Jealousy is the original sin!

".~This is indeed a lucky boy!" Li Lin licked her sexy and charming lips, which was extremely fatal to many men, but none of the men present was simple!

Everyone agrees with Li Lin's words. Kaguya's luck is really good. Not only has he been recognized by the beast, but he also has enviable abilities. Otherwise, Kaguya's level would like to obtain the current strength There are more or less (okay) difficulties!Even for the heirs raised by a big family, traveling for a year, reaching the top 8 is considered a good result!Where is it like Hui Ye is so against the sky! ?


"The following is the competition in the field of water. The green side is the Dragon Flame player from Yanshi City, and the red side is the Kaguya player from the Hezhong area. Both of them are very good Pokémon trainers. Let us look forward to the following. Their fight!" The host began to warm up for the fight.

"I will prove to Ladias that you are not the best choice!" Long Yan said this in front of Kaguya without thinking!

"Ladias?" Hui Ye smiled faintly, it seemed that he really had a mocking face!

(PS: My eyes blurred just now, when I deleted the ad, I accidentally banned and deleted a follower, which made me unable to restore it even if I wanted to. Master reader, it is Xiaopujie’s fault, please forgive me!).

Chapter 360 The Challenge of Yulongyan

"Whether it is the best choice is not your decision, but Ladias' decision!" Hui Ye's face showed a hint of pride, you are mad at you, I am more mad than you!

He deliberately wanted to use Ladias to push the opponent directly, but after thinking about it, he gave up this tempting idea. At that time, the opponent would feel that he was relying on Ladias to defeat the opponent!

"Come out! Ride the dragon!"

"Come on! Red-faced dragon!"

When Yu Longyan saw Hui Ye's Chenglong, he couldn't help but snorted coldly. He had already labeled Hui Ye as despicable and shameless in his heart, and he didn't dare to fight directly with dragon-type Pokémon!Instead, he used Chenglong, which he had never used before!Shameless!

"Red-faced dragon?" Kaguya was a little surprised. This kind of dragon-type Pokémon is not very common in the Kanto region, but there are quite a few red-faced dragons in his hometown Hezhong area!

However, Kaguya doesn't like this kind of dragon-type Pokémon very much, and the appearance is too low!


In the box area, Du looked at Ke Na with a strange expression: "This Chenglong should be your Chenglong's child, right!?"

If possible, Du would like to become the champion in the Kanto area, but in Kanto he has a hurdle that seems to be passed forever-Kona!Perhaps because of the relationship between mutual generation and mutual restraint, even though Du's Pokémon level is 870 higher than that of Kola, he has never won against Kola.

And now Kaguya is going to use Kona's descendant of the dragon to deal with his own clan! ?

"Yes!" A gleam flashed in Kena's eyes. After all, he was Chenglong's child. It was indeed a good choice to entrust it to Kaguya. I don't know what the current level of Chenglong is!


"Chenglong, hail!" Kaguya said first.

"Hmm!" As Hui Ye's words fell, Chenglong raised his head and let out a low cry, and hailstorms began to smash in the sky!

"Damn, isn't he afraid of problems with the Pokémon in the future?! The red-faced dragon is sunny!" Yu Longyan also gave instructions to his own red-faced dragon!

The two use weather skills at the beginning of the game. The weather skills in the real world are not directly covered like in the game. Often, the strong cover the weak!Otherwise, let your normal Pokémon use a sunny day to cover Kyogre's properties and try it!

Chenglong and Chimianlong competed for the weather. In the end, the hail stopped, and the sky (bebj) started to drizzle, which was the product of the combination of the two weathers.

"The level is still not high enough!" Hui Ye raised his brows, this is only Chenglong and level 56, and he also has the strength of a quasi-king of heaven. He has won the battle for the weather, but the advantage is not big!

"Boulder!" Following Kaguya's order, countless small ice cubes appeared beside Chenglong, and at the same time, they smashed towards the red-faced dragon at a very fast speed.

"Spray flame!" Yulongyan said quickly, although he didn't travel, but his combat experience is even more than Kaguya!Some children of big families may be very playful, but the requirements of the Yulong family for their descendants are extremely strict!

The pieces of cold and bone-piercing boulders collided with the flames in the air, gradually melted, and then evaporated into water vapor, but there were still a lot of boulders hitting the red-faced dragon, causing a lot of damage!

"Sing!" Hui Ye said indifferently, no matter who the other party is, it's a gift of experience!

"Oh!~" Chenglong's singing voice is very nice, it is even called the singer of the sea, they like to sing while traveling!

Chapter 360 The Challenge of Yulongyan -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Oh!~" Chenglong's singing voice is very nice, it is even called the singer of the sea, they like to sing while traveling!

But this is definitely not a good voice for Yulongyan and Red-faced Dragon!

The red-faced dragon, who was still blocking the boulders with jet flames, fell asleep after hearing Chenglong's song!

The success of singing is actually not very high, but who made the red-faced dragon use the jet flame!It's not a fire-type Pokémon that melts boulders so easily!

"Red-faced dragon wakes up!" Seeing his drowsy appearance, Yulongyan hurriedly shouted, trying to wake him up, but unfortunately he is not Kaguya. Under Chenglong's singing, the red-faced dragon was very Falling asleep soon!

"Frozen light!" Hui Ye never gave Yulongyan a chance to use the power of Yulong. If he was allowed to use it, maybe the red-faced dragon would wake up! 1

In fact, Yulongyan is also hesitating in his heart. He does have the power of Yulongyan, but this amount is not a lot, but it is not like Yulongdu can be used for a long time. Yulongyan must be used very cherishly!

If you use it now, you won't have much chance in the future!But no, the red-faced dragon was abandoned!

When he was hesitating, Chenglong had already made a choice for him, and the freezing light hit the red-faced dragon who was still sleeping, freezing its entire Pokémon into an ice sculpture!

Sleep and kill!This is also one of the common tactics of Chenglong!

That's how Kona treated Du in the beginning!

Seeing that his red-faced dragon was completely frozen, Yu Longyan showed a wry smile and took it back after confirming that it was incapacitated, and then released another Pokémon: "Please! Dragon King Thorn !"

"Is it the Thorn Dragon King?" This is one of the few dragon-type Pokémon who are not afraid of ice-type!It's going to be interesting next time!What's more, this is still in the field of water!

"The Thorn Dragon King uses the fluctuation of the dragon!" Yu Longyan doesn't want to be beaten passively, at least he needs to use the Thorn Dragon King to solve the opponent's Chenglong!The ice element is hurting him!

"Chenglong, let's use the wave of water!" Kaguya pointed, never counseling anyone to Bo!

The two Pokémon started to accumulate energy at the same time, but due to the relationship between the water field, Chenglong's momentum was a little faster than the Thorn Dragon King, but the advantage was not big!

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