"Reflective wall! (The game is different from the real battle, so the author has changed the effect of some skills!)" Seeing the sharp needles stabbing at Super Ladias, Kaguya ordered quickly.

The missile needle was blocked by a transparent wall when it was about to hit Ladias!

"Psychic thoughts!" Kaguya took the opportunity to quickly order Ladias, and at the same time bless Ladias with his super power, it's time for this battle to end! .

Chapter 368 Lucky Kaguya

The battle ended without any suspense, and the battle ended in a [-]v[-] with Ladias.Ladias proved his strength to the world!

The beast is the beast!It is a very powerful beast!Even in a one-vs-four, in the end, Ladias didn't even look tired!It's terrifying!

"Is this your full strength!?" Xiao Feng showed a look of relief when he lost the game. He was here to snipe Kaguya, but he wanted to see the gap between himself and Kaguya!

Only by constantly challenging the master, he and his Pokémon have room for improvement!

Hui Ye smiled faintly, put his hands in his pockets, as if muttering to himself, "Who knows?!"

Then he turned and left, real man, never look back!

Although the win was a clean one, it was also Kaguya's longest battle so far!


"This Kaguya is really not simple!" Kazuki looked at Kaguya with a different color in his eyes. He is the king of superpowers. He can see Kaguya's last attack just now. He has The talent to be a great Super Power Pokémon 14 Beast Trainer!

"Hmph, he's just lucky!" Sheba snorted coldly, everyone knew that his relationship with Kaguya was not good, and he didn't react much to what Sheba said!

lucky! ?That is also a kind of strength!They want that luck too, if they can!

Xiba, that's Hong Guoguo's envy, jealousy and hatred!

Moreover, Kaguya's situation is not a word of luck to describe it!Without strength, will the beast recognize Kaguya?

"This kid is very good, even better than that bad old man! I hope it's better not to be like the old man of Damu back then!" Granny Chrysanthemum was a rare voice in support of Kaguya.

She finally understood why Dr. Oki was so optimistic about this junior, she saw the figure of Dr. Oki back then in Kaguya's body!The same youthful vigor, the same sharp edge!

Back then, they were a group of like-minded people together, led by Dr. Damu, who wanted to change the world, but were changed by this world!The current situation is a product of compromise between both parties!

Now this Kaguya, what will happen! ?

Such an outstanding Kaguya, his life is not destined to be smooth!Then, at that time, will he learn to compromise or choose hard steel! ?

Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum is looking forward to where Hui Ye will grow in the future!

Hearing the words of mother-in-law Juzi, all the heavenly kings present trembled, and they more or less knew a little about what happened back then!Of course, the bad old man in the mouth of mother-in-law Kikuko was referring to Dr. Ogi! That's right!Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum would not use this "pet name" to address other people!

Rumor has it that the two were still lovers at the time!If it weren't for what happened later, Grandma Chrysanthemum wouldn't be alone now!She must still be thinking about what happened back then!

So can Kaguya grow to the level of Dr. Damu? !

If this sentence was said by someone else, these heavenly kings would remain suspicious, but this is Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum!

Although, she is only the king of the Kanto region, but the strength and status of the mother-in-law Juzi is not inferior to the champion, and she is the leader of the older generation!

"Then what do you want!?" Kera murmured looking at Kaguya's back. She didn't communicate much with Kaguya, but Xiaolan was her sister!

Ke Na naturally doesn't want to see Xiao Lan's life is not good, what's more, now Ke Na always believes that Xiao Lan will do such a behavior entirely because of her sister, she has guilt towards Xiao Lan!

On the contrary, Li Lin Tianwang looked at Kaguya with smart eyes, and there was a signature smirk on her face. She seemed to have discovered a very interesting thing!

Chapter 368 Lucky Kaguya-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

On the contrary, Li Lin Tianwang looked at Kaguya with smart eyes, and there was a signature smirk on her face. She seemed to have discovered a very interesting thing!


No matter what others think of Kaguya, Kaguya's days are still going on!

Xiaomao finally stopped at the top 32!Kaguya made a lot of money in gambling!

For his own failure, Xiaomao did not have much depression, this was all calculated before!

"Then I can finally watch Kaguya and your game here!" Xiao Mao said with some relief as he stretched his waist.Sometimes it's tiring to lose the game on purpose!

"What, just say it if you're not willing to lose! I still want to beat you! But don't worry, I'll avenge you!" Well, if Xiao Zhi wasn't mocking at the side, Xiao Mao would be in a good mood !

"Hmph, you don't know anything at all!" Xiaomao turned his head aside, and now he regrets why he lost the game so early!

At least we have to wait for Xiao Zhi to be eliminated!

Young Master Xiao Mao has endless regrets in his heart!What a fool!He even got ridiculed by Xiao Zhi!

However, who can know that Xiao Zhi can fight until now? !It's not like stepping on shit like this!


The competition for the top sixteen started soon, and from this day on, the competition venue became regular!

And Hui Ye's opponent today is a little girl named Xueqing!

Hui Ye didn't know which family this girl came from, but she would have such an oriental name in her previous life! There should be no transmigrator except herself! ?

Even myself, who has the authentic soul of the Taitian Dynasty, has a Japanese name, so how come my opponents all have 447 oriental colors!Hui Ye was also constantly complaining in her heart!The author of the dog is really too obsessed, and he didn't pay attention to it at the beginning!It's just that he didn't know that these names were not given by the author, but the masterpieces of the readers!

Why can't there be a girl named Feifei? !He wants to join Feifei!

After a brief introduction, Hui Ye folded his arms towards Xueqing and said, "Take out your Pokémon!" After speaking, he took the lead in throwing out his own Pokémon Ball!

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