to expose the secrets of the organization , Isn't it normal to commit suicide? ?

Lucario nodded excitedly. If he dealt with normal people like this, Lucario would never do it, but if the target was a Pokémon hunter, it would be happy to do such a thing.

Afraid that Xiao Huang couldn't accept such a thing, Hui Ye covered Xiao Huang's eyes and ears.

Just listening to the terrifying screams of the Pokémon hunters, Lucario wouldn't let it go!

Tooth extraction was originally a very painful thing, but Lucari's 410 euros directly knocked out all the teeth on both sides of his body.

He looked at Hui Ye with resentment on his face: "You~let me go~otherwise my organization will not let you go~you will be hunted down by the organization every day and night!"

I don't know how he spoke in such a situation, or whether it was originally dentures...

"Organization?! Chase?! Let them come if you can! I even provoke Team Rocket!" The largest organization in the Pokémon world has always been the Pokémon League, and Kaguya is also half of the Pokémon League for the time being. , even the Rockets will not come to him with much fanfare!

However, it seems that the Rockets have been doing a lot of things recently, and the Rockets, like a mad dog, have to be on guard!

"Hmph, I have already reported my information before I came. If you let me go now, I will give up this mission!" The hunter didn't say anything hard at the moment, nor did he say anything to make Kaguya General The words that Lucario and Minas handed over, this is definitely a ruthless person!Hunter chose to serve soft.

Hui Ye frowned: "I'm not afraid of whether your organization will chase me down, let them come if they have the ability!" He asked Xiao Huang to leave a little bit, and then took out several wooden sticks, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. .

Text Chapter [-]: That person back then? !

Kaguya sharpened these small wooden signs one by one, and then said to the hunter with a sneer: "You better answer my question honestly, otherwise you should be looking forward to the feeling of this wooden sign sticking into your finger? !"

After saying that, Kaguya grabbed the hunter's finger and stabbed the wooden sign into the hunter's right index finger.

Kaguya has never been soft on bad guys. Since the other party has already pointed a gun at his head, what is there to hold back! ?

"Ah?~" The hunter let out a shrill scream when Kaguya stabbed his finger with a rough wooden stick. Lian Xin, this is really too painful!

There's one more thing he didn't say!You didn't ask me anything, and I didn't tell you, so what are you doing directly? !

The hunter looked at Kaguya and said, "What do you want to know?!"

Kaguya smiled lightly, revealing a smile that the hunter thought was a demon: "Who gave you the order this time?! Who wants my Minas?!"

The hunter shook his head: "I don't know, this time it was a private order I took on the Internet. The employer said you were a novice trainer, so I took the order!"

The hunter wanted to cry, what novice trainer? !He was miserable this time. Has anyone seen a novice trainer so strong? !This is obviously a ruthless person.

Hui Ye frowned: "So, you don't know that you don't know anything?!" Hui Ye's eyes seemed to say that if you don't know anything, I did you! "

The man hurriedly said, "No, I have a clue. I talked to my employer, found his approximate address, and recorded his voice."

Originally, he wanted to extort more money from this call recording, but he didn't expect to encounter such a thing, but the man would not have pity on the other party. This time, the other party tricked him, what a novice trainer!Then you have to make the other party unlucky too!

"Where did you come from? ¨ˇ!" Kaguya nodded, fortunately, there were some clues.

"Hualan City, but I don't know who it is!" The man sighed and said, "I can give you the contact information and the recording!"

"Hualan City?!" Hui Ye frowned, his first impression was the three vase sisters in Hualan Gym, but he quickly ruled out this idea, after all, they are gym trainers!

Others, he really can't remember anything!Suddenly, Hui Ye's mind flashed and he thought of a figure. It seemed that when Minas just evolved from the stupid fish, there was someone who wanted to buy his own Minas, and Hui Ye didn't hesitate. 's refused.

At that time, Kaguya was excited, and this person swept away a lot of interest, which also caused Kaguya to still have an impression of him.

"Okay! What about your organization?! Your equipment is not ordinary, and it is not something that ordinary people can take out!" Kaguya picked up the circle on the ground that was destroyed by Lucario. He planned to study it after he went back. There are also ways to deal with these poaching organizations, and the technical house is very powerful.

Hearing Hui Ye asking about the organization, the man gave Hui Ye a careful look: "You should kill me, the poaching organization has rules! If I say betray the organization and go out, my family will be affected in the end!"

Hearing the man's words, Kaguya stuck another wooden sign at the man without saying a word.

It's a pity that this time the man became unusually tough. He didn't even shout out the pain, and the whole person's face became extremely hideous.

Chapter 1 The original person? ! -->>(page 2/[-]), please click next page to continue reading.

It's a pity that this time the man became unusually tough. He didn't even shout out the pain, and the whole person's face became extremely hideous.

Seeing this, Hui Ye couldn't help frowning, what kind of organization made him do this? !

Kaguya tried again to stick a wooden sign, but unfortunately the man still didn't make any sound.

This time, Kaguya knew, maybe it was because the organization was too large that this man didn't dare to say it!

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