Kaguya was also stunned for a moment. He carefully looked at the two big rock snakes, and soon, he laughed!These two big rock snakes look very mighty, and one of them is even more so, and it even makes people feel that it has infinite potential and talent!

However, these two big rock snakes are actually very different. One is indeed talented with the potential of a heavenly king, while the one that looks particularly powerful is only talented with elites. It has almost come to an end. Strictly speaking, it It is not an exaggeration to be a silver gun wax head. .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kaguya pointed to the more violent big rock snake and said to Xiao Mao: "This big rock snake is just a mere appearance! You conquer the other one!"

Of course, the elite-level Big Rock Snake is already an extremely rare Pokémon for ordinary trainers, but it is really not enough for Kaguya!

Which Pokémon that Kaguya has captured now is inferior to the Quasi-Tianwang? !Unless Kaguya sees the right eye, he really won't take this kind of Pokémon!

"Is that so?!" Xiaomao nodded knowingly, and then directed King Nido to fight the Big Rock Snake.

The big rock snake, which was only on the surface, heard Kaguya's evaluation of himself, and his heart was even more angry. He was so evaluated by Kaguya!There was a roar at Kaguya!

"Lucario, kill it!" Kaguya glanced indifferently at the Big Rock Snake who was still yelling at him, and snorted coldly.

For such a big rock snake, he doesn't even need to instruct Lucario what to do. You must know that his Lucario level is already as high as 413, which is among the best among the entire champion-level Pokémon , so how can only [-] a big rock snake of forty or fifty levels be comparable!

Lucario also seems to be dissatisfied with the attitude of the big rock snake, this guy dares to yell at Kaguya!

You must know that the person Lucario respects the most is Kaguya, if there is no Kaguya, there is no it today!

Even though Lucario's strength is now at the pinnacle of most Pokémon, it still respects Kaguya, even more!

I saw Lucario stepped forward and grabbed the big rock snake's tail before it could react. Then, he gathered all his strength and directly hugged the big rock snake, and then swung it around his body.

On the side, Xiao Mao couldn't help swallowing when he saw Kaguya's Lucario looking so violent. Fortunately, when Kaguya practiced his Pokémon, he was still merciful!Otherwise, it would be very embarrassing to be rectified like this! ?

"Lulu seems to be a lot stronger than before!" Xiao Huang held Pikachu in one hand and "Pichu" in the other, watching this scene with emotion.

Kaguya's (beba) Pokémon will be greatly improved from time to time, and Xiao Huang is more or less used to it!

"Lucario has always worked hard to improve his strength!" Hui Ye said with a slight smile, he liked Lucario's character very much. can be very reliable!


While Xiaomao was commanding King Nido and the big rock snake to fight, a group of people also entered the back mountain of Zhenxin Town.

This group of people is Ash and his party who have just returned from the new island, and they are also accompanied by the unpleasant fighting king Shiba with Kaguya!

The name of beauty is Xiba because he saw that Xiaozhi is very talented and a piece of rough jade, and wanted to teach Xiaozhi to practice!

Xiaozhi himself was very unhappy with Sheba. After all, Kaguya was his friend, and Sheba's attitude towards Kaguya was very unfriendly. Xiaozhi naturally also looked at Sheba very unhappy, but he didn't know what Sheba said. What he said and what he did, changed Xiao Zhi's attitude towards Sheba a lot, and soon betrayed the revolutionary friendship!

Chapter 1 Xiba was amputated! -->>(page 2/[-]), please click next page to continue reading.

Xiaozhi himself was very unhappy with Sheba. After all, Kaguya was his friend, and Sheba's attitude towards Kaguya was very unfriendly. Xiaozhi naturally also looked at Sheba very unhappy, but he didn't know what Sheba said. What he said and what he did, changed Xiao Zhi's attitude towards Sheba a lot, and soon betrayed the revolutionary friendship!

Now I have come to receive the special training of Sheba!Of course, behind this, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia also exerted a lot of strength.As for what, it is unknown!

