You must know that Kaguya traveled with her...

".~Actually, it's very good, it's just luck!" Hui Ye was a little uncomfortable seeing that even Xiaolan was about to transform into her little fan girl.


The next day, Hui Ye took Xiao Lan and Xiao Huang out of Aju's gym early in the morning, and Hui Ye, the slut, also secretly remodeled his second brother, looking at the obvious growth and boldness. A second brother at a level, he didn't worry about the trouble it might bring to him, it was a happy worry.

"We're going to the Wilderness Reserve next!" Kaguya said to Xiao Huang and Xiao Lan while looking at the map.

"I've been there before, but you don't have to think about the miniature dragons there!" Xiaolan suggested to Huiye, she was really afraid that Huiye would get another miniature dragon, after getting to know a few of Huiye's After Pokémon (Good Zhao), Xiao Lan was also horrified, Hui Ye's current momentum is stronger than Du's back then.

It can even be said that Kaguya is not a potential Pokémon trainer, he has transformed potential into strength.

"I know, I just want to see other Pokémon, or it's good to catch a few Kentaro as a walking Pokémon!" Kaguya smiled faintly, he really didn't have a mini dragon or something. What a great idea.

He is not short of quasi-sacred horses, and he has too many babies now, and they have to be cultivated, making him a little overwhelmed!

"Can Taro travel instead?" Xiaolan nodded slightly, this is a good suggestion, it's always good to be able to relax a bit!After walking a lot, muscles will also develop in the calf. This is something that Xiaolan has not paid attention to before, and now Xiaolan is slowly paying attention to it! .

Text Chapter [-] Attack on the Dragon Nest

The wild field area here in Light Red City is very large. It can be said that there is a large area outside Light Red City that belongs to the wild field area.

And here has also cultivated a lot of excellent Pokémon for the alliance, and even the Yusanjia in the Kanto region has a large group in the wild wilderness area, but these places are specially protected and not open to the public!

After Hui Ye, Xiao Lan and Xiao Huang revealed their identities, the managers of the wild field area did not embarrass them, nor did they require them to use the Poké balls in the wild field area and not use Pokémon to fight.

This is the benefit of rights.While Kaguya accuses power of making people corrupt, she also enjoys the benefits of power.

On the edge of a pond, Lucky Egg and Yukira are playing on the lawn. Mini Dragon and Chenglong are playing in the pond. They are not born for a long time, and they inevitably like to play outside, even if it is a small world. The environment inside is not worse than here, and Kaguya still released them.

Kaguya is setting up their night residence - tent, while Xiaolan and Xiaohuang are cooking today's food.Not long after Xiaolan joined the team, she brought her character 293 into it very well.

She also found that in fact, traveling together with several people is no worse than traveling alone, and there are many different flavors.The three of them enjoyed the atmosphere very much.

Because of the relationship with Xiao Huang, the owner of the power of Vibrant Pan, those wild Pokémon were not angry at the sudden "invasion" of the three of them, but welcomed the arrival of the three of them.

This scene, Hui Ye has long been surprised by it. After all, when the two were in the wild, those wild Pokémon with good temper often gave Xiao Huang some fruit or something, and even gave them props.Although Xiao Lan was a little confused, she didn't ask any more questions. The few people got along very well. The addition of Xiao Lan did not cause any trouble to Hui Ye and Xiao Huang.

"Boom!" While the group was preparing to start their meal, there was an explosion in a valley not far away, which made Kaguya, the three of them, and a group of wild Pokémon all look at them.

I saw thick smoke billowing in a valley not far away, obviously something big happened.

Kaguya touched his nose, and he really turned on the aura of the protagonist, and things happened wherever he went.It seems that something extraordinary has happened in this wild wilderness area.

"No, that's the Dragon Valley!" Xiao Lan had a general understanding of this area, and quickly knew the direction of the explosion.

"Dragon Valley?!" Hui Ye's expression changed. When he came to the wild field area, he also got an internal guide in this field area. learn.

