He feels that the recent style of painting seems to be getting more and more weird. This is a fanfic of the Pokémon series. It's not a matter of human beings. Now that such a Pokémon has come out, he feels that he may go further and further down the road of beasts. farther!The most shameful thing is that there is still such a little excitement in his heart!

What the system said is indeed correct. It seems that the person who knows him best in this world is the system gentleman!You really are a bitch!

"Wow, Ladias has become so beautiful!" Xiao Huang on the side was shocked to see Ladias like this. She knew that a variety of monsters could be transformed, but like Ladias, she First time seeing it.

"You are also very beautiful!" This is the first time that Ladias has telepathic contact with Xiao Huang. It is still very good for the little girl's senses. After all, Xiao Huang is the owner of the power of Vibrant, and he helped himself before. Treated my brother.

Xiao Huang glanced at Ladias with a little doubt. After all, it seemed to be talking just now, but Xiao Huang was able to

Rudias and Xiao Huang quickly communicated, and Kaguya was instantly forgotten.

Seeing this, Kaguya didn't say anything, but released Lucario and let it be protected in the suite. Hui Ye has been released, and it is temporarily impossible to recover!

Didn't you see that when Kaguya woke up before, the two women didn't even react at all? !

Instead of letting Luo Tianyi come out to make food for them, he took Xiao Huang and Ladios out to taste the special snacks in the Fengyuan area.Now that you are in the Hoenn area, wouldn't it be in vain if you don't taste these special breakfasts? !


After the meal, Hui Ye took the two women to Dewen Manufacturing Co., Ltd. He had already told Dawu about the resurrection of the ammonite fossil, so after entering the Dewen company, someone came to entertain them. .After handing the fossil to the staff, Kaguya was taken to the chairman's office.

However, Xiao Huang and Ladias were taken by the relevant staff to visit the Devon Company, which was the most suitable for them.

After entering the chairman's office, the staff took the initiative to leave, and Hui Ye soon discovered that not only Mr. Zvucci and Dawu were here, but Mikri was also here. A woman with a beautiful face in a light blue dress and slender pencil pants is in the office.

This woman is very special. Her clothes are very strange. The most strange thing is that even in the room, she still wears a unique helmet...

Chapter 290 Miss Naqi -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

This woman is very special. Her clothes are very strange. The most strange thing is that even in the room, she still wears a unique helmet...

However, all this makes this young lady seem to have a unique charm!

While Kaguya looked at this young lady, she was also watching him curiously.

"Let me introduce, Mikri, Kaguya, you have met before, this is our friend, Naqi, a gym trainer in Yinyu City, who is good at flying Pokémon, and it is also the one who we have been going to school together since we were young." classmate." Dawu soon began to introduce to several people: "This is Dr. Kaguya from the Hezhong area, an expert in mega evolution and Eevee evolution, the first dragon elf and the first complete mega The evolved Pokémon are all from him!"

· · · Flowers · · ·

Only then did Kaguya understand the identity of this beauty. Isn't this the legendary mikori's lover? !However, based on what Dago said to me last time, and my own observations this time, it seems that Miss Naqi doesn't have much of a cold for Michael!

"Hello! Miss Naqi!" Kaguya greeted Naqi very politely.

"Hello!" Na Qi didn't have much resistance to Kaguya, and seemed to have a better attitude than Michael.

She didn't mean to come over before, after all, as a gym trainer in Yinyu City, she was very busy, not to mention, what happened to Mikri during this time made her very irritable.

.... ...

Today, she is abused on the Internet every day by Mikri's brain-dead fans, and countless fans come to her gym to trouble her!This had a big impact on Naki's life.

Na Qi naturally won't have a good face towards Michaeli now, even if they both grew up together, if they don't like it, they don't like it, don't tell me you're still forcing me to do it! ?

However, since Dawu invited her over, she more or less wanted to give Dawu a face. Everyone was friends since childhood, and Dawu also said something important.

It wasn't until she got here that Na Qi didn't know that she was being tricked!

