Hui Ye took out Ling Xu and shook it: "I went out for a walk and found this sword, how about it?! Good luck!?"

Nazi couldn't help but rolled her eyes, did she find it? !Go cheating!Who is lying to whom? !This sword is obviously very valuable, and who would throw it away, she secretly knew that this might have a lot to do with that ability, but she didn't know much about it.

On the contrary, Mei and Xiaohuang looked at Huiye with admiration on their faces, as expected of Huiye, they can pick them up. "four three three"

"By the way, I met Adek just now. We have to be careful these days. This wild reserve doesn't seem to be that safe." Hui Ye told the girls.

"En?!" Nazi looked at Kaguya curiously. The protection of the wild reserves in the Hezhong area is stronger than that in the Kanto area. Is there still a crisis here? !

"There are Pokémon hunters, everyone should be careful!" Hui Ye said lightly, he had arranged for his Pokémon not to be too far away from him when going out, and he had to go out in groups, otherwise it would be easy to be caught by Pokémon Baby hunters find an opportunity.

Hearing the words "Pokémon Hunter", Nazi's face turned red all of a sudden. She obviously remembered what happened in the wild area that day. It was also a wild reserve, and she was also a Pokémon hunter. She and Kaguya's sins The relationship started from that time.

Although the beginning is not very good, the process and the ending are good, Kaguya is the right person for her!

"Roar..." While Huiye was waiting for someone to eat, Huiye's Charizard X flew back with an excited roar, but it didn't seem to be in a very good condition at the moment. holding a small thing.

Charizard X was released after Kaguya woke up. Before that, he didn't know that a Pokémon hunter had entered the wild reserve. Charizard wants to level up, so try to do it!With Ritian's strength, there would be no Pokémon to be its opponent, but he never expected that Ritian would come back with scars in less than an hour after going out.

This surprised Kaguya, did he meet a Pokémon hunter! ? !

"Ritian, what's the matter?!" Huiye didn't even bother to care about the things that Charizard X was holding, and directly took out a fairy bean and handed it to Ritian.

Under the care of Celebi, the growth rate of fairy beans has increased a lot, but there is still a problem with the output, but there are only a dozen or twenty a year at most. of.

"Roar (just got into a fight with a big guy! I brought you this!)" The fire-breathing dragon took out the little guy in his arms without paying any attention.

Only then did everyone turn their attention to the little guy in the arms of the fire-breathing dragon X.

The little guy has a round body, four stubby feet and a big, round head.Its body is dark gray, and its eyes are light blue.The head, the heels and the back are partially covered with a steel helmet, and there is a horn on the back.

The holes in the armor are distributed on its body, and there are six holes on its head, the largest two of which are its eyes, and one on the left and right sides of the corners of its back.

This is the Coco Dora that Kaguya mentioned of interest before, but he didn't expect him to bring it to him just after he mentioned Ritian!

This Cocoa Dora was obviously not willing to have sex with the fire-breathing dragon, but was forcibly brought here. It huddled into a ball and looked at Kaguya and everyone in fear.

"You had a fight with its parents!?" Thinking that Xiao Huang's Pikachu was forcibly abducted by Ritian when he was still Pichu, Ritian was just a fire dinosaur with relatively good talent at that time. The night quickly figured things out.

I don't know who Ritian learned from, but he has always had a bandit-like character, kidnapping, forcibly abducting or something, it seems to be born with it, but this sex Kaguya still likes it...

Chapter 244 The Real Bandit-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

I don't know who Ritian learned from, but he has always had a bandit-like character, kidnapping, forcibly abducting or something, it seems to be born with it, but this sex Kaguya still likes it...

Kaguya subconsciously threw an exploration technique at Coco Dora.

Pokémon: Coco Dora

Height: 0.45 meters

Weight: 65Kg

Gender: Male

Attributes: Rock, Steel

Features: Strong

Hidden Ability: Heavy Metal

Potential: Heavenly King

Level: Level [-]

Systematic evaluation: The newly born Cocoa Dora, whose parents are the overlords of the wild reserve, has great potential and talent, and is worth cultivating...

Seeing the evaluation of the system, Kaguya's mouth twitched, and she really had turned on the aura of the protagonist, and almost all the Pokémon that she encountered casually were gifted.

However, his days are really cruel. The parents of this Coco Dora are almost the overlords in the wild reserve. It is no wonder that it will be injured. It is not easy to forcibly abduct it.

At the same time, Hui Ye was very moved. He just said that he was interested in Coco Dora before, and Ritian did so. Naturally, Hui Ye felt the friendship in it. He said to each other that he wanted to share with the whole world. For the enemy, Ritian will go directly to take the lead, right? !

"Thank you!" Kaguya murmured while leaning on Ritian's shoulder.

Ritian shook his head indifferently: "Roar (actually it's nothing, I'm also very good at playing, their strength is not bad!)"

As for the hardships and dangers involved, it didn't mention it. Perhaps if it wasn't for the fire attribute and the opponent's steel 5.9 attribute, otherwise it would be difficult for it to bring Cocodora back!

"Thank you!" Hui Ye smiled and handed the fairy bean to Ritian, everything was silent, there was no need to say more!

Seeing this touching scene, the girls didn't say anything to spoil the atmosphere, but turned their attention to the baby Cocoa Dora who was forcibly brought by the fire-breathing dragon X. Cocoa Dora was cute and cute when she was a child. But growing up is also very domineering...

(PS: Someone asked me to explode?! Well, let me explain here. Although the author is full-time, but his eyes are not very good, he has had a big problem, and cannot touch the computer for a long time, so he wants me to It is even more impossible to explode a [-]th, [-]th, but if there are important things, a small outbreak may be possible!).

Main Text Chapter 245 Kaguya's Huge Plan

"Then what happened to its parents?!" Kaguya pointed to Cocodora who was still shivering on the ground, and asked the fire-breathing dragon X.

It must be difficult to snatch it away from Coco Dora's parents, unless the little guy's parents are Xiao Lan's hakron... not to mention Ritian was also seriously injured.

The fire-breathing dragon blinked when he heard Kaguya's question: "Roar (can't die!)"

Cocodora at the side listened to Charizard X's words, and wanted to scream a few times in dissatisfaction, but thinking about what happened just now, it didn't dare again.

Originally, their family lived a happy life. Its father, Boss Cordola, was the overlord of this area. Although it could not be said to be invincible, ordinary Pokémon really did not dare to provoke their family.

As a result, early this morning, their family encountered a disaster. A bully suddenly broke into their home, fought with their parents for [-] rounds, and forcibly brought him here.

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