However, thinking about it now is a matter of course, that must be the seed of the wooden escape between the thousand-hand pillars! !For a long time, Senju Hashirama was invincible in the entire Naruto world!

"Miaowahua, can you use the fairy mode?!" Hui Ye looked at the wonderful frog in front of him in surprise. He didn't expect that Pokémon could also be in fairy mode!

"Bana!" The Frog Flower is no longer as agile as the Frog Seed before, but now it has transformed into a powerful Pokémon.

Afterwards, the body of the wonderful frog flower emitted a colorful brilliance, and the appearance of the wonderful frog flower changed again.

Huiye was taken aback when she saw the appearance of the transformed Frog Flower, your sister, isn't this a mega evolution?Curiously, he threw another exploration technique at Miaowahua.

The state of the wonderful frog flower has also become a super wonderful frog flower, and other physical conditions have also changed, not only the characteristics have also become thick fat, the potential has also become a third-level divine beast, and the level has also been raised to level 65!

4.4 This is a huge change. Kaguya knew it after a little thought. It is probably because the strength of the Frog Flower can be improved after the fairy mode. As for the potential, it should refer to the upper limit. The upper limit of the Frog Flower in the normal state is A quasi-divine beast, and the upper limit after the immortal mode is a third-level divine beast...

This is a good situation. The stronger your Pokémon is, the happier Kaguya will naturally be.

"Then can you change back!?" Kaguya glanced at the Charizard X next to him, and then asked again, no matter how powerful it is, it's useless if it can't be used!

"Bana!" Frog Flower nodded, and soon returned to its original state, it seemed that it could be manipulated at any time.

The fire-breathing dragon on the side wants to cry but has no tears, and silently draws a circle on the side, why is it only me like this! ? .

Text Chapter [-] Terrorist Attack

Outside, Na Zi looked at Kaguya angrily, this guy actually fell asleep in front of her!Are you so boring with yourself? !

Well, Nazi also has to admit that being with herself may be boring, because she's not good at talking, but you can't fall asleep either, can't you be a gentleman? !Even if you are bored, give yourself a little face!Can't stay awake? !

This is really unforgivable!She doesn't care whether the other party has a relationship with her own Pokémon!

As Nazi turned black little by little and was about to turn against Kaguya, a shock saved Kaguya.

"Boom!" Kaguya, Xiao Huang, and Nazi in the Pokémon Center heard the deafening sound, and they could even feel a violent shock.

This also made Hui Ye's consciousness return directly to the real world, looking at Nazi and Xiao Huang in horror: "Is this going to be an earthquake?!"

"No, it shouldn't be!" Na Zi looked into the distance with deep eyes, 14 at this moment she didn't care about leisurely and leisurely with Hui Ye.Then she quickly came to Miss Joey's side: "Miss Joey, how is my Pokémon?!"

"Ah? There's basically no problem, but you still need to be careful and come back when things are over!" Miss Joy sprinted back to the treatment room and quickly took out Nazi's Pokémon ball and handed it to her.

Miss Joy also knew that something big must happen, and quickly returned Nazi's Pokémon to her.

"Thank you!" Nazi nodded, then turned her head to Kaguya and Xiao Huang: "You guys just wait here!" At this moment, she didn't have time to bother with Kaguya, and ran out with a gloomy face. , who actually went to the gold market to make trouble!

Something big must have happened in the Golden City, and she, the Pokémon Gym trainer in the Golden City, has the responsibility and obligation to visit.

Looking at Nazi's leaving back, Hui Ye and Xiao Huang looked at each other. At this moment, many people poured into the Pokémon Center. If the current Golden City is the safest place, it is not the police station, not the location of the gym, but It's Pokémon Center!The building of the Pokémon Center is extremely strong, and even an eight-magnitude earthquake cannot destroy it.

"Hui Ye, do we want to go take a look?!" Xiao Huang asked worriedly, she was also afraid that something would happen, and Nazi is not in the best state now, what if she encounters a bad person!