However, Na Qi didn't just play petty and leave. After all, the matter is real, and it also involves the water fleet and divine beasts. They were still discussing Kaguya!

It is undeniable that Hui Ye's first impression of her was very good. He was handsome, but he didn't look like a slut like Michele. Hui Ye's face was considered a handsome type, but he did not lose the slightest masculinity. ...

"We were discussing you before! I didn't expect you to come so early!" Dawu smiled slightly, he needed to bring Kaguya into the discussion so that everyone could chat.

This time, he really wanted to use the excuse of knowing Kaguya to match Naqi and Mikoli, after all, they are friends...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Wake up by Ladias!" Kaguya sighed silently. It seems that since he came to the Pokémon world some time ago, the good living habits he has maintained have been changed. Fortunately, he is now You have an iron body, otherwise you will definitely have kidney deficiency like a certain street writer for a few years like this!

"Where are Nazi and Xiaolan!?" Dawu knew that Xiaohuang was shopping in the Dewen company at the moment, and the little girl next to him was transformed by Ladias according to the energy. Dawu even felt that Kaguya was real. He is so good at playing that he actually made Ladias look like this...

"Still asleep!" Kaguya pouted, not feeling ashamed at all about this matter, it seems that in the eyes of the nobles, being able to toss two girls so hard that they couldn't get out of bed is definitely something worth bragging about. "four zero seven"

Regarding this matter, even Miss Naqi didn't have the slightest bit of strangeness on her face. It seemed that she was used to this kind of thing.

"That's it!" Dawu looked at Hui Ye playfully, and there was still a hint of envy in his eyes. It wasn't that Hui Ye's girl was so good-looking, but Hui Ye's ability seemed to be good! !Those are two girls, men are always at a disadvantage in that respect... Don't look at him as a champion, the champion is also a man!

"What do you plan to do with the Water Fleet after that!?" Hui Ye asked curiously to a few people. This seems to be the rhythm of doing things! !Although he can't join, but this does not prevent him, he will be a melon eater once again!

Anyway, the relationship between Kaguya and the Water Fleet has been completely settled, and Kaguya will not be polite to them. His own Ladias has its own mega evolution stone on his neck, and maybe the Water Fleet will come to trouble him Maybe!

"We will form a special team to attack the water fleet!" Dawu smiled slightly, then hesitated and said to Kaguya: "Kuiye, I know that you have a powerful intelligence department in your hands, capable of Would you cooperate with us on this matter!?"

Hearing Dawu's words, Hui Ye's mouth twitched, he was silent, the powerful intelligence department, he really can't say about this matter, in fact, it is him and Luo Tianyi, but with his and Luo Tianyi's computers Technology, the Internet in the entire Pokémon world is like the back garden of their home, enter as you want and leave as you want.

Whether it is the computers and databases of evil organizations like Water Fleet, or the data of technology companies like Dewen Manufacturing Company, there is no pressure on Hui Ye and Luo Tianyi!

It's just, how can they help! ?

"Of course, we won't let Dr. Kaguya help you in vain. Recently, my giant gold monster has a child, how about it as a shot fee for you?!" Dawu seems to see that Kaguya doesn't seem to be very " Willing to help," said the moment.

After all, they didn't have the slightest information at the beginning, but Kaguya was able to investigate the water fleet from the Pokémon hunter organization, and also investigated that they were going to do something to Ladias and Ladios. This kind of intelligence organized them Have to be careful.

Of course, there is also the meaning that he wants to make good friends with Kaguya. He believes that Kaguya can understand what he means. The egg of the iron dumbbell is handed over to Kaguya, and Dawu also believes that Kaguya will not bury it!

It is true that Kaguya was moved by Dawu's "sincerity". Dawu's giant golden monster is definitely one of the best among the giant golden monsters in the entire Pokémon world, and its children have a high chance of not being too poor in talent.

According to legend, two iron dumbbells evolved together into a metal monster, and two metal monsters evolved together into a giant gold monster.

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