At the same time, in a research institute on an island in Kanto, a humanoid creature suddenly opened its eyes and murmured, "Master?! I remember you!"

This scene quickly attracted the attention of the scientists on the side, and they were busy: "Quick, let's see what happened!"


"Tell the boss!"

"The test item has progressed!"


Kaguya will never know what big action she had made before, nor who she was just now. If you want to know, of course Kaguya will not be afraid, and even find it a little interesting, after all, it is super. dream!

In the earliest days, Mewtwo was even known as the most powerful Pok??mon. This is the earliest official setting. Even Mewtwo in the first generation, according to the later setting, its race value is definitely More than 720, but was cut a lot later.


?????? ?????????Chapter 17 ???????????????

The matter in the Golden City quickly attracted the attention of the entire Kanto region. After all, this time even the Shiluf Group building was directly bombed by the Rockets. This was definitely the biggest terrorist attack in the Kanto region in decades, even if it was the previous Saint. The sinking of the Annu cannot be compared to the collapse of the Shiruf Building.

After all, Shilufu Building represents the prosperity of the entire Kanto region to a certain extent. Now Shilufu Building has been attacked. How can this not bring panic to the people? There are also stocks in the Pok??mon world. On this day, a large number of stocks have fallen by the limit.

At this moment, Kaguya is also chatting with the old man, Dr. Omu.

In the video, Dr. Damu looked at Kaguya resentfully: "Kaguya, are you alright?!"

Kaguya smiled: "I'm fine, Dr. Damu!"


In fact, Dr. Damu has another sentence that he really wants to tell Kaguya, can you calm down a little bit, and things will happen wherever you go? !This is simply a disaster!

If it goes on like this, first Yuejianshan was attacked, then the San Annu was sunk. Some time ago, Rampulci was attacked. This time is even better, even if the Shiruf Building collapsed, will the entire Kanto be even in the future? tragedy? !

"It's nothing, I'm not very afraid of Team Rocket! And I'm not without benefits." Hui Ye smiled lightly. He didn't tell Dr. Damu the information about Team Rocket, even though he and Team Rocket are almost immortal now. Well, he also intends to let the Rockets cause trouble for the league.

The corner of Dr. Omu's mouth twitched, yes, Kaguya did get a lot of benefits. The Pok??mon egg that Shiruf gave to Kaguya is unknown to others, but Dr. Omu does. This is Kira's egg!This is already Kaguya's second quasi-god, plus the previous Dragon Spirit, Lucario, Minas, etc., Kaguya's future is limitless.

Dr. Ogi finds out that Kaguya's Pok??mon is so talented!These Pok??mon are the ones that most people in the world will never encounter in their lifetime. Pok??mon with Heavenly King-level talents are among the best among most Pok??mon populations, and they belong to the real genius level.

"But opportunities and dangers coexist!" Dr. Damu said to Kaguya earnestly. After all, Kaguya was the younger generation he was optimistic about, and he didn't want anything to happen to Kaguya in the Kanto region.

In fact, the best way should be to let Kaguya run quickly and go back to the Hezhong area. No matter how big the Rockets are in the Kanto area and the Chengdu area, they can't reach the Hezhong area.

"I know!" Hui Ye smiled and didn't speak again. He knew that Dr. Damu cared about him, but now he is a master of art and bold.It is also impossible for him to run back to the various areas because of the threat of the Rockets? !

Then how are you going to mess around? !

He is a man with a god-level lottery system!

If she was so cowardly with such a golden finger, Kaguya could just cut herself open!

?????????Chapter 17 ???????????????-->>(???1/2???)????????????????????????????????????

If she was so cowardly with such a golden finger, Kaguya could just cut herself open!

He is now a rather cowardly protagonist!

"Well, there is one more thing I want to tell you, the previous Rampulci reward should be delivered to you soon, pay attention to yourself!" Dr. Damu explained to Kaguya.

"Oh?! What is it?" Kaguya asked with a puzzled look at Dr. Ogi.

"Well, there's nothing to hide, it's a lucky Pok??mon egg!" After speaking, Dr. Damu looked at Kaguya with a tangled look in his eyes. After all, Kaguya had too many Pok??mon to cultivate. .The alliance is still a bit stingy, and perhaps it has a lot to do with the fact that Sir Shirov gave Kaguya an egg from Yukira.

Hui Ye was stunned for a moment, overjoyed in his heart, the evolution of Lucky Egg, he wanted one for a long time, this is the all-round nurse, but unfortunately there are almost no wild auspicious eggs in the wild, and only the wild reserve has appeared. .Almost all the auspicious eggs are in the hands of the Joey family.

It is difficult for general trainers to see auspicious eggs.

The Pok??mon eggs that the Alliance sent to themselves this time may not be of much help to their combat power, but they are extremely useful in life.It just needs to be cultivated well.

There are still a lot of beast milk Kaguya, but it is too wasteful to use animal milk to restore the state of the Pok??mon.The medical equipment in the Pok??mon Center can also be bought with money, and it is manipulated by auspicious eggs. In the future, Kaguya doesn't even need to go to the Pok??mon Center to restore the Pok??mon.

After all, Kaguya has many Pok??mon that are invisible!If the alliance directly gave him an auspicious egg, Kaguya might not dare to accept it. The alliance's Pokemon is not so easy to get, in case it is a spy!Pok??mon are also intelligent!Relatively speaking, it may be a little troublesome to cultivate Pok??mon eggs, but loyalty is absolutely no problem!


Hui Ye smiled: "No need, good luck!" Just kidding, if you change it for Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will turn his face with you every minute!

Dr. Damu was stunned for a while, and then smiled bitterly: "Well, it's just that your Pok??mon will exceed six by then. You have to analyze it yourself and be careful with Team Rocket."

"Understood, thank you very much, Dr. Damu!" Kaguya said to Dr. Damu gratefully.No one except myself, my elder sister, and Xiao Huang knew that the six Pok??mon limit was no pressure to Kaguya at all!

Kaguya, who knew her reward, was in a much better mood, and even let go of the fact that the Black Rockets' computers had been hacked.


?????? ????????????????????? ????????????????????????

The collapse of the Shiruf Building and the destruction of the Golden Avenue did not have much impact on Kaguya, and the unaffected areas of the Gold City quickly resumed operations as usual.And Hui Ye and Xiao Huang also played the role of local tyrants and showed their ability to buy, buy and buy in the gold market. The gold market is indeed the economic center of the Kanto region. Many things that cannot be seen in other places can be bought in the gold market. .

Finally, three days later, Kaguya also got the lucky egg that the alliance rewarded him at the Pok??mon Center. After saying goodbye to Nazi, he left the Golden City.

As for Mr. Shirouf, Kaguya hasn't seen him since he got Yukira's egg that day, but he arranged for the secretary to send him the culture medium that Yukira used, although this was not for Kaguya. What's the use, after all, he has the Wild Heaven Emperor brand beast milk, but the meaning of the friendship of Mr. Shilufu is obvious!

In fact, there is not much intersection between the two themselves. As for the reason why Mr. Shiruff will give him one, it is probably an investment!It's easy for someone like Mr. Shiruff to investigate Kaguya's identity. He is also optimistic about Kaguya's future, so he specially gave Kaguya a quasi-god egg.

Such behavior is a common occurrence in the world of Pok??mon itself. Pok??mon doctors in various regions also often give the extra Yusanjia to children who want to travel, and those children will also help the doctors collect Pok??mon in the future. The data.

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