And the so-called Dragon Valley is exactly where the Zhan Wuzhang mini-dragon mentioned earlier is located. That place was attacked, and it seems that someone has an idea for the mini-dragon.

Although Kaguya and the others knew that the bloodline of this mini-dragon was not very good, most of them did not.

There is no problem even knowing it. Generally, such poachers will not cultivate the Pokémon they poach themselves. Pokémon like Mini Dragon can be sold for a sky-high price if they find a rich person!They don't care if they have potential and talent!

"Let's go and have a look!" Kaguya said to the two girls in silence for a while, took out the Poke Ball in her hand, and took back the four Pokémon that she had released earlier.

"Yes, but be careful, they have hot weapons in their hands!" After being bitten by snakes for ten years and afraid of the rope, Xiao Lan is now thinking about more things than before.

Chapter 1 Attack on Dragon Nest-->>(page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Yes, but be careful, they have hot weapons in their hands!" After being bitten by snakes for ten years and afraid of the rope, Xiao Lan is now thinking about more things than before.

People always grow, especially after suffering such a big loss, it is difficult for Xiao Lan not to grow.After all, those poachers are not good men and women!

"Let's go!" Hui Ye (bedi) nodded, and then released a fossil pterosaur. This fossil pterosaur is still underage and has room to grow in size, but let it carry Hui Ye and Xiao Huang. It's not too difficult for two people to fly.

"Bidiao!" Xiaolan's flying tool is a Bidiao. Pokémon like Bidiao are essential Pokémon for home travel for some excellent trainers.

After the fossilized pterosaur came out, it was lying on the ground obediently, waiting for Kaguya and Xiao Huang to climb up, and it didn't have the rebellious and ferocious appearance before.

During this period of time, it has been completely tamed by Kaguya. There is no way, if it does not choose to surrender, Charizard X, Lucario, and Dragon Spirit will teach themselves to be Pokémon every minute. Some time ago, it But they are often bullied by these Pokémon.

And there is nothing wrong with following Hui Ye. After this period of time, the fossil pterosaur has also seen the difference in his trainer, and he can help him improve his strength!For ancient Pokémon, improving their strength is the most important thing, and the law of the jungle has been written into their DNA.

It is also an honor to be a Pokémon trainer like Kaguya.

The three quickly flew towards the idea of ​​Dragon Valley.The way was full of Pokémon fleeing in a hurry, and a fire was also lit in the Dragon Valley.

"Nana, use the water cannon!" Kaguya took out Minas' Pokémon ball as soon as he arrived at the outer perimeter and let it be responsible for putting out the fire.

"Bai Hai Shi and Tie Jia Bei use Prayer for Rain!" Xiao Lan also took out her own Pokémon Ball, first glanced at Hui Ye, she really expressed noncommittal about Hui Ye's choice.

And other water-type Pokémon in the wild wilderness area, under the leadership of the white sea lion and the iron shell, began to pray for rain skills one after another.

Under the prayers of these Pokémon, the sky was instantly covered with dark clouds and pouring rain.

"You can still come like this?!" Hui Ye was speechless when he saw this. It seemed that he still had too much to learn. He used to be too arrogant and didn't even study hard. Now it seems that he is the commander of the battle. Even Xiaolan can't compare!

But after thinking about it, Kaguya doesn't have time to think about it. With more combat experience, his combat command ability will gradually improve. It seems that these weather skills are more useful than the previous life imagined.

No way, when Kaguya played Pokemon in her previous life, she chose to crush it violently, and she would never consider matching Pokemon with auxiliary skills...

He looked into the distance, a slender Hack dragon, and a mini dragon a little smaller than his own were being caught by a big net at the moment. .

Text Chapter [-] The goal is every day!

"It's really weak!" Looking at the mini-dragon and the hakron that were caught by the big net made of special material, he curled his lips with disdain. Obviously, the mini-dragon and the hak-long are not very attractive. night eyes.

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