So angry!Deep resentment from the host...

However, Hui Ye can only complain. Many of his things come from the god-level lottery system. Without the god-level lottery system, it is impossible for him to be so awesome!

He stepped forward, picked up Reshiram's Pokémon ball, put it into the small world, and prayed silently in his heart, I hope nothing will happen, if even Reshiram is relegated, Kaguya promises that she won't go looking for such a powerful beast!

At the moment when Reshiram was subdued by Kaguya, the Pokémon in the Dragon Spiral Tower noticed that Reshiram was leaving, and they didn't say anything, let alone because Kaguya subdued Reshiram, and Attack Kaguya!

The Pokémon here are more or less a little bit in my heart!

Boss, this is going to go out and fight again!

Well, it should be back soon!Just a few years, ten years!

Although Reshiram is gone, 390, but the dragon elements here are enough for them to use for decades!


At this moment, Reshiram is also a little confused after entering the small world. The Pokémon here seem to be Kaguya Pokémon!

After scanning the world, it focused on the small sapling in the center of the world!Reshiram is a knowledgeable Pokémon who knows that this seems to be the tree of the beginning of the world!

Looking at the dream and Celebi who came over because of his arrival, Reshiram recalled what Kaguya said before, he is not an ordinary person... Yes!Certainly not ordinary people!

Do ordinary people have such a world? ? !

Ordinary people will own the tree of the beginning of the world! ?

Ordinary people have Celebi and dreams! ?

Celebi is a divine beast who has mastered the duties!

And the potential of this dream - unfathomable!

Is this the essence of Hui Ye! ?

Is this the real world! ?

Maybe, this time it can win! !

Perhaps, the fate will come to an end!

Whether it is for it or for Zekrom, the constant scramble is actually torture...

Reshiram is still very cold. It is different from the cute Pokémon such as Dream, Celebi, and Ladias. It is a cool Pokémon!Reshiram hesitated for a while, then found a valley, and then went there to lie down and sleep!

The dragon-type Pokémon such as the fire-breathing dragon, the dragon spirit, the fast dragon, and the two-headed dragon in the distance hesitated for a while, and also chose to lie beside Reshiram.

It's not that Kaguya's Pokémon wants to form a party, but that the dragon-type elements around Reshiram are stronger, which is suitable for dragon-type Pokémon to upgrade!These Pokémon of Kaguya may still be arrogant, but in front of Reshiram, they have no qualifications to be arrogant!

Chapter 404 Reshiram's Shock! -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

It's not that Kaguya's Pokémon wants to form a party, but that the dragon-type elements around Reshiram are stronger, which is suitable for dragon-type Pokémon to upgrade!These Pokémon of Kaguya may still be arrogant, but in front of Reshiram, they have no qualifications to be arrogant!


After noticing that Reshiram was "happy" with other Pokémon in the small world, Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief, at least not embarrassing herself!

At the same time, at the moment Kaguya subdued Reshiram, a Pokémon flying in the mid-air in the distance of the Hezhong area also noticed this!

It glanced deeply in the direction of the Dragon Spiral Tower, and then continued to fly, as if nothing had happened!

Zekrom - the god of ideals!

At this moment, Kaguya has already taken his Pokmon Ball to the Pokmon in the Dragon Spiral Tower!After her endless calls, Kaguya found that her god-level lottery system had never responded to her intentions, and even the lottery could not be carried out (beeg)!

Dog system!

The Pokémon in the Dragon Spiral Tower didn't even think that Kaguya wanted to capture them after capturing Reshiram!This made them obviously stunned!

The Pokémon here have lived in the Dragon Spiral Tower for generations, never going out, and no one has ever come in!

After being said by Kaguya, they more or less have the urge to go out and take a look!

It's just that they also have concerns, and the battle between Reshiram and Zekrom is obviously not something they can participate in!Aren't they going to be cannon fodder then? !

Some of them are indeed quite good, but they are unable to participate in the battle between Reshiram and Zekrom, the gap is really too big!Otherwise, in the previous battles, they would have already fought for Reshiram, after all, they were all Reshiram's horses!

Kaguya seemed to see what they meant, and explained with a smile: "You will not become my Pokémon, but someone else's, but I will guarantee that those people will treat you well!"

This time, these Pokémon didn't hesitate anymore. They didn't know what Kaguya's character was, but the person Reshiram recognized should be good! ?

So, Kaguya started his journey of subjugation, let's subdue five mini-dragons first! !These are all well-talented mini dragons, all with the potential to be champions, one each for Yayi Touko, one for Arturia, one for the elder sister, and one for the rest, maybe it will be useful in the future? !

If the Yulong clan were to know the appearance of Hui Ye, who was rich and powerful, they would probably vomit blood in depression!

Mini Binghuiye has taken three, and Xiaolan definitely needs it. When she goes to Xiaolan's house, she will send one to her sister-in-law, and the other one will be used as a spare!

Sneeze Bear took two, one for Xiaolan and one for spare...

After walking around, Hui Ye was amused. He found that there are baby dragons, single-headed dragons, and round land sharks, but there are not as many as your mini-dragons!

It seems that Kuailong is indeed the most numerous quasi-god!

There is no suspense, Kaguya each took one, but unfortunately there is no sticky dragon and stick-tail scale armored dragon, otherwise Kaguya will collect all the stamps!

There are still two quasi-gods!

After confirming almost, Kaguya left the Dragon Spiral Tower again!His small world is huge, even bigger than this Dragon Spiral Tower!But Kaguya didn't mean to catch them all in one go!

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