"Creator God Arceus, the entire Pokémon world was created by him, and any skills of any Pokémon are ineffective against it, and it is immune to any skills!" The alpaca in the game is actually not very good, [-] Since the evolution of mega, there are many beasts after mega, whose strength is higher than that of Arceus, and it can only be equipped with a stone slab at most!

However, the alpaca in the animated version is really incomprehensible, all the slates are installed, then it is immune to all skills!Although it is said that there is a fairy system later, as a creator god, how can there be no fairy-type slate! ?

"Immune to any skills!?" This also made Chao Meng a little stunned. It was a little bit unbelievable what Kaguya said. In the past, it used super powers to defeat opponents, and it was still a win!

However, it seems that Chao Meng has heard of the existence of Arceus in a document, which seems to be the god of creation!That should be strong, right? !At least Chaomeng has no confidence at the moment to create a world!

At this moment, Chaomeng feels that his life and values ​​have changed.

"Since it was Pokémon who created the world, why do Pokémon have to become a tool for humans!?" Chao Meng was instantly upset. Before, it more or less rejected its identity as a Pokémon, and it didn't want to be a tool for humans, but now it is What means? !

Chapter 311 The Strongest Pokémon-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Since it was Pokémon who created the world, why do Pokémon have to become a tool for humans!?" Chao Meng was instantly upset. Before, it more or less rejected its identity as a Pokémon, and it didn't want to be a tool for humans, but now it is What means? !

"Pikapi (we are not human tools, but partners!)" At this time, Ash's Pikachu spoke first.

Chaomeng glanced at it noncommittally, obviously not taking its words into his eyes. After all, the current skin god is still too weak to enter Chaomeng's eyes at all!

"You can try it first according to your previous plan, and you will understand when the time comes!" After saying that, Kaguya sat down at the table next to her and ate the food prepared by Miss Joy, although these meals There is still a certain gap between what Luo Tianyi has done, but it is not bad!

"You bastard, what are you talking about! Are you still worthy of being a human!?" The little fat man from before was angrily scolded at Kaguya. In his opinion, Kaguya's words definitely betrayed mankind. !

Kaguya didn't care too much when she heard this man's words. What he said was indeed a bit outrageous for humans, and even a bit anti-human. Maybe people who knew the history of Pokémon would recognize Kaguya's words, but ordinary Pokémon Baby trainers don't!

Of course, this does not mean that Kaguya has a good temper, will not retaliate, and can be abused by others!After the fall, reckoning is definitely inevitable!

Now the super dream and dream are still hidden and watched!Kaguya can't show too much!Life is like a drama, drama is like life!

Whether it is Super Dream or Dream, it is a Pokémon that you want to conquer, and a good impression is very important!

If possible, Kaguya would really like to sing an actor for everyone at the moment!

Chaomeng didn't have the heart to say anything more to these little brats at the moment. What it has to do now is to confirm its previous conjecture. Since the little fat man died, Chaomeng decided to cut him first, only to see his body. When he went out, he released a faint blue superpower, which instantly wrapped Little Fatty's body and began to make a painful roar.

Under Chaomeng's control, Little Fatty was constantly thrown in the air by Chaomeng's control, and was finally thrown into a small fountain, where all the Pokémon were Little Fatty...

How has Xiao Pangdun ever suffered from this kind of anger? !How could a Pokémon play tricks on him like that? !Tolerable or unbearable! ?

"Come on! Tyrannosaurus! Destroy the dead!" Little Fatty ordered to his Tyrannosaurus just after he emerged from the water.

Kaguya watched quietly from the side, this Gyarados seemed pretty good, but it was still too weak here!Not to mention comparing with Chaomeng, even comparing with his own Gyarados, there is a world of difference! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kaguya sat quietly by the side, watching Chaomeng pretending to be forceful!These Pokémon are still too weak in front of Mewtwo!

