Xiaozhi walked aside and looked at the oven in front of Kaguya speechlessly. Is this a barbecue?

And this hippo king is also eating! ?

I went to get Baoyu with a near-death life, and you all have barbecue here. Is this really good! ?This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this barbecue seems to be delicious. He has not eaten for a day, and he is really hungry!

"Would you like some?!" Kaguya asked, looking at Ash, who was clutching his stomach.

"Yes!" Xiaozhi was also not polite to Kaguya at all. He sat on the side and picked up a new pair of chopsticks and started eating. As for saving the world, let's wait until he's full!

At this moment, Jill Luta, who had been silent for a long time, finally started to act!

The huge steel spaceship was like an air fortress and flew to the vicinity of the battle of the Three God Birds. The terrifying skill that seemed to be able to destroy the world did not seem to have much impact on the energy cover of the spaceship!

This is also the black technology of the Pokémon world!

Jill Ruta still has a hand!

Then countless missiles flew out from the steel spaceship...

Main Text Chapter 418 Restrictions of the Laws of the World

Countless missiles were launched from the steel spaceship. This seemingly messy, random launch of missiles is actually orderly!

For example, the missile shot at the Frozen Bird is full of rich fire elements. Once it encounters the Frozen Bird, it will instantly turn into a powerful incendiary bomb!This will more or less cause a little damage to the frozen bird, and with a large amount, it can also cause a lot of damage to the frozen bird.

The missiles encountered by the flame bird have strong electrical elements, while the lightning bird encountered are frozen bombs!

"What's going on!?" Hui Ye looked at this scene in surprise. He didn't expect these gods to be really embarrassed by modern hot weapons. You must know that these gods have mastered their duties!

Although before, Jill Lutai used the equipment to make the Three God Birds a little embarrassed, but this was also based on the lack of preparation of the Three God Birds, but now, it seems to be the same, which is unbelievable in Kaguya's eyes. !

"What's going on here!?" Hui Ye looked at the Hippo King tangled, trying to find an answer. If the hot weapon can achieve this effect on the second-level god, then wouldn't humans be invincible? !

Kaguya could even predict that after discovering that hot weapons can indeed harm even the sacred beasts, the people in the alliance will probably be reckless!

Will the plot in the theatrical version also happen in the future? ?The divine beast fell with one shot, and the super divine beast lay down easily, and Kaguya, who seemed to have Reshiram, seemed to be nothing!

"Trouble!" Hippo King touched his head, and then said, "I'm not too sure, but this seems to be the closest to the power of the element itself!"

Hearing this, Hui Ye frowned slightly, and then said to Luo Tianyi in the small world through the earphone: "Help me hack into Jill Lutai's computer and find out information about these missiles!"

He can even feel that the flames contained in each of these flame missiles are not inferior to the full blow of his fire-breathing dragon!

There are too many ants and they kill the elephant!

"Well, wait a minute~!" Luo Tianyi quickly invaded Gilluta's spaceship!


There was a hint of confidence on the face of Jill Lutai on the spaceship. There was a little glitch in his spaceship just now, causing the Firebird and the Lightning Bird to run away!After that, he checked several times and determined that his computer was not hacked, it was really just some minor problems!

No one in this world can hack into their own computer without being found by themselves!

Absolutely no one can!

Jill Lutai has always believed in this!This is also the self-confidence of a genius!

Then this matter has nothing to do with the so-called alchemy heart!

However, Jill Luta reset several firewalls on the control center of the spacecraft just in case!

Before, when launching missiles, Jill Luta also considered whether to launch a few missiles at Kaguya and the others. After all, Ladias is a relatively good collection, but after seeing Kaguya's face , Jill Lu Tai still subconsciously refused!

For the time being, he didn't want to cause such trouble. This time, the number of missiles he prepared was limited, so he would wait until he caught the God of the Sea, so as to avoid extra troubles!

It's just that Jill Lutai wouldn't know that his confident firewall was being easily broken by Luo Tianyi!I don't even notice it, it's like a free domestic antivirus software that will never report a virus... (This is a topic to complain about. Today's antivirus software is free, but it has never killed a virus. When I was a child, I paid for it. The Jinshan, but it always kills viruses! There is really no good thing for free!)

Chapter 418 Restrictions of the Laws of the World-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

It's just that Jill Lutai wouldn't know that his confident firewall was being easily broken by Luo Tianyi!I don't even notice it, it's like a free domestic antivirus software that will never report a virus... (This is a topic to complain about. Today's antivirus software is free, but it has never killed a virus. When I was a child, I paid for it. The Jinshan, but it always kills viruses! There is really no good thing for free!)

Soon, Luo Tianyi noticed the information about these missiles, and reported: "Hui Ye, these missiles are indeed artificially made, and the cost is very expensive. The average cost of each missile is more than [-] million Union Coins. , the attack of this missile is already very close to the attack of a Pokémon, and its power is about the full blow of a champion-level Pokémon!"

Hearing Luo Tianyi's words, Hui Ye couldn't help swallowing a saliva. Now the black technology is more and more developed! !

Don't look at Kaguya, the champion-level Pokémon seems to be nothing, but it's different outside!How many people want to get a quasi-king Pokémon is difficult!

champion!It is already the limit that ordinary people can understand!

This also represents the strongest combat power on the bright side of the alliance!

Even Kaguya will not underestimate the strength of any champion!

Now, as long as you rely on money and technology, you can create weapons that match their attacks. This is going to destroy the Pokémon class! (From Destroying Humanity!)

".~Then is there a chance to make a more powerful thermal weapon!?" Hui Ye asked Luo Tianyi after a moment of silence.

"No, according to Jill Lutai's information, this cannot be achieved by adding an amount. This world seems to have a special law. Judging from the route that Jill Lutai has studied, this seems to have reached its limit. Yes!" Luo Tianyi replied.

"The limit!?! The law of the world!?" Kaguya raised her head to the sky, all of which seemed to be approaching the world of fantasy novels!

However, this is not difficult to understand, he himself is a special existence!

Moreover, this is also within the scope of understanding. This world was created by the alpaca Arceus, which is the god of creation. How could Arceus, the god of creation, allow the world to have weapons that can hurt him? ! ?

So there will definitely be restrictions of one kind or another! (okay)

Hui Ye once planned to make a nuclear bomb. After all, this is a scary and fun thing. If there is something to do, it's okay to shock the little ones in the Alliance!What are nuclear weapons! ?Not for blasting off fireworks, but for scaring people!

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