"Master Sakagi, what do you mean?" Kaguya's eyes narrowed. It's not that he took advantage and betrayed him, but he wanted to continue fighting. Chaomeng should run away at this time, right? !

In the animation, Chao Meng ran away after killing Xiao Mao!

However, in Kaguya's point of view, the current Chao Meng may not be able to escape. Although Chao Meng is strong, his level is about to reach the level of a second-level divine beast, but the opposite of him is Sakagi!They also have all kinds of scientific equipment in their hands!

"I lost this battle, your strength is enough to get this green badge!" Sakagi took a deep breath, he suddenly felt that the boy in front of him seemed to be really annoying!Why can't you see the current situation? !

Kaguya smiled slightly, then looked at Chaomeng who was still fighting Ladias in the air, and sighed, at this moment Chaomeng has gradually been at a disadvantage, and his level has gradually become Passed level [-] (level [-])!

It is worthy of being one of the beasts that are best at fighting in the original book. It even has the characteristic of being strong when it is strong. Although the armor set by the Rockets constantly limits the strength of Chaomeng, it also makes Chaomeng's strength break through a bottleneck. , has completely reached the limit of the second-level divine beast, and even continues to rise!

"But I haven't defeated it yet, have I?!" Kaguya pointed to Mewtwo in mid-air, and said to Sakagi with a smile.

Although, he doesn't know why, it seems that Sakagi has never done anything to himself. Even if he destroys many plans of the Rockets, he still has to do it when it is time to pit Sakagi!

not to mention!This super dream, he took a fancy to it!

His own woman Nazi already has a super dream, but he doesn't even have a first-level divine beast. Isn't this shameful? !If he got this super dream, wouldn't he be able to pretend in the future? !

"The duty of gym trainers is to examine whether Pokémon trainers have the energy to obtain badges. I think you already have this ability!" Sakagi and others? !How could he not understand Hui Ye's intention at this moment? !Some gritted their teeth and said to Kaguya.

However, he did not directly choose to attack Hui Ye and Xiao Mao in the gym!

After all, Hui Ye and Xiao Mao have different identities. He is not ready to go to war with the Alliance directly!

"Oh, is that so?! But I think this Pokémon of Sakagi Pavilion is very powerful, and I want to defeat him!?" Kaguya said with a sneer on her face.

Chaomeng, who was constantly fighting with Ladias in midair, was very aggrieved at the moment. It could feel that if it could defeat the powerful Pokémon in front of it with all its strength, it had a strong sense of its own strength. Confidence, but the equipment on his body hinders his battle, it is really troublesome!


Similarly, the conversation between Sakagi and Kaguya, Super Dream naturally listened to it, and it was also not angry because Kaguya "humiliated" it. It also wants to continue fighting. If it can remove the armor Better to drop.

Chapter 1 Green Badge-->>(page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

Similarly, the conversation between Sakagi and Kaguya, Super Dream naturally listened to it, and it was also not angry because Kaguya "humiliated" it. It also wants to continue fighting. If it can remove the armor Better to drop.

And Chao Meng also understands that Kaguya means, he seems to want to do something, don't think Chao Meng's IQ is very low! ?It is much higher than the IQ of a normal human!

"If it doesn't work, I think your character is not good enough to participate in the Quartz Conference! Refused to give you the green badge!" Sakagi was also really angry at this moment!He will never allow Mewtwo to have problems!This is the expectation of the Rockets in the future, and it will be the biggest trump card for the Rockets in the future!

"Fuck!" Kaguya scolded the old fox in an instant, and he was no match for an old guy like Sakagi.

"What's going on!?" Xiao Zhi was a little dumbfounded by this sudden change. Why did this gym trainer stop fighting? !

He didn't know that many of his gym badges were almost half given by gym trainers!

"There should be a problem with the Pokémon opposite!" Xiao Mao replied with some doubts in his heart.However, he evaluated himself in his heart, and estimated that his Pokémon would be killed in seconds when he encountered this mysterious Pokémon, right? !

".~ Mewtwo! Stop!" Seeing that Kaguya didn't seem to express anything, Sakagi shouted angrily at Mewtwo in midair.

Chao Meng glared at Sakagi in dissatisfaction after hearing the words, but Ladias took the opportunity to return to Kaguya, looking at Kaguya happily, it never knew that he had such a powerful strength , although this state does not seem to be maintained for a long time, it is different from his brother's!

However, that's fine, Ladias is also slightly dissatisfied with its current appearance!It doesn't seem so pretty!

Chao dreamed that Ladias had no interest in continuing to fight, gave Sakagi a vicious look, then took a deep look at Kaguya, and walked towards the gate, what happened here, it will not go again Instead, he thought about how to escape.

After the battle just now, my strength seems to have strengthened again!This is the best news for Chaomeng now (Li Hao).

Maybe you can't escape if you operate it!

kindness!Is to escape, Chao Meng still has a deep understanding of the Rockets, and his current strength may not be their opponent, he must form his own forces!

"This guy!" Sakagi took a deep look at Chao Meng, who left directly, and murmured dissatisfiedly, but when facing Chao Meng, he couldn't get angry, after all, this is his current treasure.

"It's just the green badge, it's the evidence that you beat me!" Sakagi impatiently took out a badge and threw it at the badge, wanting to leave here. Chaomeng's situation is very wrong, he has to go over to have a look, even I don't even bother to maintain the posture I usually maintain!

"Hey, wait! I still want to challenge the gym!" Xiaozhi said quickly when he saw that Sakagi was about to leave! .

Text Chapter [-] Chaomeng escapes

"My Pokémon are all injured, come back tomorrow!" Just kidding, who is Sakagi! ?How could the big boss behind the Rockets stay and fight because of Xiao Zhi's words? !Doesn't he lose face like this? !

Moreover, all the thoughts in Sakamu's heart center are Chaomeng, how can there be a time pipeline hall, Guan Huiye and these people!

The incident of Chao Meng has also been exposed, Sakagi needs to make some preparations, of course, this is also deliberately exposed by him!Time to talk to the league!

"How can you do this?!" Xiao Zhi couldn't help but muttered, he couldn't help but stalk him, he just couldn't stand the loneliness!After all, he just watched an incredible battle and desperately wanted to fight Sakagi!

As for how big the gap is between the Pokémon on both sides, that's not a problem for Xiao Zhi to think about!

Xiao Zhi, a hot-blooded idiot, never cares about the level gap and attribute difference between Pokémon!

Huiye didn't bother to complain about Xiaozhi at the moment, because his mind was almost shut down. The moment he got the green badge, the system's notification sound came into Huiye's mind!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the earth badge and a chance to win a god-level lottery!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting eight badges in the Kanto region and getting a chance to win a high-level lottery!"

"Start the mission, participate in the Quartz Conference, and give rewards according to the host's final ranking!"

Hearing these three pieces of information, Kaguya couldn't calm down even if she wanted to!God-level lottery!This is a god-level lottery!Kaguya has drawn countless good things so far, but at most there have been only high-level lottery opportunities before!Now there is a god-level lottery chance! !

Sakagi really is a great guy!At the same time, Kaguya's heart is silently grateful to the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, and his lucky beast has also contributed a lot!

The high-level lottery draw was a surprise, but it was also a very good lottery draw. As for the mission of the Quartz Conference, it was nothing to Kaguya. Even if someone came to attack him, he would not be afraid!First place, he's decided, if he can't get it, Kaguya will kill himself by caesarean section (bedb)!

"Ding, conduct a god-level lottery and get a Derivative Sutra!"

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