
Kaguya doesn't know the conversation between Athena and Sakagi. Even if he does, what can he do? Come to me if you have the ability, his Pokémon needs a lot of experience points!In particular, the wonderful frog flower is simply a team battle weapon!The arrival of the Wood Escape Tree Realm is a combination of crazy plants and absorption of millions of tons!

"Hui Ye, I didn't expect your gambling skills to be so good!" Xiao Mao said with infinite sigh. He occasionally went to the casino to play, but he also lost more and won less. People like Hui Ye who win money casually are still The first time he saw it, he had suspected Kaguya before!

Chapter 1 Inoue Mu is over -->> (page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Hui Ye, I didn't expect your gambling skills to be so good!" Xiao Mao said with infinite sigh. He occasionally went to the casino to play, but he also lost more and won less. People like Hui Ye who win money casually are still The first time he saw it, he had suspected Kaguya before!

Kaguya waved his hand: "What's wrong with someone as awesome as brother?!"

Suddenly, Xiaomao's watch rang, Xiaomao glanced at the name on it, it was the number of his grandfather, Dr. Damu, and quickly picked it up.

"Grandpa...Did you watch the video I sent you just now?!" Xiao Mao asked.

"Well, look, the detailed information is similar to what I got before, and I will ask Kaguya for the detailed details later. You wait to go online to read some things, and now someone is going to the whole well. Be careful recently, they suspect it is Our Oki family will probably (befc) send someone to deal with you, and Kaguya should also be more careful. Although we all know that this matter must not be done by him, it is hard to guarantee that the Inoue family will bite you. People!" Dr. Oki exhorted with a very serious expression and hung up the phone.

"Ah!?" Xiao Mao was a little stunned when he heard the words, did something major happen! ? !In this case, shouldn't Grandpa have to talk to Kaguya and ask for information about the fire-breathing dragon! ?This is a bit unreasonable, but Xiao Mao also knows that this must be a big event, otherwise his grandfather would definitely not be like this.

The corner of Hui Ye's mouth twitched slightly. He naturally knew what Dr. Damu meant. It seemed that no one suspected that he was the initiator. That's fine. It's better for him to be an enthusiastic Chaoyang crowd.

Curious, Xiaomao turned on his mobile phone watch and searched the Internet. He was instantly shocked and couldn't help but let out a foul language: "Fuck!"

"What's wrong?!" Hui Ye turned his head curiously, then quickly covered the eyes of Xiao Huang who was also curious. This is not something a child can see, even if Xiao Huang was polluted by him some time ago. few.

"Damn, these photos are too exaggerated?! This is the second wife of the head of the Sasaki family, isn't this woman Inoue Makoto's sister?! Isn't this the third young lady of the Shimura family?! Damn, this beast even has his own stepmother. Don't let it go!" Xiao Mao was really speechless for a while, these photos really made him wash his three views.

"These people?!" Hui Ye's mouth twitched. He didn't investigate the identities of these women before, but he shouldn't be a good person to get along with Mu Inoue, right? !He didn't think about it that much before, and he put everything on it.He didn't expect that there were other ways. He knew that this time, Mu Inoue was really finished. I'm afraid his biological father wanted to hack him to death!

Xiao Mao suddenly remembered what Kaguya said before. If he had such a son, he would have wanted to shoot him on the wall.

There is no need to ask Inoue-chan now, the answer is already there!

I can't accept it!

"It's over for Inoue Mu now. No wonder Grandpa is so anxious. Even if we don't do it, the other families won't give up! These people have the best face, and they were greened for no reason. Who can bear it!? However, Who are these enthusiastic Chaoyang people!?! Such good hacking skills!? I feel like those people will not dare to take pictures anymore..." Xiaomao said silently to himself. .

Text Chapter [-]: Loli Saiko

Naturally, Hui Ye would not tell Xiao Mao that he was the enthusiastic Chaoyang crowd, and that his identity as a hacker could not be exposed for the time being, which was much more hated than he was now.

At present, the Chaoyang masses have killed two people twice. How many people from those big families are clean? !Everyone is worried that what they have done will be exposed by the enthusiastic Chaoyang masses, so such people must die!

