No wonder Kaguya is too cautious!It's not that he became a startled bird!Instead, he needs to be careful with most people!There are too many people trying to figure him out!

It seems that he noticed Hui Ye's eyes, the man smiled at Hui Ye, which made Hui Ye more cautious, this was definitely not malicious, he was hesitating whether he wanted to strike first!

The strong explosion instantly drowned out the cheers of the audience before!The entire ground began to vibrate continuously, and even some buildings were shaking violently, and they might collapse at any time!

And those spectators couldn't keep calm at the moment, they started to panic and want to escape outside, which would cause a lot of accidents, and sometimes the most dangerous thing was the stampede that happened in such a party!

Sometimes, casualties are not caused by disasters, but because of the stampede caused by pushing each other!

Even though 473 has been prepared for the alliance, who can stop someone from committing suicide! ?With tens of thousands of spectators present, it is really difficult to maintain law and order in such an environment!

As for the yew, Hui Ye didn't worry about it. Their box was very close to the live broadcast room where Dr. Damu was located. As long as Dr. Damu had no problem, the yew and the others would not have much problem!

There should be no one in this world who can underestimate Dr. Damu!

Fire-breathing Dragon X also turned its gaze to the sky with Kaguya. Kaguya had already told it more or less about what would happen today, and it also volunteered to be the bait!

It believes in Kaguya's ability!Believe in your own strength too!

"Boom!" With the sound of explosions one after another, the ground shaking continued and became more and more intense. The quartz stadium, which seemed to be very solid, also collapsed due to the explosion and vibration!

"What's going on here!?" Huan Yu also recovered from the trance of the previous failure at this moment, with a confused look on his face, what's going on? !I just wandered off for a while (beae) and became like this! ?

Damn, I'm so panicked!

"Team Rocket and the others are going to attack the venue, you should hurry up and run!" Kaguya glanced at him and said, after all, it was for the person who provided a high-level lottery for himself, and Kaguya also gave him a proper reminder!

"What? How could I run!?" Huan Yu's eyes widened to express his dissatisfaction. He was also a member of the Yulong family. If he ran away at this moment, how could he show up in the family in the future! ?Even the Yulong family will be smeared for their actions!

The people of the Yulong family, although many of them have the character of Long Aotian, their sense of family honor is still very heavy!

Huan Yu will never do anything that insults the dignity of their family!

Kaguya glanced at him: "Your Pokémon has no ability to continue fighting!"

Well, Kaguya's words were like a knife pierced into Huan Yu's heart. All his Pokémon lost their ability to fight when fighting Kaguya, and they couldn't do anything at all!Thinking of this, Huan Yu had to give Kaguya a vicious look, and then left in embarrassment!

Chapter 389 Attack-->>(page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Well, Kaguya's words were like a knife pierced into Huan Yu's heart. All his Pokémon lost their ability to fight when fighting Kaguya, and they couldn't do anything at all!Thinking of this, Huan Yu had to give Kaguya a vicious look, and then left in embarrassment!

The atmosphere at the scene also became very strange, and the referees did not know when and where they went!This is also normal...

"Aren't you running?!" Kaguya glanced at the boy who was looking at the flying ship with him.

The boy smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "Why should I run!? And their main target is you! Isn't it?! You, the star of alchemy, probably already know it!?"

Kaguya looked at the young man with great interest: "The Alchemy Star!!? How did you know?!" Although it was said that the Alchemy Star was thrown out by Kaguya before to shield himself from the gun, the person who knew it probably wasn't A lot is right!

"There is nothing in this world that is absolutely secret!" The young man glanced at Hui Ye with a half-smile, and then said, "Come on!"

I saw that from the spaceship, several mechanical devices flew out towards the location of the fire-breathing dragon.

"Be careful of Ritian!" Kaguya warned the fire-breathing dragon. After all, this is a joint operation of Team Rocket, Team Flare, Team Water Fleet, and Team Huoyan, and it is impossible to guarantee that there is no high-tech!

If you are not careful, maybe even a third-level god may be shriveled!

"Roar!" The fire-breathing dragon heard Kaguya's words and understood what he meant. The sharp claws in his hand suddenly became much sharper and flew directly towards those instruments!

"You won't let the fire-breathing dragon escape!?" The boy asked Kaguya with a curious look.

"Sometimes you can run away, sometimes you can't! Now they're staring at me, and I can't run away even if I want to! Besides, I'm not someone they can bully arbitrarily!" Hui Ye smiled, and then suddenly appeared beside him A whole set of steel armor wrapped him up!

It has been half a year since Kaguya received Tony Stark's inheritance. Before that, he had no money, no energy, and no materials to do so. However, during this time, with the help of Luo Tianyi and the supply of materials made by Devon However, he managed to barely create a first-generation steel suit!

Of course, this steel suit is incomparable to Tony Stark's steel suit in the later period!It's even a little worse than the suit used by the first Iron Man Tony, but it's barely enough!

In the Pokémon world, because of the relationship between the split space, it is impossible to launch satellites. Of course, Kaguya has no money to launch. However, through the steel battle suit, Kaguya can contact Luo Tianyi in the small world and let her help with data analysis to achieve The effect is even better than Jarvis!

The teenager on the side was obviously stunned when he saw Hui Ye's appearance, what's going on! ?Is Kaguya trying to protect herself with a pimple! ?It's very sensitive, isn't it? !

However, if this armor is thick enough, it may not be a big problem to be hit by a cannon!Seems not bad!

I don't know when there have been many members of the evil organization wearing various team uniforms!

(Well, it seems that there is a new regulation, English can no longer be used, so everyone will look at the homophonic in the future! I believe that everyone should be able to understand it with their superb IQ! It's a pity that the author of Pujie can't write many things. ...feel like a nag!).

Chapter 390 The Purpose of the Bosses

Some of these organizations wear Team Rocket uniforms, some wear Team Flare uniforms, and some wear Team Fire Rock and Water Fleet uniforms!After they entered the arena, they began to attack the audience and tourists indiscriminately. Pokémon could hypnotize powder, hypnotize using hypnosis, and use numbing powder for numbing powder. In addition, they firmly guarded all the exits. The audience at the scene simply Can't escape!

In other words, the tens of thousands of people present at the moment have become hostages of these organizations!

The heavenly kings of the alliance are also a little confused at the moment. They have been prepared to deal with the Rockets before, but now the Rockets have directly united so many evil organizations to attack the Quartz Conference, which is not in their previous information. Mentioned!

However, now they have no choice but to command the fighters of the alliance to fight against the people of these evil organizations, as for themselves, they have to deal with the big guy in the sky!

Of course, they couldn't devote their energies to Kaguya's ~ at this moment.

"Go! Kuailong!" Du immediately took out his own Kuailong in an attempt to destroy the flying one in the air. It's a pity that if Feikuai was so easy to be destroyed, he wouldn't be a member of this group of bosses car!

"Let's go out too!" Fradali said with a sneer on his face.Although they were called by Sakagi, he seems to have more ideas about being the talker!

Sakagi is not annoyed at the side, this is about comprehensive strength, he believes that no matter whether it is high-end strength or comprehensive strength, these organizations will not be opponents of himself and the Rockets! You know, the Rockets are the real big organization!!)

And he has a trump card in his hand - Deoxys!This is also the only divine beast in their hands!

This is something that no one can ignore, and the strength of Deoxys is not like the beasts possessed by other trainers who possess divine beasts. Deoxys' strength is also real!

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