I don't know how many Pokémon trainers got Pokémon from them, and how many Pokémon trainers got the initial Pokémon from them. This is an unimaginable network resource.

"This is no problem~!" Alijia took a deep breath, and then looked at Kaguya's Charizard X cautiously. Even though she took out her main Pokémon this time, Kaguya's Charizard X But she had to be cautious, aside from the fire-type restraint grass-type, judging from the previous data, Kaguya's Pokémon level is very high, and she doesn't know what will happen to the Pokémon after the MEGA evolution What a change!

"Then let's go first! The fire-breathing dragon uses the flame vortex!" Kaguya said to the fire-breathing dragon indifferently, he couldn't kill Elijah with a single stick, otherwise the other party would really be embarrassed. The hot hand who bullies the girl like this will still not do it!

The fire-breathing dragon nodded, and spewed blue flames from its mouth to attack the Overlord Flower.This is exactly the effect of the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, but the special effect of this Qinglian Earth Heart Fire is not much, it just looks good!

"Overlord Flower, use the dissolving solution!" Elijah was not too vain, after all, it was just a vortex of flames, but she didn't expect that the flame color of the fire-breathing dragon turned blue.

Perhaps it was because Hui Ye told Fire-breathing Dragon that he needed to keep his strength, and the power of this solution was on par with the flame vortex for a while!

Seeing that the dissolving liquid blocked the flame vortex, Elica breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that although the level of this fire-breathing dragon is not bad, she is not without the strength to fight back.

"Bawanghua, use numbing powder!" Along with Elica's words, the golden-yellow pollen from Bawanghua's body filled the air.

Facing the sudden paralyzing powder, Charizard X spat out a small flame in disdain, and the paralyzing powder couldn't affect it!

"Use Air Slash!" Even though Charizard X doesn't have flying attributes, it can still use flying abilities.

Chapter 1 The victory and defeat have been decided -->> (page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Use Air Slash!" Even though Charizard X doesn't have flying attributes, it can still use flying abilities.

The fire-breathing dragon X flapped its huge wings against the air twice, and the two sharp blades made of air instantly blew away the paralyzing powder.

Seeing that Charizard X broke the paralysis powder like this, Alijia took a deep breath and glanced at Charizard X. Perhaps the strength of this Charizard is far more than what it showed!

"The Overlord Flower uses the Flower Dance!" With Elijah's cry below zero, countless pink petals floated from the Overlord Flower's head and attacked the fire-breathing dragon.

"Spray flame!" The fire-breathing dragon also sprayed a faint blue column of fire from the mouth, and the pink petals were scattered in just a moment.

"What?!" Alijia looked at the fire-breathing dragon X in horror. It seemed that her guess was right. This fire-breathing dragon was so terrifying that it was still hiding its strength.

".~Dragon's breath!" Kaguya quickly ordered again, a dazzling fireball appeared in the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon X, and attacked the Bawanghua.

"Avoid!" It's a pity that Bawanghua's speed is still a bit lacking, being hit by the dragon's breath of the fire-breathing dragon X, Bawanghua showed a pained expression, and also received very serious injuries on her body.

Alijia gave Hui Ye a tangled look, she had roughly guessed that Hui Ye was letting herself, and the level of this fire-breathing dragon was probably higher than she thought, otherwise it was just a dragon breath. It will make Bawanghua suffer such serious injuries. You must know that although the fire-breathing dragon has a dragon character, it is not a dragon-type Pokémon!

Hui Ye seemed to see what Ai Lijia meant, and said calmly: "The fire-breathing dragon in X state has dragon attributes!"

Elijah nodded and said to Overlord Flower, "Use Flower Dance again!!"

"The last (completed) Flame Charge!" Hui Ye ordered lightly to the fire-breathing dragon X, the water was almost released, and it was already very face-saving not to kill Alijia in seconds.

Charizard X's dark blue body was wrapped in hot flames, and it charged directly at the Overlord Flower.

The pink petal dance was broken by the fire-breathing dragon X without much effort when facing the flash charge, and directly attacked Bawanghua.

The Overlord Flower was hit by the fire-type Pokémon's great skill, and lost the ability to fight directly, laying on the ground with circles in her eyes, the outcome was decided!

