Level [-] Nido King!Even standing off the court, everyone can feel the coercion and oppression emanating from him!

This King Nido can be regarded as the real main force of Sakagi, although it is not like the previous Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and can only be regarded as a member of the second team, this is the champion-level King Nido!

"It's okay¨〃!" Hui Ye smiled lightly, and took back the Brilliant Frog Flower. To deal with King Nido, the Brilliant Frog Flower is not very effective. Anyway, this is the gymnasium challenge, there is no What an embarrassment!

Seeing that Kaguya changed the Pokémon without saying a word, Sakagi smiled helplessly, but didn't say anything. Anyway, there are rules in itself, but I just feel that Kaguya is very interesting!At least not for those hot-blooded idiots!

"Come out, Tyrannosaurus!" As one of Kaguya's earliest Pokémon, Tyrannosaurus had a very high appearance rate at the beginning. After all, it was Kaguya's lucky beast!

However, as Hui Ye's Pokémon grew more and more, the strength of the tyrannical dragon did not keep up. The tyrannical dragon has not appeared in the Gym Challenge for a long time, and even before the Red Lotus Gym, it did not appear. !

The people who were originally intimidated by King Nido's aura changed their minds after the Tyrannosaurus came out.Kaguya's violent carp dragon is like a peerless fierce god, shocking the world!

"Roar!" After the tyrannical carp dragon came out, he looked fiercely at his opponent, King Nido!This is his first real opponent in this period of time, and he must defeat his opponent!

"Is the tyrannical carp dragon?! Not bad!" Sakagi raised his eyebrows, but he was complaining frantically in his heart. It was true that Kaguya had a tyrannical carp dragon before, but it was not so exaggerated!When was the level so high! ?

When did champion-level Pokémon become popular!

Chapter 1 Fighting against Sakagi (2) -->>(page [-]/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

When did champion-level Pokémon become popular!

Gyarados, Miaowahua, Charizard X, Dragon Spirit, and Pokémon he didn't know, Sakagi even wanted to complain. After the Quartz Conference is over, Kaguya can directly start the King Challenge!

It seems that I still underestimated him before!However, his combat skills are not worthy of Pokémon's abilities!

King Nido also looked at the tyrannical carp dragon in front of him, not to be outdone, both of them were Pokémon of the same level, and it was also the king among the kings of Nido!

"Tyrannosaurus, use the tornado!" Kaguya ordered to the tyrannical dragon.

In an instant, three careful tornadoes appeared beside the tyrannical carp dragon, sweeping towards King Nido like a wind and a cloud.

"Dig a hole!" Sakagi said without hesitation. Maybe other Nido kings couldn't learn to dig holes, but his Nido king could. This is his special training!

He is the Sakagi of the earth!

King Nido's speed is very fast, it should be said that he is not clumsy at all. Before the arrival of the tornado, he successfully dug a hole and sneaked into the ground.

Xiao Mao on the side had a solemn expression: "It seems that the owner of the Sakagi Pavilion is much stronger than I thought! This King Nido is so fast!"

Xiaomao has also seen a lot of King Nido, and there is even a King Nido among his main Pokémon, but the gap between them is really too big!

".~He is indeed extraordinary!" Nazi nodded slightly, and then looked thoughtfully at the door behind Sakagi. She could feel that there was a Pokmon she was familiar with—— Dream!

The origin of Chaomeng, Nazi also heard Kaguya say that Sakagi is the boss of the Rockets, and now it can be confirmed, so what does Sakagi want to do? !

Bring Mewtwo to the gym!Is it a demonstration? ?Or what? !

"Earthquake!" Kaguya can't handle so much, all he wants to do now is to defeat Sakagi and get the badge in his hand!Get a great chance to draw!Get something good!

The tyrannical carp dragon twisted its huge body and slapped the ground with its sturdy dragon tail, and the ground trembled wildly in an instant.

(Good Zhao's)

"Come out! Use [-] volts!" Sakagi said quickly, the most afraid of digging holes is earthquakes, even for ground-type Pokémon!

King Nido's huge body soon reappeared in the battle arena, his mouth was slightly opened, and a current spurted out from it.

"Frozen light!" Kaguya didn't dare to write ink, and when Sakagi spoke, it issued an order, you must know that the tyrannical carp dragon is most afraid of electricity skills!

Almost in an instant, a white light collided with the lightning, causing a big explosion and rolling up countless dust!

Sakagi frowned secretly, this is unscientific!Could it be that Kaguya's Pokmon grew up eating melamine? !The previous freezing light didn't seem to have any momentum!You must know that this kind of skill can't compare with the [-] volts of the electric system in terms of speed, but the opponent has done it!Unscientific! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sakagi is also very depressed sometimes, is Kaguya's Pokémon growing fast enough!Inside Team Rocket, it has also been studied whether Kaguya uses some special means to increase the strength of its Pokémon!

However, according to their research, Kaguya's Pokémon are all healthy, and they don't look like they have undergone any evil experiments. It can even be said that they are much healthier than ordinary Pokémon!

In this regard, the Rockets can guarantee that Kaguya has never done any evil experiments. After all, the Rockets have done a lot of experiments of this kind, otherwise, how could they be called the largest evil organization in Kanto and Chengdu? In the world of Pokémon, Team Rocket~ sits firmly in the top spot!

They even created Chaomeng. Can the whole science and technology be inferior? !Who dares to say that they are inferior, if you have the ability, you can do it-only Chaomeng will come out!

In fact, apart from the Rockets, even members of the alliance have suspected whether Kaguya was doing some evil research, but they were quickly ruled out by them. There are traces of the improvement of Kaguya's Pokémon strength. It's fighting, and through fighting, quickly increase the level of Pokémon!

This may have something to do with Kaguya herself!He has a peculiar talent that no other family has ever seen, just like the dragon power of the Yulong family!

It's just, why Kaguya's Pokémon doesn't even need to gain momentum, it's really a hang-up!

Even Sakagi is a little envious and jealous!

His Pokémon wants it too!Unfortunately, this is Kaguya's exclusive ability!

"King Nido, use Destruction Death Light!" Sakagi snorted, he wanted to see if there was anything else different about this tyrannical carp dragon!According to Kaguya's personality, she shouldn't be cowardly at this moment!

"Destroy the dead light! The tyrannical carp dragon!" Sakagi was right in thinking, but this method of dealing with waves is his favorite!When facing Bo, Kaguya's Pokémon won't be cowardly, as long as the opponent is not the Sun family!

Under the command of Kaguya, the bloody mouth of the tyrannical carp dragon opened wide, and a beam of light that was about two meters thick at the end of the moon shot out of its big mouth and flew towards King Nido. , as if to destroy everything in front of him!

When the destructive death light of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon shot out a certain distance, the destructive death light of King Nido was ready and shot out from its big mouth.

"Boom!" The two huge energy beams collided together, and the huge energy quickly spread to the surroundings, blowing strong winds, causing Hui Ye and the others to cover their eyes.

"Destruction of Death Light is the same!?" Sakagi murmured, in fact, he was not fighting seriously in this battle, but was more investigating the fighting ability of the tyrannical carp dragon!

It really is a very talented tyrannosaurus!He is obviously a little earlier than Kaguya

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