The Kirby beast took the meat ball fruit curiously. For this phenomenon, it has long been taken aback. Didn't that guy of the tyrannosaur drink "holy water" to become so strong! ?This makes all Pokémon envy!

If you let them know that this is just the bath water of the Ruthless Empress, it is estimated that... they still have to drink it!Isn't it just bath water? !Drink water for your feet!

Sometimes strength can make people forget a lot of things. ?

Many Pokémon also turned their attention, and some who had not improved their strength cast envious looks, if they could, they also wanted it!

Kabi beast doesn't care what other people's eyes look like, it took the devil fruit and ate it in one bite, then its eyes lit up, and a happy look appeared on its face: "Kapi Kabi (so delicious, and !?)"

Hearing Kabimon's words, Kaguya's face was obviously stunned, delicious? !What kind of international joke is this? !

Even if Kaguya hasn't watched a few episodes of One Piece, she knows that Devil Fruits are very unpalatable!How could it be delicious? !

The taste of Kirbymon is different from that of humans! ?

If it were a normal person, I would probably vomit directly! ?

But Kirbymon said that this devil fruit is delicious!Is there any reason for this? !

"Snorbymon, do you feel any difference in yourself?〃ˇ!" Kabimon asked Snorbymon after taking a deep breath.

"Kirby?!" Kirby stretched out his palm slightly in confusion, as if nothing had changed!

Name: Kirby beast

Height: 2.2 meters

Weight: 490KG

Gender: Male

Attribute: normal

Features: Thick Fat

Hidden Trait: Yin Healing (with a [-]% chance to eject any bad damage from the body, restoring it to its best state.)

Potential: Quasi-God

Rating: 72

Chapter 383 Meat Ball Fruit!Roll over!Snorkelling! -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

Rating: 72

System evaluation: Although the Snorlax that uses the meat ball fruit cannot use the other energy of the meat ball fruit, its talent strength has been significantly improved!

In fact, the Kirby beast has changed a lot, at least its height and weight have changed a lot!This is visible to the naked eye!However, this will not affect the sensitivity of the Kirby beast. Even if the Kirby beast is a little heavier than the ordinary Kirby beast, the muscles it grows will not look bloated!

What makes Kaguya more concerned about is the hidden feature of Yin Healing. Although the probability is a little smaller, I have to admit that this feature is really perverted... But it is a bit tasteless for Kabi beast, because Kabi Beasts can sleep completely!

"Let's feel the power of your own improvement!" Kaguya patted Kabimon on the shoulder. Although Kabimon's improvement is somewhat unsatisfactory, it is not bad, at least its potential has improved a lot!

And if it is really transformed by the flesh ball fruit too much, it will become ugly!Kaguya will still care about the appearance of her Pokémon!

It's just a pity that you can't use space transfer!But that's enough!

"This Pokémon seems to have undergone a lot of changes!" Arturia didn't know the name of Kirbymon, but she could feel that this Pokémon had undergone a very strange change!

"The fruit just now, called the Devil Fruit, comes from another world, and it contains other energies!" Kaguya didn't hide it from Artoria, after all, she might become her most trustworthy person in the future!

"You can still get things from other worlds?!" Arturia asked quickly after hearing Kaguya's explanation that her delicate body trembled.

Kaguya nodded: "It's a special ability! It's what sent Avalon to this world! Me too!"

Artoria was silent, she understood Kaguya's meaning, maybe they are really the same...

She was also a little sighed in her heart, maybe this man used to be as lost as she was!It's easier said than done to let go of the past life! ?

".~How did you get used to it!?" Artoria asked hesitantly.

"I have been in this world for more than ten years, and I will get used to it after a long time, and I have my own fetters here! Maybe you still can't forget the past, you can't forget your Great Britain, but all of this is gone. It's over, why don't you just be yourself here! Maybe you can find a new bond!" Kaguya comforted Artoria, after all, he is a gentleman, and the uncle's heart is strange. There is a set!

Arturia smiled bitterly, how easy it is to forget the past! ?

But fortunately, my master and Luo (dehao) Tianyi are quite easy to get along with!Think about it!

Kaguya chatted with Arturia for a while in the small world and played with his Pokémon for a while before returning to the outside world!

At this moment, the battle between Xijie and Huanyu is over!

In the end, Huan Yu only used two Pokémon to solve Xijie... This also made some people optimistic about Huan Yu again!

I think his fight with Kaguya should be a close fight!

The finals have also begun to be hyped by a lot of people!

"How?! Hui Ye, how many Pokémon are you going to use to solve that Phantom Feather?!" Xiao Mao asked slightly excitedly.

Xiaomao doesn't particularly understand the strength of Huan Yu, but he knows Kaguya's strength!

"Depends on your mood!" Hui Ye shrugged, Huan Yu is not his main enemy!What he cares about is the Rockets! .

Chapter 384 Li Lin's Reminder!

However, in order to prevent himself from being unable to win the championship due to the interruption of the Quartz Conference due to the arrival of the Rockets, Kaguya decided to defeat this Phantom with the fastest speed, to which Kaguya can only say: I'm sorry!

Although, the two sides have no injustice!But Kaguya decided to cut through the mess quickly!

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