Or tear up the contract with the beast and take the initiative to use hot weapons! ?When the time comes, will the Alliance be able to bear the wrath of God? .

Chapter 416 The so-called office

For these things, Kona can't imagine it!This is a mess, and it is simply not something that humans can clean up!

Originally, Ke Na still had a little bit of anger in his heart, but after seeing this scene, his heart was bitter and powerless!

Isn't it safe to develop steadily? !

Isn't the situation bad now? ?Humans and Pokémon struggle to maintain such a balance...

Humans can conquer ordinary Pokémon and fight with their powers. In life, Pokémon provide a lot of help for human life...

Although the divine beasts have a special status and are even superior, they hardly appear in front of human beings, so what if they are superior? !I can't see it anyway!Why do you want to provoke the beast! ?Why try to master the "three one seven" power of the beast? !This will only lead to disaster...

Maybe this is human nature!

After all, Kona is the king of heaven, and his determination is still very firm. After a short absence, Kona recovered. No matter what, he must protect the Orange Islands. After all, this is his hometown!

"I'm on my way to Asia Island, but the journey is a bit long..." Kona is also a little helpless, the weather is too bad, the closer you get to Asia Island, the more you can't use all kinds of regular flying tools!She can only travel to Asia Island by taking the dragon, but luckily Chenglong is also an expert in long-distance travel...

However, Gilroy's steel ship can still be used...

If there is nothing tricky in it, then it is hell!Kona is willing to guarantee it with her pair of HIJK moons!

"En!" Hui Ye nodded and stopped talking. At the same time, there was a sneer in his heart. This alliance is really rotten!

In order to try to know the attitude of "God", in order to test the strength of God, they are already disregarding the safety of the people of Orange Islands!

Maybe they're ready to sacrifice the Orange Islands!

This place itself is a weak place for the alliance. Except for the family where Kona Xiaolan and the others belong, there is no big family.In the eyes of some people, death is also death, isn't it just a bunch of assholes! ?

As long as it doesn't affect them, that's it!

This is simply insane!

This is not the idea of ​​some people, but the idea of ​​most people in the league!

It can be said that at this moment, Kaguya has completely given up on the alliance!Originally, he didn't have much ambition, and more wanted to protect himself. However, since he has the strength, he might not be able to do certain things...

Such a real world may really come true!

Before she knew it, Kaguya felt that her relationship with Reshiram was getting closer in an instant!

It was a very strange feeling, but Kaguya could definitely feel it!

In the small world, Reshiram, who was sleeping on his stomach, also looked up, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then continued to sleep...


When Xiao Zhi and the others were looking for the Thunder Pearl, Kaguya was a little bored and inked with the Hippo King, and he found that the Hippo King was really interesting!

Chapter 416 The so-called office-->>(page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

When Xiao Zhi and the others were looking for the Thunder Pearl, Kaguya was a little bored and inked with the Hippo King, and he found that the Hippo King was really interesting!

The two chatted incessantly.

In the end, Kaguya couldn't wait any longer, and asked helplessly, "Why hasn't Lugia come out yet!?"

Logically speaking, it has been so long since I arrived on Asia Island, and even the hot pot has been cooked for a round. Lugia is faster than myself, and it makes no sense that it has not arrived yet! ?

Shouldn't he dare to come? !

Soon, Kaguya ruled out this idea!

That Lugia is not the real god of the sea, but it is also the god of the sea in the Kanto region, and its strength is still there!Although the [-]v[-] is a bit stressful, there is still a real sea god in this piece!

Could it be that there is something wrong with the suppressed thing! ?

"The God of the Sea can't do anything at will, especially against the divine beasts who hold the job!" The Hippo King is also a little helpless at the moment. Although the divine beast is powerful, it also has limitations. This has nothing to do with human beings, but is stipulated by this world...

The official beast is not invincible, there is a big guy on it!God of Creation - Arceus!

Of course, if someone provokes the divine beast, it belongs to the other party!

"Is that so?!" Hui Ye was a little tangled. He remembered that in Hupa's theatrical version, those mythical beasts were very happy, and he didn't care about whether the other party had a job, and now the three silly birds are also playing very happily? ? !

Speaking of Hupa, Kaguya has been entangled, what kind of divine beast is Hupa, and why can it summon all kinds of first-level gods to fight!

It seems that when should I ask Dream and Reshiram to try, who is Hupa! ?

As for Ladias, hehe, Kaguya doesn't have much expectations, this guy knows less than he does!

It seems that I still know too little. The so-called superintendent Kaguya thought that it only had some auxiliary effects, such as Celebi, which would promote grass-type Pokémon!Others don't seem to be used for birds...

Thinking about it now, it seems that there is still some potential to be tapped...

"So, when are we going to wait!?" Hui Ye looked at the Hippo King tangled up in his heart, thinking to himself, why don't we forcibly subdue this guy! ?

Although I know a lot about Dream, it is a "human" that is tens of thousands of years old, and it behaves like a child. Unless the sky falls, Dream will not be reliable!

Although Reshiram is also a first-level god, it represents the truth, which can be regarded as a clerk, but not a clerk. Even Reshiram himself did not fully understand this matter... This definition is very vague... …

For a well-informed man like Hippo King, Hui Ye naturally doesn't want to let go of 0.2!

"Gather three precious jades, and then play the song of Lugia! Pray for the god of the sea to save us. If heaven and earth allow, the god of the sea will come to save us!" The Hippo King raised his face when he mentioned Lugia. The piety, if possible, he is really suitable to be a god stick...

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