For a while, the deputy mayor became a character that everyone shouted at, even if the alliance wanted to protect him, it was impossible.Kaguya didn't intend to let him go like this, sometimes the mental torture is more painful than the physical one!

Hui Ye is not a Virgin. If he just wanted to rob a Pokémon, maybe Hui Ye wouldn't be so angry, but that person wanted to kill himself and kidnap and sell Xiao Huang, which was not something he could endure.

As long as the people around the deputy mayor have problems, Hui Ye will find them one by one. After all, in Hui Ye's eyes, these portals are just like their own compound.

It's just that the so-called poaching organization's website is indeed a bit clever, and Kaguya hasn't thoroughly understood the computer programs in this world, so he can't get into it for the time being.

(PS: This chapter speeds up the plot, well, something very interesting will happen soon~).

Text Chapter [-]: Nazi

So many things happened on this day, almost people all over the world recognized the deputy mayor of Hualan City, this is even one of the worst scandals in the history of the league, this is the first time they have seen someone Officials are so fucked up!

On the surface, the world of Pokémon is a world that pays attention to democracy and freedom. With Kaguya taking the lead on the Internet, all the old officials of the official have been found out.

And when the official was told about it, he was still playing indescribable things with the newest internet celebrity, and he didn't even have time to react.

He was finished, he knew that someone was deliberately messing with him, but the vice mayor of Hualan City, who always looked down on others, didn't even know who wanted to fix him...

The affairs in Hualan City are not in the hands of Huiye. In the past, he would go to someone when he had something to do, um, to compete with the background, but this also led to the opportunity for him to leave room for the other party, such as the last time CJ~ thing.

However, now Hui Ye's mentality has changed, since you want to deal with me, then I will kill you too, he no longer wants to leave any room for it, he wants to see you in the future, let this sentence go to hell!

It's actually pretty good for a hacker to do this...

After finishing everything, Kaguya fell asleep beautifully. He was exhausted some time ago. He and his elder sister cherished the time together very much. After the first time, the two also entered yu In a state of dissatisfaction, almost as long as he has physical strength and energy, he will do some things that cannot be described. If it is not supplemented with animal milk, I am afraid that the yew would have been exhausted? !


After sleeping until dawn, Hui Ye and Xiao Huang decided to challenge the super power gym in the Golden City after enjoying a hearty lunch the next day.

In fact, in addition to Nazi's superpower attribute gym, the Golden City also has a gym, a fighting gym, and this gym is also the Golden City gym before Nazi, but the owner of the gym is owned by Nazi. Defeat and become a personal private gym.

In the game, this gym also exists. Although you can't get a badge by defeating the gym, you can get Abillon or Savaran, but there are no such rules in this world.

Also, on TV, Nazi is a neuropathy with serious mental illness, but in fact it is not the case... Nazi has a supreme status among some special groups of people, she is even a member of the World Association of Superpowers Vice president!

Before arriving at the Golden Gym, Kaguya felt as if he had come to a gathering place of mental illness. Before entering the gate, he saw a few men in sloppy clothes staring at the spoons in their hands, as if entering the hall. Bewildered.

"Hui Ye, what are they doing?!" Xiao Huang asked Hui Ye curiously.

She is relatively kind, and doesn't look at other people with that kind of caring eyes for the mentally handicapped.

Kaguya's mouth twitched, you ask me, how should I explain it! ?He suddenly didn't want to learn superpowers. If he wanted to practice superpowers by staring at the spoon like this every day, then he didn't even need to practice this superpower!

Anyway, my strength is not bad and there is a god-level lottery system, so I may not get good ones in the future!It's so embarrassing to be like this every day!

"Forget it, let's go to challenge the gym first!" Kaguya sighed silently, and put the idea of ​​wanting to learn superpowers out of her mind.

Before, a man who was "training" his superpowers heard Kaguya's words: "Are you here to challenge Master Nazi!?" After speaking, he glanced at Kaguya and Xiao Huang with a look of contempt.

Obviously, this is Nazi's loyal fan.

"We're here to challenge the gym!" Hui Ye wasn't even angry about this, just like some star chasers in the previous life, and they didn't have much to know.

Chapter 1 Nazi-->>(page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

"We're here to challenge the gym!" Hui Ye wasn't even angry about this, just like some star chasers in the previous life, and they didn't have much to know.

In this world, those idol stars and so on are much better than those little fresh meat and cutout girls in the previous life, after all, they are really powerful.For example, Nazi, who she is going to challenge, is not only a powerful superpower, but her superpower-type Pokémon is also very powerful.

Generally, people like this, as long as their six billion people are not biting people or doing things that are too disgusting, Kaguya will not care too much, after all, people rely on real strength.

· · · Flowers · ·

After that, Kaguya stepped into the gym in the Golden City regardless of the person in front of her.

Nazi's gym is obviously much larger than the three gyms Kaguya had challenged before, and it is also a gathering place for superpowers in the Kanto region.

When Hui Ye and Xiao Huang had just entered, the people inside turned their attention.

"Hello, I'm Hui Ye from Luzi Town. I'm here to challenge the gym!" Hui Ye smiled at the group and said.

"Are you going to challenge the pavilion owner!? But the pavilion owner is very powerful, you better not waste your time!" A man walked over and said to Kaguya.

I don't know if he was talking about wasting Kaguya's own time or Nazi's time.


As a gym trainer of the Golden Gym, Nazi theoretically has to accept the challenges of these trainers, but if everyone accepts it, she will be very tired.

"Let him come in!" At this time, a beautiful voice came from the walkie-talkie in the man's hand.

This was Nazi's voice, and it was obvious that this scene was projected onto Nazi's side by the equipment here.

"Yes! Lord Nazi!" The man said respectfully to the walkie-talkie, even though he knew that Nazi must have turned off the walkie-talkie after she finished speaking.

"Let's go in!" Hui Ye took Xiao Huang's hand and walked into a door that had just opened in the gym.

Because Nazi's super power gym is located in the golden city, it is full of elements of modern technology. After entering that door, Kaguya felt as if she had entered another world.

"Clap!" With a sound, the scene instantly lit up.

A woman with gray-green hair, her hair tails slightly raised, and a smart casual outfit "floated" over.

That's right, she floated over, this woman is Nazi!Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the woman in front of her. She had a beautiful face and slender legs. This was not the neurotic version of Nazi in the anime version.

Although this Nazi has such a coldness, it will not make people disgusted by it. .

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