Yulongyan took a deep breath, maybe he couldn't feel the level of other Pokémon very clearly!

However, it is different for dragon-type Pokémon such as Dragon Elf!

He could feel the power of this dragon spirit!

Breathtakingly powerful!

The dragon spirit of Yulongdu can't be compared with this dragon spirit at all!The difference is a bit big!

"Dragon spirit!? Then I'm counting on you! Three-headed dragon!" Yu Longyan forcibly suppressed the panic in his heart, and threw out the Pokémon ball, three-headed dragon!The quasi-god of the Hezhong area! .

Text Chapter 363 Powerful Xiaobu

"Oh?! The three-headed dragon!?" Hui Ye looked at the fierce, apparently well-developed three-headed dragon with deep meaning. The Yulong clan is indeed a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. "When a person comes out, there is such a quasi-god of the ultimate evolution type!

Coupled with the previous crustacean dragon, this is already the second quasi-god of Yulongyan!Why is the difference so big! ?You only have four quasi-gods, okay? !

Well, Hui Ye still has a little bit of shamelessness. He doesn't consider himself an ordinary person at all. In Hui Ye's heart, it is normal for an ordinary person to be at least several times weaker than himself!

The enthusiasm of the audience has also been completely ignited, what will the result of the quasi-god be against the rare dragon elves! ?

"Is this your trump card!?" Hui Ye snorted softly. Perhaps the three-headed dragon's rank is not low and already has the strength of a quasi-king, but in front of Xiaobu, it's really nothing!

This will be a massacre! ! 14

"Three-headed dragon, use dragon's breath!" Dragon Pokémon has a very interesting feature, that is, they also take double damage when hit by dragon skills, and there will be no half reduction. This is extremely BUG!

"To Bo!? Use Dragon Breath!" Kaguya said without giving up, he wanted to prove a problem to the world, never think about fighting Bo with his Pokémon!

The time for the three-headed dragon to gather momentum is much longer than that of the dragon spirit, but the two Pokémon emit powerful energy rays from their mouths almost at the same time!

The two energies converged in mid-air, and the result was only a stalemate for less than a second, the dragon's breath of the three-headed dragon was completely crushed, and the powerful dragon's breath light hit the three-headed dragon's body, causing a Huge damage!

Crush!The gap is a bit big!

"It's really powerful!" Yu Longyan took a deep breath and forced down the fear in his heart. When he was afraid, he would lose, but the three-headed dragon was already the highest-level Pokémon in his hands. What would he do? manage? !


"This dragon elf has come this far?!" Du couldn't believe it, looking at the dragon elf fighting against the three-headed dragon. He had also fought against the dragon elf before. At that time, he felt that the talent of the dragon elf was very good, but he didn't. I thought it was so strong!

The dragon elf of my own is so much worse than Kaguya's!

At the same time, Yulongdu is envious of Kaguya's luck!It took almost the general dragon power of the dragon cave to create such a dragon elf!

And Kaguya has such a dragon spirit!This proves that the items that made the Kaguya Dragon Spirit evolve contain terrifying dragon elements!

There was also a splendid look in Li Lin's eyes when he looked at the dragon elf. No one understood the strength of the dragon elf better than her!

She has fought with dragon spirits!

However, now it seems that the dragon spirits did not do their best at that time!

This little guy is really unusual! !

"Hmph, that's because you haven't seen this kid's other Pokémon. The last battle between Frog Flower and the Water Arrow Turtle was a shock!" At this time, Xiba snorted coldly, trying to provoke Kaguya and Yu Longdu's relationship!

After all, there are still many people who don't want Kaguya's strength to be too tyrannical!

This will upset the balance that is currently maintained!

Chapter 363 The Powerful Little Bu-->>(page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

This will upset the balance that is currently maintained!

In fact, everyone understands Shiba's words. Even as early as a month ago, the image of the wonderful frog flower fighting the water arrow turtle was passed to them, but so what? !Didn't the alliance also recognize Kaguya's possession of the water arrow turtle! ?


"Let me use all my strength to pay homage to you! The fluctuation of the dragon!" Seeing the three-headed dragon being injured, Kaguya's face showed a smile, and she commanded the dragon spirit in a rare second place!

"Yi!" The powerful dragon elements gathered in the mouth of the dragon spirit again, forming a huge energy ball. Its small head was raised high, and then the energy ball was sprayed towards the three-headed dragon!

"Ni Lin!" Yu Longyan took a deep breath, and at the same time he used the power of Yu Long to control the three-headed dragon again!

For this battle, he fought hard!

The three big mouths of the three-headed dragon controlled by the power of the royal dragon also began to accumulate powerful energy, which was not a bit more powerful than his previous dragon breath!

"Zizzizi, is this kid going to work hard!?" Hui Ye touched his chin without the slightest beard and sighed with emotion!With the strength of Yulongyan, it is absolutely impossible to insist on using the power of Yulong for a long time!

He is not worried that Xiaobu will lose such a game. With such a huge disparity in strength, if he still loses, he can be cut and hanged!

This book is also simply renamed to Pokémon The Weakest Trainer!

After all, Yulongyan is only a member of the Yulong family, and there is still a huge gap with champions like Xirona and Du!

"Boom!" Under the impact of two huge energies, the water field became choppy, and countless water waves spread towards the surroundings!

"Are you evenly matched!?" Hui Ye glanced at the three dragons and Yulongyan in surprise, and found that Yulongyan's face was pale at the moment, and he was gasping for breath, he was desperate! !

"Dragon Star Group!" Hui Ye commanded softly, the voice was very soft, but the dragon spirit heard it!

A large amount of dragon elements accumulated in the small mouth of the dragon spirit again, and the energy ball visible to the naked eye increased at an extremely rapid rate, until it became a 3 energy ball with a diameter of almost 330 meters. Push it towards the three-headed dragon!

This is not the limit of dragon spirits, but for three-headed dragons, it is more than enough!

"It turned out to be the Dragon Star Group!" Yulongyan was once again shocked. Dragon Star Group is a very difficult skill among dragon-type Pokémon. Only a very few powerful Pokémon can master it, at least his The three-headed dragon is not enough for the time being!I didn't expect that the dragon elves were so familiar with it!

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