Level: 64

System Review: Well-developed Vulcan Moth is worth cultivating!According to legend, it is the incarnation of the sun, and the temperature of the flame is extremely high!

Looking at the Vulcan Moth who has become the king of heaven, Kaguya has a look of relief in his heart!

Some time ago, he got too many Pokmon, and these Pokmon need to be cultivated, which requires a lot of experience points!The small world almost became a kindergarten before.....

However, with these Pokémon, Kaguya has more or less completed her mission, such as the Vulcan Moth, and then you need to upgrade yourself, and then wait for Kaguya to see if there is something good to improve its potential. !

"Congratulations! Please give me more advice in the future!" Although he knew that he was being treated as a training partner, Aylin 4.8 did not dare to be unhappy, but released the next Pokémon: "Please, Mr. Bullfrog!"

Kaguya's face also showed a hint of stunned look at the big frog in front of him with a green forgiving body. It turned out to be the bullfrog-kun. This is really a rare Pokémon!Because the price/performance ratio of this Pokémon is too low...

(PS: The author of Pujie just said yesterday that he actually has stock, but unexpectedly, there will be a reward from the boss! emmm~ I originally wanted to keep these saved manuscripts for the New Year, but since there is a reward from the boss, then I will add more Let’s have one!! This seems to be really hard to come by! Shameless, please continue to love me!

Well, if it is like Vulcan Moth, it will also increase the potential, it is a very interesting picture... ordinary people must not think of it!The author's brain hole is still very big!Hey hey hey! ).

Text Chapter 378 Terrifying Pichu!Skin days! (first update)

Bullfrog Jun is an evolutionary type of mosquito coil frog, but its evolution requires the certificate of the king!

The King's Certificate can not only help the mosquito-repellent frog evolve into a bullfrog king, but also allow the dumb beast to evolve into a hippo king. At the same time, wearing the king's certificate has a chance to make opponents timid!

It's a nice item, but it's very rare and expensive!Few people use it on Bullfrog King!

As if seeing the meaning in Hui Ye's eyes, Aylin also had a wry smile on his face. Originally he planned to evolve the mosquito-repellent frog into a fast swimming frog, but the mosquito-repellent frog accidentally encountered the proof of the king at home. Evolved!This makes him very helpless, okay?

And this pair on the field is the natural enemy - bullfrog versus moth!

"Bullfrog-kun, use the foam light!" Aylin gave an order directly to Bullfrog-kun without ink.

"Silver whirlwind!" Kaguya didn't have any ink marks either. Although the other party was a bullfrog, he really couldn't restrain the bug-type Pokémon, so there was nothing to be afraid of! 14

As Kaguya's voice fell, the Vulcan Moth's wings flapped again and again, blowing up a hurricane with scales and powder, instantly dispelling the foam light created by the bullfrog king!

"Water cannon!" Aylin discovered almost instantly that the Vulcan Moth had undergone great changes before and after its evolution. The gap between them was really big, very big!If it was the previous Burning Insect, Aylin was somewhat confident, but after facing the Vulcan Moth, Aylin eliminated this idea. Well, the goal now is to defeat this Vulcan Moth!

"Storm Wind!" Kaguya did not hesitate, and directly issued an order to Vulcan Moth. With the flapping of Vulcan Moth's wings, a strong storm blew up on the scene, just like a typhoon!

The storm and the water cannon collided together, and there was no absolute crushing of whom!The level of Vulcan Moth crushes Bullfrog Jun, but the skills are used wrong!

"Insect chirping!" Hui Ye said slowly, and then the countless chirps of the Vulcan moth sounded, which made people upset, but this was not the same thing for the bullfrog king, it heard the mess In addition to the sound of the worms, I really felt the sonic attack generated by the chirping of insects!

Spike!When Bullfrog Jun just reacted, it was instantly killed by the insects of the Vulcan Moth!

Even Ailin didn't expect Vulcan Moth's offensive to be so ferocious. He defeated Bullfrog-kun in such a short period of time. He thought he could resist several rounds before!

He took a deep breath, and then released his third Pokémon - the Qixi Blue Bird!

At the same time, Kaguya also took back the Vulcan Moth, there is no need to continue using it!Well, the level is enough, you can run away if you pretend to be forced!Then he released his other cute pet Pichu-Dream!

"Pichu" has appeared on the field before and has achieved a good record, but it was only the preliminaries, and now it is the quarter-finals!

There is a huge gap between the strengths!

Aylin quickly thought of a possibility, this Pichu hasn't evolved into a Pikachu yet!Could Kaguya want to use his Pokémon to help Pichu evolve! ?

MMP!Erin swore that he would never let Kaguya succeed!Even humiliation is not so humiliating!

Kaguya doesn't know what Aylin thinks, even if he does, he can only say that you think too much!

Who is "Pichu"? ?That's fantasy, does it need to evolve? !If you want, can you change the rhythm of Raichu in minutes? !

At most, he just wants to collect a wave of experience points!

Chapter 378 Scary Pichu!Skin days! (First update) -->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

At most, he just wants to collect a wave of experience points!

Team Rocket's plan made Kaguya feel a little nervous!

His Pokémon are not weak, especially Fire-breathing Dragon X, Frog Flower, Water Arrow Turtle, Dragon Spirit and Lucario, they all have the power of quasi-gods!But in the face of real divine beasts, it is still very powerful!

After the Quartz Conference, Hui Ye is going to do some things, and then go to the Chengdu area to do things, brush up the lottery opportunities, there are more or less dangers!

Kaguya has a very clear positioning of her strength, she is strong, but not invincible!

You can't wave, if you wave, you will die!

At least he doesn't have a truly invincible hole card!

Waves also need capital!

Dream has the potential to become this kind of trump card, so Kaguya wants to improve Dream's strength as soon as possible!

And there is an inexplicable connection between him and Dream. Since Dream planted the tree of the beginning of the world in his small world, the two have become inseparable!Kaguya doesn't have to worry that Dream will betray it and abandon it!

Even the improvement of Kaguya's own strength, or the improvement of dream strength can lead to the improvement of each other's strength!

Today's Dream has also restored its level to level 58, which is relatively slow among Kaguya's Pokémon, but it is extremely fast for a divine beast like Dream!

After all, it is an invincible existence at the same level!

"Qixi Blue Bird, use the dragon's breath!" Ai Lin, who had decided not to let Kaguya's conspiracy succeed, decided to continue chasing after him. !It's better than being a stepping stone for Kaguya Pokémon evolution over and over again!

I saw the small mouth of Tanabata blue bird 497 slightly opened, countless dragon elements gathered in its mouth, and a wave of dragon energy sprayed out from its mouth, directly attacking Pichu!

"High-speed movement!" In fact, Kaguya really wanted "Pichu" to move instantly, but thinking about it, it was too shocking!Facing the surging dragon's breath, Pichu's figure turned into a streamer, and he dexterously avoided the attack of the dragon's breath!

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