"It should be around here, the big rock snake from the last report!" Xiba kept observing the vicinity. Some time ago, he heard rumors of a good big rock snake here, but he never had time. , Although the alliance is busy now, it is also his own task to teach Xiaozhi. By the way, it is not a fake public benefit to subdue the big rock snake!

When the time comes to conquer this big rock snake, it is a good choice whether it is for your own use or as a gift to your nephew!

None of his nephew's Pokémon seem to be very powerful!Thinking of this, Shiba is a little depressed, why are Kaguya's Pokémon so powerful, what kind of shit luck did he have!

"Go! Pokémon Ball!" But soon, Shiba's face turned ugly. He seemed to hear the voice of someone subduing Pokémon!Shouldn't it be cut off? !

Xiao Zhi and the others also seemed to have heard this voice: "Isn't this Xiao Mao's voice!? Could it be that he is also in the back mountain?!"

"Well, let's go over and have a look!" Xiaogang suggested with a glance at the Heavenly King of Sheba, who was standing beside him.

"Go and have a look!" Xiba was also very helpless at the moment. Since he met Dr. Damu's grandson, he would go to see it more or less!The most important thing is that he wants to see if the opponent has conquered his goal.

A few people quickly came to the place where Hui Ye was, and saw that Xiao Mao had already held a Pokémon ball in his hand. Hui Ye, Xiao Huang, and an unknown girl were watching. There is also a burly big rock snake.

"Hey, it's you!?" Kaguya sneered when she saw Xiao Zhi and the others coming. It seemed that her guess was not wrong.

Xiaozhi's identity is definitely not simple. Yesterday, he could clearly feel that Sheba's attitude towards Xiaozhi and his attitude towards himself are completely two different ways!Even if Xiaozhi scolded Xiba for himself, Xiba did not show the slightest dissatisfaction!

This is enough to prove that Shiba knew Ash a long time ago!Now Xiba brought Xiaozhi here again, I am afraid it is cultivation!

So what exactly is Ash's background? !And the reason why Xiaogang and Xiaoxia follow Xiaozhi's side may not be very pure, right? !

I seem to have discovered something amazing!But let Xiaomao cut off Xiba's Hu, why is he so happy in his heart? !

"Hey, it's you!? Sheba Heavenly King!" Xiao Mao pinned the Pokémon ball of the Great Rock Snake to his belt, and then greeted Sheba with a smile.

"Hello!" Shiba said hello to Xiao Mao, and then set his sights on the big rock snake that was easily solved by Lucario!

(PS: I was in a good mood today and wanted to change it up, but when I went out to wash my car, I was hacked for [-] yuan, and my good mood was instantly ruined by the hacked store! The beautiful name is Seiko Car Wash!).

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

From Shiba's professional perspective, the development of this big rock snake seems to be very good!Looking at the figure of this big rock snake, it is not much inferior to his own big rock snake, and then looking at the round stones and sturdy rocks, it looks very promising at first glance. Sheba is seeing the first big rock snake. You know right away that this is exactly what you came here for!

Often walking by the river, how can there not be wet shoes!Sheba is also not known for the night. He has the ability to detect the potential and talent of a Pokémon. Based on his own experience, this big rock snake is definitely a very talented Pokémon!

All right!Rao Yixiba's state of mind could not be calm at the moment, he was worried that this big rock snake would be subdued by Kaguya!

"Xiao Mao, did you just subdue the Pokémon?!" Xiao Zhi asked Xiao Mao.

Xiaomao nodded: "I tamed a big rock snake!" He still believed in Kaguya's words, since Kaguya said that his big rock snake was talented, so he tamed this one himself, and as for the rest, Judging by Hui Ye's appearance, it seems that she doesn't intend to subdue her, and neither does Xiaomao~ Say more!

There's no need for Kaguya to lie to herself on this-!

"Is the big rock snake?" Sheba was a little worried in his heart, but he was relieved after seeing the big rock snake on the ground that was incapacitated. This big rock snake must be very good, so what should I do after that? Let Kaguya not subdue this big rock snake? !

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