"Bawanghua!" Alijia exclaimed, and quickly ran to Bawanghua's side. After finding that there was nothing serious, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then took out a rainbow badge from her cuff and handed it to Kaguya: "Your fire-breathing dragon is very powerful, this time I lost!".

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kaguya took over the rainbow badge from Elijah, and at the same time, the system prompt appeared in Kaguya's mind: "Ding, get the rainbow badge, and get an intermediate lottery!"

Is there only an intermediate draw? ?Kaguya was a little disappointed, after all, the lucky draw chance Nazi got last time was a high-level lottery!Kaguya still had a trace of disappointment when she returned to the intermediate lottery all of a sudden!And Ailijia's strength is not particularly weak!With the level of Pokémon alone, Overlord Flower is no less than Hu Di!

However, Kaguya quickly calmed down. What's wrong with the intermediate lottery? !Many of his things are still drawn by the intermediate lottery!

"Alijia, your strength is also very good!" Kaguya reached out to Alijia and shook her.

Although Elijah also politely shook hands with Kaguya, but in her heart there were thousands of grass and mud horses galloping, your sister, what is called strength is not bad, don't think I can't see that you are in release water? !Heartbroken, old man!

"By the way, Alija, can I buy some perfumes?!" The perfumes in Rainbow City are the best in the whole world, and in Rainbow City, the perfumes in Alijia are the best. Since Kaguya wanted to buy it, he naturally wanted to buy the best one!

When Alijia heard Hui Ye's words, she smiled sweetly, she was a bastard if she had money and not earning money. Hui Ye might have put a little water on herself, but it didn't make her happy. She originally wanted to give Hui Ye. It's a little bit discounted at night, and it seems like it's worth it now!

Hui Ye didn't say much, he almost entered the rhythm of buying, buying and buying. He still has a lot of people to give away, Xiao Huang's to buy, my elder sister must also buy, also Yayi Touzi, Xiaolan's also to buy A portion is not particularly expensive anyway. Well, last time Nazi helped her activate her superpowers, so I gave her a bottle as well.

Hui Ye has completely transformed into a big local tyrant. He has the money, so he doesn't need to be afraid that he will buy too many things, and the things will not fit, and the small world is still big!

This also relieved Elijah's inner depression a lot, and she likes guests like this.

At the same time, Kaguya also used up the intermediate lottery rights that she got this time.

"Ding, conduct an intermediate lottery draw and get the God of Gamblers skill!"

As the sound of the system fell, Kaguya's face showed a strange look, your sister, God of Gamblers, what's the use of this? !There seems to be an underground casino in this world, but he has never seen a casino when he grows up so big, and he has never entered a casino.

Does this skill have a bird use? !Hey, it's a waste!Fortunately, Kaguya is still full of open-mindedness!


In a cave in Yanmo City, Chengdu, a man with red non-mainstream hair and a full beard looked at the battle video just passed by the person below in shock!

This person is the Dutian King in the Kanto area. During this time, Du Tianwang was busy and didn’t want to. Not only would he be dragged by the Rockets to run around the Kanto area, but he also went to the Dragon Cave to observe Ibrahimovic’s behavior. Evolution has made him so busy he doesn't even have time to shave.

Chapter 1 I'm going to start pretending again -->> (page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

This person is the Dutian King in the Kanto area. During this time, Du Tianwang was busy and didn’t want to. Not only would he be dragged by the Rockets to run around the Kanto area, but he also went to the Dragon Cave to observe Ibrahimovic’s behavior. Evolution has made him so busy he doesn't even have time to shave.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he used all means, at most there is a trace of evolutionary light on Ibrahimovic's body, what does this prove? !The evolution of dragon elves is feasible, but even in the dragon cave of one's own family, this dragon element is still not enough!

This made Du very painful. Now that the battle video of Kaguya Charizard X was sent, Du couldn't calm down completely. Even if he just watched the video, he could tell at a glance that this was another powerful dragon-type Pokémon .

He also has a fire-breathing dragon, and it is very powerful, but Dubu (becf) can't guarantee that his fire-breathing dragon can be compared to this fire-breathing dragon X when using dragon skills. This fire-breathing dragon is genuine dragon attributes!

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