"Forget it, it's not too much of our business anyway, is Kaguya interested in digging fossils next?!" Xiao Mao frowned slightly, it seemed that this matter could not be brought to him, and even if the Inoue family If people really want to seek revenge on themselves, there is no big deal for themselves.

As long as you pay attention, nothing major will happen, and this time the Inoue family is about to be tragic. The things that Inoue Mu has done are too big, and everyone pushes the wall. Even if the Inoue family still exists in the future, it will not be like this. status.

"Fossil?! Dashagu?!" Hui Ye slightly raised his brows, it seems that there is still a fossil in Xiao Huang's place that has not been revived!But it would be good to find that fossil pterosaur.

Whether Kaguya wants to subdue Pokémon, it is also necessary to subdue powerful Pokémon. Fossil pterosaur is a good choice, and now Kaguya is missing a mount!

As for the fossilized pterosaurs being too cruel, wild and difficult to tame, would Kaguya have such a problem?No matter how powerful the fossil pterosaur is, how powerful are these Pokémon of its own?Xiaobu and Ritian teach him the rhythm of Pokémon minute by minute!The one who has the strength is the uncle!

Kaguya doesn't believe that he and the Fossil Pterosaur will have the strength of a champion.

"You also know Dasha Valley!?" Xiaomao's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Some time ago, Dasha Valley discovered a fossil hotbed, and there are many fossils there, let's go and see!? If there is no way, we can't get in. Woolen cloth!"

Dasha Valley is not like the animation that anyone can dig, but is protected by the alliance. At least it will not be opened to ordinary people until the alliance determines that there is nothing special valuable.

There is no way to do this. Ordinary people cannot get too many good resources.

"Can't you get in!? That's up to you!" Kaguya raised her eyebrows, her identity may have a lot of face in the Hezhong area, but in the Kanto area, you still need to look at Xiao Mao!

"That's good! I'll have someone bring the car!" Xiao Mao heard Hui Ye's agreement and quickly arranged for someone to bring the car over.

Sometimes, you have to admit that it is really good to have such a capable friend. You don’t need to do anything by yourself. Local tyrants can provide one-stop service.

In almost no time, Xiaomao sent a car over, just enough for him, Kaguya, and Xiaohuang to sit. As for his little sisters, Xiaomao left them in Rainbow City.

Anyway, these young ladies will not feel bored in Rainbow City. There are spas and facial mask services everywhere here, and Xiao Mao has no time to accompany them to do these.

Dasha Valley is about [-] kilometers away from Rainbow City, and Xiao Mao, an old driver, drove to it in less than an hour.

After getting off the car, Hui Ye supported Xiao Huang who was pale and looked at Xiao Mao with a tangled face: "I said, brother, can't you drive slower!?"

Xiaomao's speed is really fast, even 180, 190KM/H along the way. The technology in this world is much better than that of Hui Ye's previous life, even cars like Ferrari and Maserati in the previous life and small cars. The car Mao drove was nothing comparable.

However, Rao is so, Xiao Huang is only a child after all, so it is inevitable that he can't stand it.

"Well, I didn't pay attention for a while, after all, I usually do this!!" Xiao Mao embarrassedly touched the back of his head.

Chapter 1 Loli Saigao -->>(page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Well, I didn't pay attention for a while, after all, I usually do this!!" Xiao Mao embarrassedly touched the back of his head.

Kaguya looked at Xiao Huang worriedly, doesn't it seem that he usually suffers from motion sickness! ?Why does it seem that Xiao Huang is more afraid than himself? !It looks like I can't take Xiao Huang on a fast train in the future.

Xiao Huang glanced at Xiao Mao in shock and then shook his head for a while. She was just frightened, but motion sickness was not enough.

"Okay, there's nothing to be afraid of! Come on, kiss and hug and hold high!" Hui Ye smiled and rubbed Xiao Huang's little head. Sure enough, Lolita's most loved one, but unfortunately it can't be eaten...

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

There is no criminal law in this world that started three years ago, but Kaguya's conscience still makes it difficult for him. After all, Xiao Huang is only a [-]-year-old little loli.

Of course, he also likes Yujie who is so amazing, especially the ones that are popular, Lolita is always far away, and Yujie's price is even higher!

The entire Dasha Valley is now blocked by the staff of the alliance, but after seeing the identity certificate presented by Xiao Mao, a few people were put in.

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