Feiye, who was originally attacking Minas, was caught in the tornado and turned around and returned to the Monarch Snake!

"Add water fluctuations to the tornado to form a water tornado!" At this moment, Kaguya also used a combination skill!

This kind of thing Kaguya usually doesn't let Minas to master, but relying on Minas to have the talent of champion level, this is not a problem at all!

The super tornado formed by the tornado and the water fluctuations and even the blade quickly hit the monarch snake head-on...

(PS: Well, I have written too much about war! Well, end the Quartz Conference as soon as possible! Start the next two big plots).

Chapter 371 Shocked!Kaguya actually treats the girl...

The monarch snake also lost its fighting ability under such a set of combined skills!The water system does not necessarily have to be completely overcome by the grass system!As long as the strength reaches it!

Now Minas has done it!

Xueqing stared at the monarch snake who lost the ability to fight a little stupidly. Isn't this too fast? !Didn't cause too much damage to Minas!

Xueqing felt that she was about to go numb, but she was sluggish for a while, and then released the next Pokémon - Water Spirit!

"Nana, can we continue!?" Kaguya glanced at Menus and asked, defeating opponents to gain experience points is indeed an interesting thing, and he also needs his Pokmon to have the spirit of hard work, Their strength comes too easily, and their willpower is not as good as other Pokémon, but you can't force your own god~ Pokémon!

"Mi! (Leave everything to me!)" When he didn't meet Kaguya and was still a stupid fish, Menus also lived in the wild for a while, and he was more mature than Kaguya's other Pokémon. - a lot!

"Then please!" Kaguya smiled when he heard the words, and did not stop Menus' behavior. At the beginning, Menus played quite a lot, but with the increase of his Pokmon, its exposure _ The rate has been cut quite a bit!

Since Minas wants to fight, let him fight as he pleases!

"Lightning flash!" Although Xueqing's strength is good, it is still difficult to defeat Minas. This is to consume Minas' physical strength!

Thinking of this, Xueqing is still a little helpless. She is from a big family anyway, and she is considered an elite figure in the family. She is the key training object of the family. A Pokémon, and not Kaguya's real ace!

How to do? !Does she really feel hopeless? !

"Dragon Tail!" Kaguya ordered immediately.

The water elf is a very BUG water-type Pokémon, which is the same as feeling ignited among the fire-type Pokémon. You can't attack the water-type Pokmon with water-type Pokémon!Otherwise, it is sending blood!

The dragon tail quickly smashed the water elf that hit him!

"Frozen light!" Xueqing shouted, no matter what!

"We are also freezing rays!" Then the two Pokémon started to fight waves again!

"Dragon's Breath!" Although Minas' freezing beam had a lot of advantages, Kaguya still chose a different skill!

The powerful dragon's breath attacked the water elf, leaving it scarred, but it has not completely lost its ability to fight!

At the same time, Minas also began to breathe heavily. After all, the continuous battle is very tiring, even if its level is already very high!But it's not the kind of Pokémon that hangs up after all!

"Destroy the Light of Death!" Xueqing hesitated for a moment, and gave an order to the water elf. Anyway, she didn't intend to win with the water elf. It was the most important thing to consume Minas' physical strength!

"Hold on!" Hui Ye naturally knew what this Xueqing wanted to do, but he was somewhat helpless!

The light that destroyed the death light that could almost destroy the world hit the shield formed by Minas, which soon made Minas a little stretched, but in the end it was blocked.

Minas and the water elf became extremely embarrassed at the moment, and Minas was more or less better, but the water elf was directly tired and became a dead dog!Can't move!

Looking at the appearance of Minas, Kaguya's mouth twitched, how mocking was he? !How to use up your Pokémon's stamina at all costs!

This Xueqing seems to be good-looking, gentle, even better than many girls, but how can she be so cruel! ?

If Xueqing knew Hui Ye's evaluation of herself, I'm afraid she would spit out a mouthful of old blood, your sister, what is cruel and cruel! ?She was forced to do this, okay? !

Chapter 371 Shocked!Kaguya actually confronts a girl... -->>(page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

If Xueqing knew Hui Ye's evaluation of herself, I'm afraid she would spit out a mouthful of old blood, your sister, what is cruel and cruel! ?She was forced to do this, okay? !

Before, wherever she was, she was a figure like a child of the sky, and Kaguya was a real big devil!

"Dragon Tail, solved it!" Kaguya sighed silently, and it seemed that she had to use another Pokémon!

"Mi!" Minas is now looking at the water elf as unhappy as he is unhappy!

He himself can be one-on-four, but the water elf makes such a fuss, it can't carry out the final battle!This time the dragon tail, Minas showed no mercy at all, it was a real draw!

The water elves lost their ability to fight without any suspense!

· · · Flowers · · ·

However, the state of Minas is not very good!

Kaguya took back Minas first, and then released the fast dragon again!Before Kuailong used the reverse scale twice in a row, his physical strength was consumed a lot, but he still had the ability to fight!

After seeing Hui Ye's behavior, Xueqing's bright eyes glared at Hui Ye with resentment, wouldn't it be better to let him defeat one of his Pokémon? !

She was about to defeat Minas, and she even changed Pokémon!This is definitely intentional!Hum stingy!

Xueqing's next Pokémon is Wind Speed ​​Dog!In the end, he lost to Kaguya's Kuailong without any suspense!

This is the most outstanding Pokémon trainer that Kaguya has met during the conference!

This Pokémon of Xueqing is very balanced, and they are not quasi-sacred horses. Although they are rare, they are all very good!

For ordinary Pokémon trainers and even for the children of the big family, Xueqing is very good!

Obviously you can rely on your face to eat, why should you be so good in other aspects!

"You are very good!" After the battle, Kaguya also put down her previous "prejudice" and praised her, and left first!

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