Apparently this Pokémon Center's battle arena is not qualified.

"I have no problem!" Hui Ye nodded: "If I lose, how about I give you a professional medicinal herb to treat your hair loss problem?!"

Currently, Kaguya has not drawn any divine-level medical skills, which is a must-have skill in almost every system novel.

But in Tony Stark's world, there are really many medicines for hair growth and hair loss prevention, and Tony, a genius with a wrong major, just knows about it...

Listening to Hui Ye's words, Xia Bo's face darkened, he subconsciously touched his Mediterranean Sea, how come this little bastard is not cute at all! ?Hair loss has always been a pain in his heart, which pot is not to mention! ?

As an excellent scientist, he even created a first-level supernatural dream, and chemistry is naturally very good, but he has not found a way to prevent hair loss.

He didn't believe that Kaguya had such a potion!

But Xia Bo still snorted coldly and said: "Then let's go to my gymnasium!" He decided to use his main force to teach this bastard kid who mocked his hair a good lesson! .

Text Chapter 215 Xia Bo's Gym

"I didn't expect Xia Bo to have such a villa!" Looking at the manor at the foot of the volcano, Hui Ye couldn't help but sigh.

In the animation, isn't Ash and the others living in a very dilapidated inn! ?

It seems that I am still too young~young...

Xia Bo laughed while listening to Hui Ye's words, he was already old enough to be immune to such words...

Xiao Huang looked at the hot springs one after another with all sorts of splendor in his eyes. It seemed that compared with this place, the high-end private villa they booked yesterday was nothing good!

"Looks like it's time for me to get a better land or island!" Xiao Huang's reaction was naturally seen by Hui Ye. It's not Xiao Huang's fault, in fact, Hui Ye himself envied such a house.

Yew's Pokémon Research Institute is really good, and the area is very large. Almost half of Luzi Town belongs to the Yew Research Institute, but in Kaguya's eyes, this seems to be not enough...

He will definitely take another path in the future. Ordinary Pokémon trainers, even Heavenly Kings, Champions, and Dr. Damu will be restricted by the alliance. Kaguya doesn't want anyone on his head.

As for the others, even the president of the alliance Damaranch, he also has to serve various families.

"It's in there!" Xia Bo took a few people to the entrance of a cave and said to them.

"Xiao Huang, wait and let your Nini out!" Hui Ye nodded and told Xiao Huang who was beside him, this is a volcano, and even close contact with the magma, it is estimated that it will be hot inside Terrible, it is perfect to take the mini dragon out to adjust the temperature. The mini dragon is a natural air conditioner, and it is almost constant temperature around it!

Xia Bo laughed when he heard Hui Ye's words, but he was still too young.

There are lights in the cave, but it doesn't make you blind, but the more you go inside, the higher the temperature is. Now it's autumn, but the temperature here is much hotter than summer.

But for a moment, the four of Hui Ye began to sweat profusely. The mini dragon that Xiao Huang had released before seemed to have no effect, and could only take care of the people within a small range of itself.

Continuing to follow Xia Bo, several people walked down the steps and entered the interior of the Red Lotus Volcano.

Kaguya wiped the sweat off his body unconsciously. He could feel that he was getting angry in such an environment, and the environment affected a person's mood.

It is not without reason that the Red Lotus Gym is known as one of the most difficult gyms to defeat in the Kanto region. In addition to the absolute strength of the gym trainer Xia Bo, it is also related to the environment here.

Kaguya's temper has risen a lot in such an environment, and there is an urge to vent. Others are not much better, which is easy for Pokémon trainers to command mistakes in battle. Fighting here, Not only a challenge to Pokémon, but also a challenge to Pokémon trainers.

The other three women had different reactions. If they didn't want to see the battle between Hui Ye and Xia Bo, they wouldn't want to stay here for a minute, it was even more uncomfortable than taking a sauna.

Soon they came to a door. In front of it was a steel door. The iron door was glowing red. It is estimated that if you touch it with your hands, it may smell like meat in a moment. This is simply a natural barbecue iron. board!

Chapter 215 Xia Bo's Gym -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Soon they came to a door. In front of it was a steel door. The iron door was glowing red. It is estimated that if you touch it with your hands, it may smell like meat in a moment. This is simply a natural barbecue iron. board!

Xia Bo pressed the button on the side, the door slowly opened, and the hot wind rolled in in an instant. Hui Ye has never felt such a high temperature. Isn't this tormenting? !

Hui Ye looked at the three girls: "If you can't stand it, then go out?!"

Hearing Hui Ye's words, Xiaolan, Xiaohuang, and Nazi shook their heads in unison, why couldn't they? !They also have to cheer for Kaguya!What is a hot spot? !

The entrance is a huge karst cave. The battle field of the Red Lotus Gym is located here. It is hung by several thick iron chains. Below the field is the rolling river.

Kaguya couldn't help but swallowed when she saw this scene. When fighting, she still had to be careful. If the Pokémon fell, it would be dangerous.

In his mind, he was constantly analyzing, which Pokémon he should send to battle, and what tactics he should use. These are the fighting habits he is slowly forming now.

Originally, Hui Ye planned to use Minas as the main force. After all, water-type Pokémon still restrained fire-type Pokémon, but now Hui Ye has changed his mind. In such a venue, even water-type Pokémon can hardly exert their maximum strength. ! ?Instead, this is a paradise for fire-type Pokémon!

Even if Kaguya just prays for rain, it won't do much, unless the Pokémon that prays for rain is Lugia or Kyogre...

"Then let's start, the rules will follow the rules of the Gym Challenge, [-]V[-]!" Xia Bo said standing opposite Kaguya.


Since the battle is based on the gym badge as a bet, it is natural to fight according to the rules of the Gym Festival.

Kaguya nodded. He has roughly decided which Pokémon to fight today, such as Frog Flower and Lucario, and I'm afraid there is no chance here.

He took out a pokeball from his waist and threw it into the field at the same time as Xia Bo, and a noble, elegant and charming Minas instantly appeared in the battle field.

"Is the first one using Minas!?" Xia Bo nodded secretly when he saw Hui Ye's choice. He knew that Hui Ye's water-type Pokémon only seemed to be Minas, Chenglong and Tyrannosaurus. Minas is Hui Ye's well-deserved main force. Hui Ye will take out Minas so early, and he is obviously ready to fight recklessly. After reacting so quickly, there are not many young people who can do this.

After Minas came out, he frowned slightly, obviously it didn't like the environment here, making it very sad.

Opposite Minas is a large white fox with nine tails, nine tails!

Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the Nine-Tails. It was not wrong to use Minas to fight the Nine-Tails.

(PS: Has anyone tasted puffs that have been placed for four days).

Text Chapter 216 vs Nine Tails

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