Little Fatty's fierce looking tyrannical carp dragon opened its big mouth, and soon condensed a huge golden energy ball, spraying a thick energy ray in the direction of Chaomeng!This light contains extremely terrifying energy, and it is unstoppable towards Mewtwo!

It looks terrifying, but in the eyes of Chao Meng, it is nothing, only see Chao Meng gently lift his right arm, and release a burst of energy at the seemingly unstoppable destructive death light.

The huge energy exploded in an instant, as bright as fireworks!Everyone is quietly waiting for the result, whether such a powerful destruction of death light can cause damage to this so-called strongest Pokémon!

It's a pity that after the energy that destroyed the death light was blocked by Chaomeng's shield and splashed, it gathered in one direction again, and instead attacked in the direction of the Gyarados.

"This?!" Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief. This is too exaggerated-a little bit, right? !

"Roar!" Hit by his own destructive death light, the Gyarados was instantly sent flying, and slammed into the side wall fiercely, making a painful roar.

Spike!Almost in an instant, this very powerful looking tyrannical carp dragon completely lost its fighting ability!

"Hey!" Everyone gasped, and Chaomeng didn't even exert his strength!The Tyrannosaurus has fallen!Super Dream seems to be really powerful!

"Weak one!" Chaomeng mocked lightly, and then said to Miss Joy beside him: "There is nothing to do with you here!"

It seemed to hesitate for a moment, then controlled Miss Joy with her super power and threw it in the direction of Kaguya.

Judging from Team Rocket's information, it seems that Kaguya is a very obsessed and lustful guy, and there are countless girls around him. Since this woman is useless, it's okay to give it to Kaguya.

Humans are really troublesome, and they like to do this kind of thing, what is there to do? !You know, strength is king!

Well, Kaguya is now notorious!Even Chao Meng knows what kind of person he is!

However, the people of the Joey family, Kaguya really didn't dare to move!

Kaguya originally planned to eat something silently, and then quietly wait for Chaomeng to pretend to be forceful. Let's leave it to Pishen, Xiaozhi, and Dream to do it!

Although he also has an existence similar to the protagonist's halo, it is really difficult to be like Xiao Zhi!

However, Hui Ye never imagined that the pot came from the sky while his own people were sitting next to him.Accompanied by Miss Joy's coquettish cry, Kaguya hurriedly reached out and hugged Miss Joy, who fell from the sky.

He only felt that his hand seemed to be pressing on something indescribable. It was soft and felt really good. He couldn't wrap it with one hand. He couldn't see Miss Joy under the nurse's uniform.This kind of tofu is not something that ordinary people can eat casually. If you are not careful, it will become the public enemy of the whole people! ?

At this moment, Miss Joy has also woken up from the hypnosis of Chaomeng, and she soon noticed something strange, she was actually being held, and there was a big hand on her indescribable part... …

This made Miss Joy feel ashamed, and she subconsciously wanted to slap this disciple over there!

Chapter 1 Powerful Mewtwo! -->>(page 2/[-]), please click next page to continue reading.

This made Miss Joy feel ashamed, and she subconsciously wanted to slap this disciple over there!

"Are you all right! Miss Joy!" Hui Ye reacted quickly and put Miss Joy down. As for the incident of accidentally eating her tofu, Hui Ye pretended that it didn't happen. Maybe it's because of this "little thing" that he is responsible, otherwise he even touched his sister-in-law Ke Na last time!

Kaguya, a woman of the Joey family, has no intention to provoke her, and she is irresponsible if she is irresponsible. What's more, this is just an exception. The big deal is that when the time comes, let Chaomeng brainwash Miss Joey!

"It's okay!" At this time, Miss Joy's face was really shown in front of everyone, and her face was still flushed. Seeing that Kaguya didn't mention what happened before, she also cooperated very well. She didn't say it, because she had already recognized the identity of the person in front of her - Dr. Kaguya!

It seems that Dr. Hui Ye did not intend it before. After all, Hui Ye's reputation is not very good in many people's ears, but in the eyes of the Joey family and the Junsha family, it is very good!

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