"Then the battle will continue, Hu Di uses Nian 14 power!" Na Zi ordered to Hu Di.

A faint blue light radiated from Hu Di's body and wrapped around Minas's body, making Minas unable to move for a while.

"Nana, break free! Give it a blow to the dragon's tail!" Kaguya immediately ordered Minas.

Hearing Kaguya calling out Nana's name again, Nazi's mouth twitched, it felt really strange!

"Mi!" Although Menus is not as diligent as Lucario in training, it is Kaguya's main Pokémon anyway, and its level is even higher than this Hudi. After a while, she broke free from the control of Hu Di's mind force. Although the super power system is powerful, it is not invincible!

A white light appeared on Minas' tail, and he twitched it against Hu Di.

"Teleportation!" Hu Di disappeared instantly and appeared on the other side of the field.

"Boom!" Minas' dragon tail smashed into a big hole on the ground.

Seeing this appearance, Kaguya couldn't help frowning. The skill of teleportation is really cheating!If you want to defeat Hu Di, you must break this!

"Voice of Charm!" Kaguya remembered that Nazi, Hu Di, was a male Pokémon, so she could only do so at this time.

"Hmph, you're still too young to use this in front of my Hu Di!" Seeing Kaguya using such a method, Nazi couldn't help but snorted coldly. Compared to IQ, Hu Di is one of the best among all Pokémon , The IQ of [-] is not for nothing!

Sure enough, although Hu Di showed a look of pain, he quickly recovered.

"Hu Di uses mental strength!" Hu Di held the spoon in both hands, raised it high, and a substantial spiritual force rushed towards Minas.

Minas wanted to evade, but such an attack was much faster than its speed, and was hit by Hu Di's attack again. The current battle situation was very unfavorable to Minas!

Chapter 1 Cheating? !You can come if you have the ability! -->>(page 2/[-]), please click next page to continue reading.

Minas wanted to evade, but such an attack was much faster than its speed, and was hit by Hu Di's attack again. The current battle situation was very unfavorable to Minas!

"Nana, use You Huo!" Hui Ye frowned, at this time, Hu Di's special attack must be lowered, otherwise Menus will definitely lose if he fights like this!

Minas looked at Kaguya, and Hu Di was also ugly in his eyes, but he also didn't want to lose this evenly matched battle, and he was even above Hu Di in terms of level!

"Mi~mi~" Even though Menus was not very happy, it still used the charm.

Sure enough, even a highly intelligent creature like Hu Di couldn't resist the charm of Minas. Almost in an instant, a few small hearts appeared in Hu Di's eyes.

"Nana, water cannon!" Almost instantly, Kaguya's order was given.

Even if Kaguya's Menus is using a water-type Pokémon's ultimate move like a water cannon, it hardly takes time to build up momentum, and the huge water column with his mouth slightly opened will be sprayed towards Hudi.

"Hu Di!" Na Zi's face was very gloomy, her own Hu Di was seduced by Menus, this is really shameful!

You must know that this Hudi was selected and cultivated by her when she was still a Pokémon egg. To Nazi, it is not only her own Pokmon, but also her friend is her partner. Seductive~ Tempted, the most important thing is, that Pokémon is called Nana!

"Hu~" was hit head-on by Menus' water cannon, and Hu Di let out a loud cry. After all, a Pokémon like Hu Di has physical strength as its weakness.

"Keep up the good work, Nana uses the last wave of water!" Kaguya said to Minas happily, even if the other party is open, but he is not bad!

It's just that when the wave of water was about to hit Hu Di, Hu Di's figure disappeared again and appeared behind Minas. Facing Minas, it was an imaginary light, but this time Nazi was even No command.

Minas was hit by this fantasy light and let out a pained sound.

"You cheated again!" Kaguya glanced 400 degrees at Nazi, who was opposite, and said instantly annoyed. First, he used super powers to transform Yongjira into a Hu Di, and later he replaced Hu Di to control the opponent's body and fight. You Can my sister still have fun playing? !

"This is not cheating, and the Alliance has never banned various abilities from being used in battles, whether it's my super ability or the dragon power of the Yulong family, etc., these can all be used in regular battles! This is It's not cheating!" Nazi glanced at Hui Ye lightly and then added: "And you also have your own super powers, and I didn't prohibit you from using them! If you can use them!"

Nazi's words made Kaguya hear some truths. Nazi is showing herself the power of her superpowers. It seems that this woman is still obsessed with accepting herself as a disciple!

"Nana, is it okay?!" Kaguya looked at Minas and asked with concern.

"Mi!" Minas nodded slightly with difficulty. Hu Di's attack was very painful. If it wasn't for his high level and he had drank animal milk to improve his physique, he would have to lie down.

"Nana uses the most powerful water cannon!" The moment Kaguya spoke, its eyes also changed, and three Gouyu appeared in his eyes. .

Text Chapter [-]: Xiao Bu is still a nobleman! ?

Kaguya doesn't have chakra and doesn't understand ninjutsu, but after awakening Sangouyu Sharinyan, he still learned some instinctive illusions, even if this illusion does not seem to be as powerful as the world of Naruto.

Kaguya used the illusion on Nazi very desperately. He didn't intend to use it in the first place. Isn't the Pokémon battle test the Pokémon's ability, as well as the trainer's tactics and reaction ability? !But after Nazi "cheated", Kaguya didn't plan to keep it.

Being attacked by Kaguya's illusion, Nazi was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Huiye to do such a thing to her. The illusion just delayed her reaction and was automatically cracked by Nazi. After all, Nazi's The super power is comparable to the super power Pokémon of the king level!

However, it was only at this moment that Hu Di, who was not under the command of Nazi, was directly hit by the water waves of Minas and lost his ability to fight.

Nazi took a deep look at Kaguya. Compared with her own behavior, Kaguya's behavior was actually more like cheating. She just used her superpowers on her Pokémon, while Kaguya was attacking. Trainer.

She looked at Hu Di, who had lost the ability to fight, and indifferently put Hu Di into the Pokémon Ball: "You have a good pair of eyes, but if you are in the conference, you may lose your qualifications as a trainer! "

Hui Ye smiled lightly when he heard the words: "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't use this!"

Nazi didn't say much, she was still a very cold woman in essence, if she didn't want to take Kaguya as a disciple, she wouldn't even talk to Kaguya so much, she took out a pokeball and went to the field Shang threw it over: "Come on, Sun Elf!"

Looking at the elegant cat-shaped Pokémon Kaguya in front of him, there was a smile on his face, he took Menus back, and then took out another Poké Ball: "Then it's you, Xiao Bu々" !"

Along with a red light drifting by, the elegant body of the dragon elf also floated in the air. Its wings are not decorations but can really fly.

Nazi's sun elf and Kaguya's dragon elf looked a little excited after seeing each other, and then the sun elf turned to look at Nazi's figure in confusion, as if asking something.

Nazi was also obviously stunned for a moment, and then she was relieved for a while: "Your dragon elf should be the child of Master Guan Hai's sun elf, right?"

Kaguya was also taken aback, this dragon elf of his own was indeed evolved from the elf egg of Ibrahimovic given by Master Guan Hai. It is said that the strength of that sun elf has the level of a champion!

And this master Guan Hai is also a hidden master in the Pokémon world, but he belongs to the master of the older generation...

"Xiaobu, it's true, could it be!?" Hui Ye already had some guesses in his heart, and it seemed that it was indeed a coincidence that Xiaobu actually met his relatives.

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