It's unbelievable!

This may really be the strongest Pichu in the world!

Maybe even the strongest Pichu in history!

"Well, the [-] volts just now is comparable to ordinary thunder! Even my Kuailong may not be as good as it!" When it comes to skills, it is not as good as the Thunder attribute Pokémon (Zhao Nuohao), which is also normal!

However, this also proves that Kaguya's Pichu is really powerful!

"Maybe there is another secret!" Xiba said with a cold snort, he was the kind who was eager to pour dirty water on Kaguya all day long.

Kona and Lilin glanced at Xiba speechlessly. The two of them got along very well with Kaguya during this time. One is the sister-in-law and the other is a good friend. Naturally, Kaguya will be very friendly!

"There are also many powerful Pokémon that haven't evolved in this world, and it's not like I haven't seen them before, so what's the fuss about! Now what we need to care about is Team Rocket. The recent actions of Team Rocket are a little unreasonable! I don't know if the information on the mirage that came here is reliable or not!" Li Lin glanced at Xiba angrily, she was not afraid of offending people, both sides are kings, there is nothing to be afraid of!

If you have the ability to fire me!Everyone is the same! .

Chapter 380 Interpol (Third Change)

"The information on that mirage should be accurate, that guy is a mystic and has a good position among Interpol, but even we haven't seen his true face, we don't know what he looks like, or even know His name! It's just legend that he is also a mythical beast trainer... He is currently an important training target for Interpol! If it is his information, then it is true! This time the Rockets have a big action!" At that time, Yulongdu also spoke, and announced the information about the mirage that he knew!

"What is Team Rocket going to do?! Challenge the alliance?!" Kazuki's eyes flickered before he spoke.

"Who knows?! But if the Rockets really attack this place, there will be more than [-] spectators here!" Li Lin spoke with a schadenfreude attitude at this time!

A few people didn't care too much. Li Lin usually speaks like this, but what they care about is that if the Rockets really succeeded in what Li Lin said!Then these more than [-] viewers will become their hostages. How does this play? !

Cancel the next game? !That is obviously impossible! If because of this potential threat, the alliance cancels such a competition as the Quartz Conference, the authority of the alliance will also be affected!

Then we can only strengthen the 990 defense!There is no other way, even if they know that the Rockets are going to do something, there is still no way!This is an upright conspiracy!Sometimes a conspiracy is easy to solve, but a conspiracy is very difficult!


Kaguya didn't know what the champions of heaven were discussing in the box!

If you let him know, he will definitely be very curious, how sacred is this Interpol code-named Mirage!To be able to detect these things, it seems that the people of the alliance are not completely wine bags!

Interpol is also an organization under the alliance, but they are independent, and the status of some senior leaders is even on the same level as the Four Heavenly Kings!It is also a big force in the alliance!

Just like Miss Lila we are familiar with, she is a member of Interpol, and later even became the head of the UB Countermeasures Headquarters of the International Police!This is definitely an extremely high location!

Now he and his dream have met a more difficult opponent - a Geng Gui!It's still a Mega-evolved Gengar!

I have to admit that Geng Gui of the ghost system is really a very troublesome opponent, especially (befd) after mega evolution!

"Gengar uses the wave of evil!"

"Pichu uses [-] volts!"

"Shadow Ball!"

"Electric Ball!"

"Shadow Fist!"

"Steel tail!"

"Strange light!"

"cheer up!"

"Tongue lick!"

"Move at high speed!"

"Keep using the wave of evil!"

"Crazy Volt!"

In this way, the two Pokémon Super Gengar and Pichu officially became spell machine guns on the battlefield, constantly releasing their own skills to attack opponents!

This is also the most intense battle of the game!

Only gradually, the balance of the game tilted towards Pichu!

Chapter 380 Interpol (third update) -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Only gradually, the balance of the game tilted towards Pichu!

Even someone as strong as Super Geng Ghost, after continuous explosive output, becomes breathless at this moment, which consumes a huge amount of physical strength!If it hadn't been for the mega evolution, it would have been exhausted long ago!

But the opposite is Kaguya's "Pichu". The opponent Genggui is already too tired, but "Pichu" is standing there without blushing or panting, as if the battle just now did not Too much impact on it in general!

This is also what it should be, who made Pichu's real body a dream!And it's still a dream with improved potential!Although the level is a little lower, but the style is still there!Generally, the physical strength of mythical beasts is much longer than that of ordinary Pokémon, let alone dreamy!

If it can't compete with Gengar in physical strength, it will be a ghost!

"Pichu, send it the last [-] volts!" Kaguya also ordered to Pichu.

This time, the Pichu that the dream transformed into is truly famous!It's not like a Pichu at all, and many people even came to Miss Joy to check the information of Kaguya Pichu to see if there were any signs of genetic modification!

However, unfortunately, from a medical point of view, this seems to be an ordinary Pichu with no traces of surgery and drugs!

In the end, they can only say that this Pichu is really talented!

Of course, not everyone gave up, for example, Senator Sasaki, the guy who has been making trouble for Kaguya behind the scenes!He jumped up and down to make a fuss about this, and wanted Kaguya to contribute to research by Pichu, Ladias, and the Dragon Spirit!

In the name of beauty, show up for scientific research!

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