Her chat with Nazi just now was "happy"!Well, it is estimated that only Xiao Huang will feel that it is full of joy.

Kaguya nodded and asked Miss Joy, "Miss Joy, can you return my Pokémon to me!?"

He didn't dare to leave his Pokémon in the Pokémon Center. The Rockets in the Golden City were very strong, and it was hard to guarantee that they would not do anything.

After all, the combat power that his Xiaobu showed some time ago was really terrifying!

Miss Joy was slightly stunned when she heard Hui Ye's request and nodded: "Please wait!" She also knew Hui Ye's identity. At present, there is only this dragon elf from Kaguya!

Chapter 1 Terrorist Attack -->> (page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

Miss Joy was slightly stunned when she heard Hui Ye's request and nodded: "Please wait!" She also knew Hui Ye's identity. At present, there is only this dragon elf from Kaguya!

After Kaguya's Pokémon were checked, Miss Joy found that they were healthy, and even a little too healthy. Even Minas could recover after a short rest after a battle, not to mention the dragon spirits and those who didn't fight. Lucario.

Kaguya, who got her Pokémon Ball, felt the situation in the Pokémon Ball a little and left the Pokémon Center with Xiao Huang.

As soon as they came outside, Hui Ye and Xiao Huang found that the entire Golden City was in chaos, the roads were full of rushing people, and the Shirouf Building, the landmark building of the Golden City, had collapsed at this moment!There were panic and crying in the street.

This reminds Kaguya of a famous incident in her previous life, which seems to be quite familiar. Could it be that Team Rocket did it? !It just doesn't make sense!

"Be careful!" Hui Ye told Xiao Huang and her Pikachu on the side. In fact, there is Pikachu. Hui Ye doesn't need to worry about Xiao Huang's safety. With Pikachu's strength and Xiao Huang's special ability, In an emergency, even if the fourth officer of the Rockets comes, it can't hurt her!

Xiao Huang listened to Kaguya's words and nodded, and followed Kaguya to the ruins of Shirouf Building.

It can be seen everywhere that the police and members of the superpower association are maintaining the order of pedestrians, and those superpowers who usually seem to be out of shape are also playing a great role at this moment.

From time to time, Kaguya could also see bottom-level members of the Rockets attacking pedestrians and cops from time to time.

"Lucario, solve them!" Looking at these people, Kaguya was naturally unreasonable, and took out Lucario's Pokémon ball and took it out.

It's just what the Rockets want to do! ?

Naturally, Lucario and the Rockets were not polite, and rushed towards the 297 members of the Rockets.

"Nana! Come on, let's go up!" Then Kaguya took out Minas' Pokémon ball, and carried herself and Xiao Huang up. There were more and more people on the road, and it was more and more difficult to go to Shilufu Building. It's getting harder and harder, Nazi is definitely there, and I don't know if there will be trouble.

Nazi's strength is indeed quite good among gym trainers. Some of her main Pokémon even have the strength of heavenly kings, but Team Rocket is not a good scumbag. Team Rocket must have dispatched an officer for such a big operation. Come out, there's not even more than one.

Thinking of this, Kaguya felt a little powerless to complain. The Four Heavenly Kings in the Kanto region seemed to be the same as those in the previous life, and they were always late. Alliances have a lot to do with it.

Minas was carrying Kaguya and Xiao Huang and flew to the heights. There is no way now. Kaguya has no other Pokémon that can carry him and fly. Otherwise, he will not use Minas every time.

Looking into the distance from the sky, Kaguya could clearly feel a group of people confronting each other at the gate of Shiluf Building, one was the trainers led by Nazi, and the other was the Rockets led by Apollo! .

Text Chapter [-]: My Ou Ge in Society, I Don’t Talk Much About Ruthless Beasts

Seeing Apollo's face, Kaguya's new hatred and old hatred flooded into his heart at once. This guy has blown himself up twice. The first time he twisted his waist, you must know that the waist is very important to a man. of!

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