It's so frustrating!

When Kaguya kept using Pokémon to kill opponents, countless people in a private room were discussing him!

Du, Shiba, Chrysanthemum, Kona, Kazuki, Lilin, the current league kings and champions in Chengdu and Kanto are all gathered in a small room, quietly observing the battle of Kaguya and other outstanding seed players !

For this Quartz Conference, the alliance temporarily called them back to guard. As for their original place, they could only send 14 more people to go there!

"This Dr. Kaguya's strength is stronger than what is rumored out there!!" Kazuki sighed while touching his chin, which had no beard at all.

"That's natural. I met him just now, but he should have become the brother-in-law of King Kona by now, right?!" Li Lin had the trademark smirk on his face, and his tone was teasing. said.

Unlike Kona, who was born in a big family, she is a real "common king", but she has a good talent and a good character, and she was allowed to sit in this position after she recognized a teacher with good strength and status.

She has some opinions about those damn rich people, which is one of the reasons why she has so few friends!

"Uh..." There was a trace of entanglement on Kena's face. Before, she went to visit her sister specially to see if her sister Xiaolan was wronged by Hui Ye!

Kona still has a lot of affection for Xiaolan, her fellow sister, and she also felt that she lost money to Xiaolan. If it wasn't for her excellence, maybe Xiaolan would become better than herself in ten years! ?

You know, the talent that Xiao Lan showed since she was a child is not inferior to hers!

It's just that the family's resources are all given to him, which makes Xiaolan embark on a completely different path!Xiaolan and Hui Ye are together, with Xiaolan's willingness and their family's investment.

However, fortunately, she knew from Xiaolan's expression that Kaguya seemed to be very kind to her too!Seems to be happier than ever!I hope this is true, not forcing a laugh and pretending to be happy! ?

"It's just a bit of a fuss!" The mother-in-law Chrysanthemum on the side complained coldly: "I don't know if it will be as soft as that old guy Damu!"

Others heard that mother-in-law Juzi was a little powerless to complain, soft? !Where is it soft? !It's very ambiguous, isn't it? !Do you think that Kaguya is a disciple of Dr. Damu so you don't want to see him? !

Who does not know the grievances between mother-in-law Kikuko and Dr. Ogi who are present! ?Anything related to Dr. Damu will not be welcomed by Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum!

"Is this the egg of the mini dragon you gave him last time?" Xiba's face was a little gloomy. The red and swollen face that was beaten by Kaguya has not been completely healed, although Du and the others are very cooperative. Mention it, but his face as a heavenly king is completely lost!

Du stared at Hakolong who almost killed a Pokémon in one move: "Yes, I didn't expect him to grow so fast, it is estimated that he should evolve into a fast dragon soon!"

Chapter 348 Big Brothers' Attention-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Du stared at Hakolong who almost killed a Pokémon in one move: "Yes, I didn't expect him to grow so fast, it is estimated that he should evolve into a fast dragon soon!"

For the Hakolong family, Dubei knows everyone, he knows that this Hakolong is looking for an opportunity to evolve!

Hearing Du's words, Xiba's heart tightened, sure enough? !His personal relationship with Du is excellent, and he believes Du's words, doesn't that mean that Kaguya wants another Heavenly King-level Pokémon? !

Kuailong, no matter how bad the talent is, it is also a Kuailong!

"I really hope to have the opportunity to fight with him again!" There was a smile on Du's face. He didn't have any ill will towards Kaguya, but had the idea of ​​making friends with Kaguya!

Du felt that he and Kaguya should be the same kind of people, the fire-breathing dragon X, the dragon spirit, the Huck dragon, the Ladias, and the tyrannical carp dragon that is not a dragon, and the two-headed dragon that has not yet grown up. Rhythm to become a Dragon-type Pokémon expert!

It is said that peers are enemies, but he does not think so if he does not transition. As the current leader of the Yulong clan, he believes that he is the best dragon-type Pokémon expert in the world!

No matter how strong Kaguya is, he will not be his opponent!

"You..." Xiba looked at Du with a speechless expression. His heart was very entangled. If he fought Kaguya, what would the result be? !

Sheba didn't have much confidence. After seeing the battle between Frog Flower and Water Arrow Turtle, Sheba knew that he was not Kaguya's opponent...

"Kona, how about you invite this guy to have a meal?!" Li Lin asked Kona, who was most closely related to Kaguya.

Ke Na frowned slightly when she heard Li Lin's proposal. She couldn't figure out that Li Lin, who had always had vague opinions about her, would take the initiative to find her. Could it be that 570 had her eye on Hui Ye? !

Kona admits that Kaguya is indeed quite handsome, but Lilin is not bad either!Even before she became the King of Heaven, Li Lin's reputation was not very good, but her popularity was not low at all, and there were even more people chasing her than herself...

"My moon elf wanted to fight her sister for a long time!" Li Lin seemed to see the doubts of several people, took out a elf ball and threw it, and explained in a pointed way.

"So!?" Everyone understood what Li Lin meant. Li Lin's moon elf and Kaguya's dragon elf are still sisters. This kind of battle is indispensable!

The family meeting between Pokémon is much purer than that of human beings. They may fight to prove whether the two sides are entrusted with non-human beings and whether they have improved themselves well!Use this to motivate yourself!

What a human being! ?When relatives meet, it is more about comparisons. How old is your family, how much is your annual salary, and have you found a good wife?Is your child doing well? !What university did you go to! ?what a job! ?

They may not really care about you, but treat this as a conversation in life, knowing that your life is not good, and they will despise you fiercely!

Not to brag, most people are like this!This is the mentality of comparison!

Pokémon are much simpler, they are all sincere! .

Text Chapter 349 Lilin's appointment

Hui Ye didn't know that in a mysterious box, there was such a group of bigwigs discussing him, and he wouldn't care if he knew it. Now he wants to keep a low profile, but he can't keep a low profile!

He can only try his best to keep himself low-key!Don't expose things that shouldn't be exposed!

"Hakron, use jet flame!" Although he used a lot of Pokémon, Kaguya gave most of his game experience to Hakron. This guy has already reached the brink of evolution and requires a lot of battles to promote Its evolution!

Originally, Kaguya planned to make Dreamy change into the appearance of Pichu, but Dreamy took the initiative to give the opportunity to Hakron, and it was not Dreamy who bullied the children!

It is now at the level of the "Mother of All Things", so it doesn't have much interest in fighting the little brats, but its current level is really too low, and as a last resort, it also needs to lower its own " Striking"!

"Mi!" Huckron heard Kaguya's order and sprayed a thick flame from his mouth. It can use powerful skills of many types, which is the main reason why it is not easy to be targeted. If possible, Kaguya also plans to Cultivate it to become your daily main force. As for the lack of talent, you can only make up for it by drawing a lottery!

The sturdy flame directly hit a frog grass, directly making the opponent lose the ability to fight!

Ever since she made the opponent's beautiful girl cry in the first battle, the mad Kaguya has completely let go of her conscience, and in many cases, she doesn't even give the opponent a chance to attack!

Perhaps, this kind of battle is very boring, but the audience is very interested in watching it. They are curious, when will Kaguya not be able to kill the opponent in seconds!

Finally, Hakolong's body began to emit a dazzling white evolution light, which also made Kaguya heave a sigh of relief. Almost all of his Pokémon evolved smoothly, but there was no such thing as Hakolong. Such a slow evolution!

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